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Heyy,I'm 12 and I will be 13 in 4 months and my life is okay my mom is a working mom and I don't have a dad she gets angry at me for the littlest things and I just don't know wat to do? can u help me

Anjana #IAMDIANA ❤
I can't really, cos it depends. Maybe she's just stressed? She needs to cool off/chill out. When she gets back from work one day, make her a tea/coffee and massage her feet. It'll calm her down and release stress and get you in her good books x

ok so like i have been single for over a year and like am i ugly or something but i feel like guys don't think i am or i dont please help me

You're beautiful. Inside and out!
Never EVER forget that, ok? You need to wait for the perfect guy, he will come along and be with you for your beautiful personality. If someone loves you for your face its not love, its a like. If someone loves you for YOU and your personality, then its love. Be proud of who you are, never change for ANY boys! (Or girls for that matter) x

Hi, I'm 12 years old, and I hate my life</3 My mum easily gets annoyed with me and she wishes I was never born? She always chooses my brother and sister before me and it makes me feel like I don't exist</3 What can I do to show I'm a good girl and that she can trust me with anything?<3

I'm sure she doesn't wish that, parents say things when they get angry.
I have the same, but she still loves you just as much as your brother or sister. You just need to remember that! Make her breakfast, make her tea, make her laugh, write her little messages saying how much you love her etc.<3

Im a girl...i have a crush on a girl 3 years older than me...i think she is beautiful and she is everything i want and everything i need...everytime i see her i get butterflies in my stomach and words dont come out of my mouth properly when i talk to her...i wanna express my feelings but how shouldi

Telling someone you like them is never an easy thing, especially face to face. Maybe become friends with her and get her number if you don't already have it and call her or text her telling her. Once you've done it its so worth it. Just let her know how you feel and maybe even ask her out if you feel ready (T)

i always just want to sleep and get away from life. i am sick of being unhappy. it sounds bad but i would never commit suicide. i know it always gets better but right now i just want to get away from life for a little while. i used to cut, but i stopped a while ago:) how can i be happy again?

I sometimes get this. Is there anything that makes you particularly happy? Someone you're with? Going somewhere special. Try speaking to someone about what's getting you down or if not, think of happy thoughts. Apparently, if you smile for 30 seconds or more, you become happy.

i think i would actually benefit from being admin so that's why I'm asking, my names frankie culley, I have manic depression which has improved ridiculously but is still hard to live with, my dads in jail so I mean anyone with similar problems I could chat to, please could Pippa pop me a message? X

Got kik or bbm? X

iv done online tests and stuff,they say i have eating diorder+depreshion+mabe anger issues,i wanna tell someone about it so they can help me contnol emocions and stuff but i dont want to tell a teacher @ school then find i dont have it and look silly,and who do i tell?idk what to say,im worried

well you could tellyour parents you're concerned and you've took the tests. byt most of these tests are unaccurate and therefore should not be completely trusted. get it checked by a Doctor to make sure.

What happens when u have the urge to cut again. What should i do

Distract yourself, this the most effective way. Paint or draw or write, or even do homework. Also being with a group of people can help. But if you need to feel something snap a bobble on your wrist to feel the pain without cutting, things like the butterfly method can help to. The important thing is to not panic because this will stress you out even more (T)

I get angry/mad really easy, and I don't mean to, I just do.. I don't know what to do...

There are hobbies and things you can take up to distract yourself when you're angry, maybe talk to your parents about doing one? Screaming and shouting has also been proven to relieve anger. But if you feel its really bad maybe you should talk to your parents (T)

Okay I'm depressed yes. I've been itching all night to self harm, I've done the butterfly challenge and it's sort of helping. I want to commit though, don't how though. I'm 13 years old, I feel like a big let down to my family, I've ruined their good lives with my shit one. I'm thinking about starvi

brooke hobbs
You have so much to live for in life, suicide is a permanant solution to a temporary problem. You're already doing so well by trying to stop self harm! Don't give up! Talk to your family, I'm sure they don't think you're a dissapointment, there's also your friends and even counsellors or helplines that can help you get through this rough patch (T)

iv just got told i dont have a love like and never will and im starting to think its true as no one loves me as iv also been told

Don't listen to what people tell you, there's someone out there for everyone and I'm sure you'll find them one day soon. For now, don't stress yourself about it and maybe talk to someone about what these people have been saying? (T)

Im trying to fight of bullimia, i just want to make myself sick all the time..whats the problem with being bullimic? I dont really see Anything wrong?xxx

When you are living with bulimia, you are putting your body—and even your life—at risk. The most dangerous side effect of bulimia is dehydration due to purging. Vomiting, laxatives, and diuretics can cause electrolyte imbalances in the body, most commonly in the form of low potassium levels. Low potassium levels trigger a wide range of symptoms ranging from lethargy and cloudy thinking to irregular heartbeat and death. Chronically low levels of potassium can also result in kidney failure.
Other common medical complications and adverse effects of bulimia include:
Weight gain
Abdominal pain, bloating
Swelling of the hands and feet
Chronic sore throat, hoarseness
Broken blood vessels in the eyes
Swollen cheeks and salivary glands
Weakness and dizziness
Tooth decay and mouth sores
Acid reflux or ulcers
Ruptured stomach or esophagus
Loss of menstrual periods
Chronic constipation from laxative abuse
taken from - http://www.helpguide.org/mental/bulimia_signs_symptoms_causes_treatment.htm

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