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i dont know why but the tinest things my dad does just make me feel so angry wheni get angry i silent scream smack my heqad and pull my hair over and over then i just cry i dont know why :'(

Do you have some sort of hatred towards your dad? - Jake

There's blood rushing frm. My arm:( &cant stop it. I cnt talk:( and I'm alonne

Just keep it patched up, it will stop eventually, then talk to someone about it - Jake

Jake, your such a great person for all this advice! Well done & thankyou xxx

Aww thank you! :) - Jake xx

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i wanna tell this girl that i cut but i am scared that she is gonna hate me

Is she a friend? if she is, then she should support you in anyway possible - Jake

Is not cutting deep still self harming? Becos it dosent leave a scar ot anything?

It is still harming yourself though, purposefully - Jake

I need some1:'( I cut really deeep :'( and I don't know what to do:(

Talk to someone, we're always here on ask or on kik if you need support - Jake

Eating too little, i dont know what to do?:(

Talk to someone, parent, family member, friend, professional, or us, we're here to help - Jake

Someone said they think i have an eating disorder, whats that?

Where you eat very abnormally, this normally involves eating too much, or too little for your own good - Jake

I keep seeing things wrong, like not just slightly wrong I mean totally wrong, I see words and read something completely different, and see objects as other things like people or creatures, and I feel like there's constantly someone or something close to me and it's freaking me out :S any advice?

I always read words wrong, and see things wrong - It's just what your brain does, it thinks of the most common word you use a lot, it happens. If you're really worried, see your doctor about it - Jake

Jake, what is the main position a girl uses during sex?

I have no idea, im still a virgin, sorry - Jake

I'm seeing this lad who is four months older than me but in the year above (y10) and there is someone at his school who is saying I'm vile and he is seeing a 12 year old but I'm 14, the same age as him. He says he wants to punch my bf what should I do about this

People say a lot of things, when it is false, they say they will do things when they do not, so I would say just leave it for now, and see what happens yeah? - Jake

Oh, well how does the girl position herself when she is having sex? like legs wide open? or what?

It depends, there are lots of positions (T)

there is this boy that when ever im with him he always comments on my boobs and my bum in a good way and last time he squeezed my boobs and slapped my bum loads of times but he has a girlfriend but i really like it and he doesnt like his gf i dont like him at all just i like what he does to me

I think you should talk to him, what he's doing to his girlfriend isn't fair, especially if he doesn't like her (T)

People are telling me to kill myself. I think I should.

NEVER listen to what people say hun, believe me. You shouldn't!

I am 13 and i told my my mums friend about her texting this guy and it was veft sexaul and now she wants me die and my other friend to and i she was sending threts to another girl who was there saying she wants to kill us and i am scared to go to school tomorrow :(

So you told your friends mum that she had been sexting and now she wants to kill you?

Ive tried everthing on that list to stop cutting, none off them work for me and now idk what to do

Try these;
Such as:
1) Call a friend and talk to them about anything – the weather, the news, old times etc. Distract yourself, and enjoy the company.
2) Watch a movie or however many it takes till you get past the urge to SI. Promise yourself that you will watch movies until you feel safe again.
3) Write about your feelings in your journal.
4) Scrub the house from top to bottom. Distracting yourself with tedious tasks, paying close attention to details can give you a different focus for the energy you are feeling.
5) Get out the hottest jar of salsa and add jalapeno pepper and dig in. It might burn your mouth or make your eyes water and your nose run to eat this, but it won’t cause actual harm.
6) Draw or paint on paper what you want to do to yourself.
7) Play with your pet. Soothe yourself with the company of your dog and cat instead of self injury.
8) Take a walk or exercise. The physical release of energy is helpful.
9) Plant a small garden. Creating something nice can put you into a different frame of mind.
10) Take a bath or shower. Let the water soothe you and help release your stress.
11) Draw on yourself with a red marker instead of cutting.
12) Put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it when you think of hurting yourself.
13) Hit a pillow over and over and over till you tire yourself out or the thoughts go away.
14) Listen to soothing music (or scream to angry music).
15) Read your favorite book, or read a new book.
16) Watch something really funny on TV – use comedy and laughter as a release.
17) Play games online. Computer games can be time-consuming, and calming.
18) Work on web pages or any other big task that requires your attention.
19) Sleep and hopefully when you wake up, the intensity of the emotion will have subsided.
20) Snuggle under your favorite blanket in a private, secure place, and allow the feelings to surface. Cry, shake, feel, breathe. Let yourself experience and feel your feelings.
21) Think of all the people you love. Imagine each of them standing with you.

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Liked by: stacie

Well i did stop cutting once, but that was just because everyone was finding out. I love to cut but I hate the scars on my body:/

Do you still cut? And that's a good thing you hate that then, it'll stop you from doing it x

Im at school and im in my depressed mood and when im in this mood I ignore everyone ... What's wrong with me?

Nothing, has anything upset you? I sometimes go in those moods,actually in I'm. One right now.
Liked by: Aonghus Millar

Well, I cut myself with a steak knife because it cuts amazingly. And a few years ago I was depressed, and started cutting. I'm not anymore. I just love the feeling of it.

It releases adrenalin that's why you "feel good". How did you stop cutting? I know you did stop, its just maybe its will help others, if you could tell me. I would appriciate it :)


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