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I got my bio oil from Tesco and it was about £4-5 cheaper than boots. :)

Tesco, every little helps ;) hehe ^^

I need help. I've liked the same guy since September But , he's just a crush. I really need to get over him, but don't tell me it takes time.

Are you sure its just a crush? Have you made any move on him? Do you want to get over him? This is a good idea, try these! :) - http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Over-a-Boy

My so could mates are calling my a pedro because my facebook got hacked and said to a 12 year old... get horny with me and send me nudes.. i dont even have any 12 years old im 16... i dont have a phone.. i fell like killing myself what do i do?

Killing yourself is never the answer to your problems, as much as it feels like it is. "Things can only get better" or "it has to be ugly for it to get beautiful" are good sayings because they're true. Ignore your "friends". Find out if they're joking around with you or not, if they are you could either tell them to stop it or go with it(take it as a joke) if they're not, ignore them or let them know that it's annoying/upsetting you. x

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But my best friend gets so worried and I don't know how to explain to her that I need this to make me feel, I need it to cope and have control, this probably all sounds really stupid but I just don't know how to explain it to her??

Maybe a councillor is what you need? Nothing is bad enough for you to want to self-harm sweetie. Why do you feel the need to self-harm? And 3 months!? That's amazing! As for your best-friend, there should be youtube video's on it self-harm. Look through a few of these and see what they say. I'm sure telling her that feeling physical pain for some people is letting the emotional/mental pain out. If not, get her to come talk to me and I'll explain it to her. <3

I asked one about self harming, I said I'd relapsed recently and it's much worse than before and I don't think I want to stop this time :( it's too hard and it's always so much worse each time I relapse (for pippa)

I'll answer it now honey :)

Okay so recently my self harming has started back up again, I was clean for 3 months but I always tend to relapse and every time I do it's worse. I don't wanna stop this time, it makes me feel alive instead of numb but if my mum finds out shell send me to a councillor which I don't want (c)


I asked a question about half an hour ago and it hasn't been answered

Which question sweetie?

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/41536892390 I am very disappointed with Tai, this acc is for support not how to tell how people cut? --" even if that person need to cut so badly you should give them help to quit that habit. But instead youre giving them suggestions! And they'd cut more often

I'm not giving them suggestions or telling them how to cut. I answered something like this before, there isn't enough info out there on how to cut safely. People are going to do it! We can't stop them all! So its better for them to do it safely then not. This person asked how to do it safely and I told them. And I did say that they should talk to someone. (T)

J what do you think of the other admins

Just answered this Haha, amazing bunch, wouldn't change a thing! - Jake

Okay I'm thinking about starving myself for lots of reasons :/ and I hope I die as well, I'm just sick of the shut I get

Starving yourself is seriously bad, so is wanting to die. I promise things will get better!. But for now do you want to speak privately to any of us? Or is there anyrthing we can do in particular? ((T))

(T) opinion on other admins?

They're all fabsters! Great advice and lovely people. Would love to speak to all of them more (T)

I need some help from someone who's had depression? preferably a girl but I guess it doesn't matter :)

I've not been diagnosed with depression, but I've been through what's felt like depression. Is there anything I can do? (T)

Tu parle de francais? :D Est-ce que tu es tres bien, ou juste bien de parle? :D

Je suis bon

(c) and I don't want to make them feel awkward or uncomfortable by just going hey do you self harm? I don't want to risk anything happening to them, although I don't know this person very well

"My pet did it" is the oldest excuse in the book. It's like telling a teacher that your dog ate your homework. You could try like, getting it into a conversation? Just say like "I honestly don't believe it was your dog, I know it sounds weird because we rarely talk, but do you self-harm?" If she says yes, send another question and I'll post 62 ways to try to help her stop self-harming.

Someone I know has scratches/scars on their hands & arms, I asked what happened & they said it was their pet, I'm not sure whether to believe or not, got a horrible feeling this person self harms I want to help but I don't know how, a lot of people around us make self harm jokes :/ can't be easy (c)

Liked by: chloe cairnie

Do any of you guys speak another langue, besides English? (:

I speak English,German and French :)

(P) opinion on other admins?

All give amazing advice, lucky to have them as they're a value to us. They're all friendly, funny, kind and easy to talk to. Need to talk to Tai a bit more as I've only spoken to her a few times, but yeah

(O) opinion on other admins?

They're amazing to be honest, they're all great at giving advice and we can all easily talk to each other (Owen)

(O) my friend told me that her (now ex) boyfriend fingered her whilst they were going out. But she told me that he was kind of begging her to and she just gave in after a while. I was just wondering does that kind of count as him forcing it?

Well, this could be difficult to answer, in a way he was kind of pressuring her into doing it which could class as forcing it. (Owen)

How do I get more pleasure from fingering myself. Any techniques? What should I think about to get wet? How do I get an orgasm I'm a girl

Well, have you found your g-spot yet? If you can trigger this spot then it could release powerful orgasms for you and female ejaculation may occur too (Owen)

I lost my virginity to a girl a while back we made a porn movie without the cameras, we i pulled it out the foreskin was all back and the cock was sticking out, but it hurt and wouldnt go back in?!

Did you use protection? - Jake

I really think he was, Ilovehim loads we best mates and everything i just hope he knows that i know i wasn't his first though

I'm sure everything will be okay :)- Jake

I dont know how to make out with my bf

Just do what you think is right, what you have seen others do! You pick it up very very quickly, within seconds! - Jake


Language: English