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Owen opinions on the other admins?

Well, I've interviewed them both and I've spotted the potential that they both contain, they're pretty good at giving advice and they're doing good so far :) (Owen)

Do you think anyone cuts for attention? I mean ik most people don't, but do you recon that some people would do it?

I personally don't think people do- people who know enough about it to do it for attention will know the consequences, so there may be a few, but not many - Jake

FOR BRY (GIRLS ONLY) This is a bit of stupid question, but my mum won't let me wax my eyebrows or even thread them, She says they are completely fine when they are not, they are a mess. How do I convince that I mature enough to have them done?

Well you could book it and go yourself maybe? Other than that I honestly don't know because my mum just took me anyway without me asking her. I'm actually going tomorrow. Although it hurts like hell anyway so you may be better off plucking them yourself. It's quite easy to do x
Bry x

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How do u finger some1

Would recommend you look online, probably loads of pages online to help you!

I'm taller then my mum, is that normal?

A lot of people are taller than their mums, I am, all my friends are, its completely normal :)- Jake

I hate me. My life and my most of family hate me. I don't care any more I will be dead my this time tomorrow. It's okay now i realised that life is not worth living.As j said I will write a few short letters for a few people then I will find as mayn't pills as I can take them all. I want to die

You shoudnt hate you, everybody has there bad parts, but the most important thing is to stay strong, and remember one thing. When life is at its worst, it can ONLY get better yeah? Things will get better for you, just stay strong, and they will! - Jake

That really doesn't help because I do cheeleading and kickboxing and mma and I have a health diet but nothing seems to loose wait and it's making me depressed?

You shouldn't feel depressed about your weight, people know who you are, when you're that weight, so keeping yourself healthy is the more important thing, some people are naturally skinner, some are naturally bigger, its okay :)

I dont have kik or bbm:/ faak er well I have twitter unless I could text you pippa, (frankie culley)

I don't have any other ways as I don't give out my number. Come off anon on my person ask and I'll wall to wall you?

Who are the new people? Can one of them or both say something about themselfs? I will send this twice so they both can answer? x

Hey I'm Jake, the new male admin, starting today! Haha, I'm 15 from just outside London, my kik is Catman_Jake and I'm free all night if anyone wants to talk about anything? :) -Jake

Can you please pay respect to my beloved bestfriend who committed suicide today at 7o'clock after being bullied for 3 years:'(?

Omg I'm so sorry! Are you ok? D'you want to talk about it with someone? That's horrible I'm so so sorry xx <3

I feel fat all the time I've tried everything diets stop eating but now I'm getting the feeling something's gunna happen,is there any other way to loose weight without anything bad happening?i really need to loose some because it's putting me down

Starving yourself is not the answer, it slows your metabolism and when you do it your body will cling to as much energy as it can. The best way to lose weight, and maintain the weight loss, is by simply having a healthy balanced diet and regularly exercising (T)

I had a thing with a guy,&he stopped talkin to me,fell had for him.we haven't said a word to eachother for4months+,he talked to me after track today&asked me if I was ok at the track meet yesterday(I hyperventilated-running the 200m)&I said yeah!he was being nice&was laughing..what does this mean?!

It sounds like he's interested in being on good, friendly, terms again (T)

Great choice. I <3 LSP. I think that episode is called "lumpy space". OH MY GLOB, WHAT-EVVVVERR, IT'S 2009!

Haha I lumping love her! (T)

im 15, the boy I like is 12 nearly 13 but hes so lovely, hes taller than me and he treats me amazing? what shall I do is the age bad?

Why should age matter? Just look at Pippa and Owen. As long as you like each other isn't that what matters?
Liked by: stacie

Whats getting off wiv someone mean

It basically just means making-out with someone, thats all, kissing, snogging, whatever ya wanna call it!

People do hot or not's on facebook<3 I liked a status of it which a boy put on<3 And he said I was ugly, I used to not care, but now if anyone called me ugly, it would get me down<3 Is there any way which could help me bring my confidence back up?x

You shouldn't worry about a couple of people calling you ugly, that is just some peoples opinions, and is not always true! You will find that one person who will love you so much for who you are, and make you the happiest person in the world! I understand your confidence is damaged, but just remember, you are who you are, and the most important thing is to be yourself, ignore what other people think, and stay strong :) Jake x
Liked by: stacie

Im here unfortunately. My brother came he earlyer than usual so I will have to waif till tomorrow. I'm sick of living and waiting I just want to die

Why do you feel sick of living and feel like dieing? :( what's happened?? - Jake

I like this boy, but I think one of my friends does, do I leave her to like him? I really don't know what to do??!! Please help, I feel like dying:'( xox

Don't feel horrible over it! really don't :( The best thing to do is to carry on acting with the guy like you normally do, and see how things happen, If you think the boy likes your friend more, then talk to him about it, you shouldn't be scared. If you're really worried, just make it part of a general chat, ask the question whilst talking, something along the lines of, "Your honest opinion on me?" and then ask the same about your friend at another time, don't get too stressed over it okay, we're here for you! - Jake x

My boyfriend wants to take things further then just a quick kiss, he wants to make out and get with me but I dot even know what to/how to-do it

I had this same problem only a few months ago, It happens very very quickly, when you start, you do what you think is right, and suddenly you pick it up within seconds! literally I mean seconds, You should be fine, but If you're really worried, tell him about your worries :) - Jake x


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