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I can't stop feeling suicidal:'/ idek what to do anymore tbh..:(

Talk to me, on here or on kik, we can have a long talk and talk out our problems - Jake

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don't think she will though shes like my sister I don't know why shes reacted this badly

We'll have to see yeah? everything will be okay! - Jake

not her but I go to CAMHS see someother woman and I spoke to the school nurse about it

I'm glad you're getting support, im always here on kik ( Catman_Jake ) if you need any extra help, but give your friend some time, she'll calm down yeah? - Jake x

im already getting help though idek ive not asked her because she wont help I know she wont

She's probably disappointed, If you do something about it and tell her it's getting sorted, as a friend. She should support you - Jake

she wont shes just mad at me idek why she knows I cut and shit dunno what to do ive said sorry and I wont do it again but she just doesn't understand now shes not talking to me

Have you asked her yet? You never know, there's isn't any point apologizing, If you wanna make her happy, you gotta do something about it, then she will know you're doing something about it for her and she'll respect that and support you in everyway she can - Jake

Its not that simple we never went to skl together he's acc 7 years older than me and when I said I loved him he wldent talk me and deleted me from facebook I don't want a relationship with him just don't want things to be awkard we live in the same town and I see him driving about a lot , ok ill go

7 Years is quite an age gap, maybe he stopped talking to you because when you said you loved him, he felt that this was too far and needed to be stopped? I really don't know, there must be a reason behind this. It should be him coming to you if he loved you, You could always try and talk to him, but unfortunately, it sounds like he's moved on, and maybe you should to? We're always here to help you - Jake x

I listern to rock music and I dress unique and everyone at my school calls me a goth or a emo I have had enough of people stereotyping me

Ignore what people think, as you grow older, people accept who you are, for now, stay strong yeah? we're always here to help - Jake

I really upset my firend but all I did was tell the truth she went mad because she found out I self harmed again the other day..but I stopped for ages idek what to do

Ask her to help you maybe? If she feels she is doing some good, she won't be mad, it will benefit you both? - Jake

i have counsilling but it really isnt working since i am so socially awkward so i just say the wrong things.. i dont know how to talk about my feelings.

Councillors are there to help you out, and are trained professionally for these types of situations. They will not judge at all, they will only help ans support you in anyway possible. You should feel comfortable around them, as they are only there to help you, not to be scared of. You should be able to tell them everything, and they will help you out - Jake
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Its just come out that im bi someone asked me on here and i admitted it but i hide it from facebook because i have two friends who are really judgmental about this but then i found out it was them and now i feel like crying because their gonna give me so much grief and i dunno.. cant face them.

If they're friends, they should judge you for your interests. They should be there to support you, even if they judge other people, as friends, they shouldn't judge you. Talk to them and see what happens, they should be understanding if they are your friends. - Jake

I keep not going to pe I have cuts all up my arms and legs and we have to wear shorts and a short sleeved top for pe and I don't want everyone seeing and I don't want to tell my pe teacher cos she scares me and I don't trust any of the teachers I just say I hate pe when any one asks ?

There are a lot of people who don't do PE, I can understand you'll feel comfortable not doing PE. I would recommend getting in contact with the school about this, and tell them about what has been happening, and hopefully they should allow you to wear trousers and a long-sleeve, as it will benefit your fitness by doing PE every week. - Jake

Is it weird that i plan when i'm going to cut my self?

Why are you self-harming? we're here to help if you need someone to talk to who will care for you and do our best to help you out. - Jake

Recently since the beginning of 2013, ive been starting to like girls and boys more, ive tryed opening up to my best friends but its just to hard, i had thoughts in my head that it will spread and i will get bullied for it, as it happened to my mate, but she recently commited sucide what can i do?:(

If you feel you can trust your bestfriends not to tell anyone, then tell them yeah? They should be able to keep a secret. But people shouldn't bully you, if they do, it won't be for very long, they'll get bored, and theres always people willing to help you IF you do, your bestfriends, and us as well. - Jake

i have started to cut cuz my lifes fucked up and like i cant stop, what shud i do? :'(

Talk to people, get some help from Family, Friends, Professionals, even us if you can't talk to anyone else? There are people willing to help. We're willing to help you - Jake

recently ive been getting bullied really badly, ive been called slut,slag and ive been told to commit sucide etc, and ive done nothing to anyone, im always nice and caring but since the bullying ive been cutting myself frequently and ive considered sucide many times,what should i do ? :(

Just remember that the bullies have no lives and have nothing better to do than to do this, as you grow up people with change, you just gotta hang in there yeah? There are always people willing to help you out, us for example. We're all here on kik and everything, remember this one thing though. When Life is at its worse. Remember, It can ONLY get better. - Jake

I want too overdose but paracetamol doesn't work:'( what can i use instead

Don't overdose! talk to us, we will try and help! what's been happening?? - Jake

Hey , last year I had a crush on this guy and he had said he liked me but being scared of rejectioni dident say nothing and then I got courouge an I did ask him an everyfin was ok untill I said I loved him we dnt tlk nw at all I dnt have him on fb or his num I'd really like start talkn to him again

Do you have any lessons with him? If you do, just go talk to him, if you loved each other then you two should get along okay! Or add him on facebook and start talking? everything should be fine, he's not gonna go.. Go away please? If you loved each other just start talking :) - Jake

hi, i know this girl who self harms to take the pain away she says it makes her feel better so do u know any other ways then self harming her self ??:(

Any ways to make her feel better? tell her to do the hobbies that she likes, it will make her happy, take her mind off of self harming, should help a huge amount! - Jake

T- I was talking to you yesterday about self harm and I didn't go and see the school nurse I couldn't pluck up the courage too, but I sent her an e mail instead not im scared because of what she can do like send me to CAMHS or something idk

That's fine, sending an email is still very courageous. I doubt she'll send you to camhs unless she thinks you really need it, in which case it will help. It can be very nerve wracking but I know people who've been and they said its nothing to worry about. Good luck, and well done <3 ((T))

Sometimes I feel numb and that's one of the reasons, other times its to stop the strong emotions that make me feel depressed, the problem is I'm no good at talking about my emotions and I've been to a councillor before but I just couldn't open up :(

could you open up to me? Someone you've never met? Someone who knows nothing about you? Someone who cares about you x

This questions for pippa <3 I know you have experience with age difference in relationships and I just wanted to know your opinion on the fact that I'm 15 (nearly 16) and in a long term relationship with a 19 year old. What's your opinion on this? <3

That's cute! And considering you're almost 16, there's nothing wrong with it at all! :) as long as he treats you right, its all that counts I believe <3


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