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(continued) I was taken to high dependency where I spent 2 nights. At about 6pm on the second day I started to bleed and it was confirmed that I was suffering from a miscarriage. I told the father and he tried to be as supportive as possible

(continued) My doctors appointment was for the next week but the next day I was taken into the hospital as an emergency. I was told that the medication they had to give me to save my life would most likely cause the death of my baby. I signed the papers and waited


(This will take up a few questions) I am so close to self harming again. Just over 3 months ago I found out I was pregnant. I wasn't in a relationship with the father but was extremely close friends with him. After talking to him we agreed the best thing to do would be to get rid of the baby.


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how do i tell my mum i cut? she don't people who cut but i can't hide it from her :(

If you want to tell her; you can either just wear like short sleeved tops and let her see them for herself.
You can say "mum, I have something to tell you.." Then tell/show her you cut. Be prepared to tell her why because believe me - she will ask.

(P) nothing her mum was fine with it and everything her mum asked us and everything and yeah we told her i just don't know

Well a lot of teens sext, I understand why she was annoyed. That was personal to her, but ignore her. Its okay :). Just warn her mum that she's in a mard with you.x

Yeah I have new friends that actually deserve all this lol! Thanks Pippa

Good :) and my pleasure sweetie x

is there anyway of going to the doctor without my parents knowing

Yes, you can ring/go to your doctors and book a private appointment.

I don't cut anymore. Your advice page has helped me so much. You don't understand how amazing g this page Is. A hug thanks to poppa and Owen.<3

Aw, thankyou. Always here *hugs back*<3

Because im worthless and dont deserve life people with cancer and ilness deserve like not me

You're worthful! Everyone is worth something, you just need to believe it.

i got the blade out of my sharpener and i cut myself? how do i stop it from bleeding i cant leave my room until it has stopped and i dont have tissues or plasters or whatever?

How deep is it? If it bleeds for longer than 10 minutes, call an ambluance. Have you got an old piece of clothing? Wrap it round your cut and apply pressure. Why do you cut hun?

and i don't know what to say to her, because were schoolmates and i'm one of those who she shows her hands most of the time. she talks how she had to move all of the sharp things in her room and such. it could be serious, but she always was an attencion seeker. is that what she does normal?

Personally from what I've heard, she seems like an attention seeker. But we can't just imply it without knowing the full story. Its not normal to have your jumper up with your cuts/scars showing because it can trigger others off.

i know a girl who is cutting herself, but it's kind of weird, cause she goes around school, holding her hands so everyone can see the marks from the knife and every now and then you can hear her telling random people "I've cut myself here!". it's like she's showing off. and i don't know ------->


whenever I'm stressed out, eg, don't understand something in school or don't understand homework, then I want to cry, what does this mean?

It could just be hormones hun, nothing to worry about. When this happens take a break for a few minutes to "calm" your mind x

How deep do you have to cut to leave a scar? Im asking this because i dont want scars

A few layers of skin. Why do you cut?

i love this girl but she doesnt want a relationship with me, i think she wants sex and after i stopped talking to her a few weeks ago she asked a boy who i know if he wants to meet up. she also said to this boy that she hates me , even though all i have done is ignore her, what should i do please?

If you think she's just in it for the sex, leave her. Even if you love her, its not fair on you hun.
If she really loved you she wouldn't care about sex. She would care about you.

I confronted her and said "I feel like we're not hanging out at all. You all hang out, go around the town, don't think once to invite me. It feels like we're not even friends. Ever since then she's not talking to me and I'm not talking to her either. I thought she was a true friend but. . . (Okay I'

But? And have you made new friends? I'm sure you can. She obviously doesn't deserve you if she's leaving you out x

I'm getting bullied badly but I don't know what to :( I now have a eating disorder and I cut quite a lot but I can't stop :( I need help

You need to tell someone about the bullying, a trusted adult or friend. Have you told someone about the eating disorder too? If not, you need to!

It feels like i'm by myself and that i'm the only person in the world without one trustful friend. I know no one is perfect but should I just leave them already. I confronted one of them about not inviting me anymore and all that stuff and she goes to the bathroom to gossip

I occasionally have this, you can either leave them and find others, or just try to be more involved. What do you mean that you confronted her? What did she say?

It feels like all my 'friends' don't even act like were friends. I've known these girls since kindergarten and they act like they don't even know me when someone else come's along. They sit at my lunch table making plans, going over each other houses and around town. To be continued ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I mean kinda:/ I have a hugs scar on my leg. I don't cut anywhere else because it doesn't hurt on my leg, I just love the feeling idk why

Because of adrenalin it makes you feel good, but really it makes you worse.
Why kinda?

How do I know whether I've got an ed or not?

Talk to a doctor, or your parents. But there are quizes and surveys online which can be pretty accurate (T)


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