
Advice And Teen Support

Ask @Teensupport365

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so you ask me for my link you talk to me for 2 mins then delete me?

You actually said that there's nothing wrong.

because life is just eugh

Owen is going to sleep. Can I help? Why do you feel life is "eugh"?

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female, why?

Curious, link your facebook & I'll add you. And no, I won't post it. I'll delete the question x

hang about with them. i did but they have fell out with me now just because i didn't want to tell them i cut. i want to make up but i feel in the proses i will have to tell them i cut and i dont want to, but this also means that i'm now scared to go anywhere in case they touch my thighs again. (3)

Have you told someone about them touching your thighs? Why do you cut in the first place hun? It's never the answer! No matter how bad it gets, it's not the way forward. I honesty think you should tell a friend that you cut, they're there to help you. And I'm sure if they're true friends they'd stay with you and help you get through it!

to the toilet to check if they were okay i had to out toilet paper on them to stop it bleeding. my friends dont know i cut, i dont want them to know either, i didn't go back to them after it because i know if i did i would have to tell them, but they thought it was becuase i didn't want to


(p) my school went on a trip to a theme park today and i was hanging around with my best friends it was all good until it came to lunch, we were eating at a booth and i was at the end they kept running out to see this guy and they were walking over my thighs and burst open to scars i then ran off. 1


(B) opinion on other admins?

Haven't really spoken to tai or jake properly but they're both really nice and give great advice. Owens great, his advice is brill and he's funny and kind. Pippa is perfect and her and Owen are so cute together and she gives amazing advice and has helped me through a lot. Altogether they are just all amazeballs

I can't talk about it, it's the end now plus I hit auto correct puls the mic that does it for me. Thanks for the help, but its my time to join him got my rope ready <3

No no no no no, wait, don't get that rope ready. Put that rope away and talk to us <3

I shell try to stay strong Jake :( its so hard though x

It must be extremely hard I know, all of the admins are here to help yeah? If you ever wanna talk to us, we have kik and ask and all willing to give you all the support we can! - Jake x

I don't want it to be 11 months since my best mate died monday I just want her back I want to be with her :'(

Aww! I'm so sorry for your loss! I'm always here if you need someone to talk to, stay strong yeah? - Jake

So I've just taken all my pills, cut and drank half a bottle of jack Daniels, I feel really dizzy, my cuts are so deep, they won't stop bleading, help! Feel like I'm gunna pass out.. What should I do! Hopefully this will be the end

Talk to me, tell me what has been happening? I will try to help you as much as I can, you have probably overdosed and are drunk. Im suprised you're sober enough to type this out. Tell me whats been happening on kik - Jake x

Its nog a joke they have a picture of the chat on there phone it kills me inside because most people hate me and think im sick in the head :'(

Ignore them hun, you're not sick in the head. Just tell your friends how you feel about it x

how do i stop my cute from bleeding, dont say plasters or anything because i cant leave my room until it stops.

Why have you cut? Talk to me about it.. and to stop it bleeding, suck it or spit on it. Saliva is a natural healer - Jake

Suicidal thoughts and self harming, I'm on the waiting list for Cahms nother 7 fucking months to wait

I'm always here if you need to talk to someone - Jake


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