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I wanna get off with my bf not sex, just tongues etc but I dont know where to do it

In your room? At school, anywhere! You feel comfortable! - Jake

Jake, i just lost my v properly I'm a girl it hurts to move around and bad down, and its light bleeding? is this normal? The lad i did it with means the world to me...

I believe this is called your Hymen, which is a bit of skin that is broken when you first have sex. Every woman has it, some woman break it before on things such as horse-riding. It will hurt for a while, and will bleed a little bit, this is normal. If the bleeding continues after I would say, maybe a week or two? not entirely sure, then maybe see a doctor, but I believe this is normal for this to happen. As long as you were protected and did it with the right lad, then it's all fine, and nothing to worry about okay? :) - Jake

if ur 13 and took 3 feminax tablets could you die?

I don't think so, that shouldn't harm you much, not recommended to do it again though - Jake

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(J) opinion on other admins?

They're all great, all great at giving advice, all an amazing bunch - Jake

how can I get a flat stomach? I have a really big tummy and I can't wear a batging suit :( I just want to have a small tummy and maybe see me hip bones..that would be nice x

Go on a diet - Do more excercise and eat more healthy foods, and slightly less :) - Jake

Is it ok/safe to share the occasional cigarette with friends as long as its only like once every few weeks?

Better to not smoke at all, might get addicted to it, and then won't be able to stop - Jake

Hey I need some help. My friend has had a scam account set up because the guy hates her and idk what to do anymore

Its not really your responsibility really! You could tell her to deactivate? - Jake

I want to spend a day on the weekend with my boyfriend, but I don't know what we should do.. :$

Whatever you two like doing, going out, cinema, staying in and watching films, whatever really- Jake

Can you overdose on liquid medicine???:(

Anything with drugs in you can overdose on, please don't, talk to us - Jake

How do you know when you're in love?

You will be attracted to them, want to spend time with them, it varies from person to person - Jake

Adding to that loose weight one, if you eat things with less calories in, cutting down on fizzy drinks, chocolate and stuff and swap them for stuff with less than 100 calories in, check the daily amount of calories you should be getting.

Thanks! - Jake

How to loose wieight? And dont just say eat less and exercise ive tried. Also how can i reduce appertite

You can't reduce your appetite, but look, the main thing to do is to lose weight, concentrate on fat burning excercises, not muscle building. Eat less yes, but eat healthy foods. This will be foods that boost your thyroid, which controls the speed of your metabolism, so if you eat healthy foods with a healthy diet, this should increase your metabolism which should increase weight loss. - Jake

I feel so self conscious because people tell me I'm too skinny. I want to put on weight but I don't know how to

Eat more, do more exercise to make yourself look healthy, not skinny, should help you get into good shape! - Jake

suppose it is, nothing to be proud of....a bit more like a lot suppose she might

Cutting isn't something to be proud of, but the fact you're on your way to getting help is!

willing to? HAHAH I have no choice in the matter but yeah ill go see her tomorrow or something she will probably just moan at me and say she cant do any thing like but

But you still do it, its a big step and you should be proud of yourself. Yes she probably will moan a bit and ask you why, but she will be able to help (T)

Oyyyy to the girl who is asking for advice on what to wear :)))) ditch the leggings they'll make you look likke your 6 and put some knee high socks on or some short ankle wooly socks :))) xo

Like I said - im not an expert, but well, you choose whatever you think is right! - Jake

What kind of questions would I ask though???

Open questions, not just yes/no ones. For example like, 'What Is your opinion on Society?' Or something like that, if you ask loads and like loads, make new friends, they will help you out hopefully. But it won't happen overnight though - Jake

do you think if I just went to my school nurse that shed look at it/do something with it?

Definitely! Well done for being willing to talk to people about it. It really does help (T)

The guys are quite decent, but there's a lot of them and I want to get noticed. Would you be interested in a girl wearing: leggings with a short pink spotty dress, a black cardican, creepers and lots of cleavage??

To be honest, yeah I would, Cos I know you would be a decent girl and not a promiscuous girl, So yeah I probably would go for you, You wouldn't get a HUGE amount of attention, but you'll definitely get some (it all depends on how you look yeah? and what type of guys are there.) - Jake x

yeah the medical tape and wool stuff you where on about ive never heard it before?

Not many people do it because plasters are easier. But this is usually for bigger wounds. You basically put cotton wool on your cuts and its like sticking it down with celotape but the tape isn't as harsh, its made for skin (T)

This isn't anything big but do you know how I could get popular on ask? Like get loads of likes and loads do questions?

Follow lots of people, ask loads of questions, make new friends and they should help you out, like a load of answers (not too many) (I know im not superbig but Since doing stuff like that, I do get the odd question ya know) - Jake


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