
Advice And Teen Support

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I asked you a question about 3/4 days ago about suicide... Feeling pretty alone that its not been answered yet tbh...

I would of answered it sweetie, re-post it again cos its not here x

@HelpAndAdviceox - i got asked to spread there page around so they get noticed,they want to help others. there advice is great,iv used it before and there all very nice. just ask if you want to be admine in the group,ask them anything they will always be there if you need help and advice. x

Liked by: chloee leesonn†

(P) But Pippa, she doesn't care what anyone thinks, she told us. So we don't have a way to do that. I wS thinking of playing Reviving Ophelia for her because its about abuse in relationships. Do you think we should get an extremelyttusted adult involved?

Of course! How hurt do you think she is deep down? Very. She won't show it though, I never did

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I want my account to be like yours; but I don't know how to get mine with more questions I really want to help people my link is; http://ask.fm/adviceforyoufm you've inspired me loads and I want to help people out

Aw, thankyou. Guys go here for a second opinion!^(Pippa<3)

how can i make my ex fall back in love with me, we broke up last summer but are still on good terms, still close

Just show him you still care about him as more than a friend by flirting and getting clingy. You can't "make" him fall in love with you as love is a delicate thing and should be treated better than people do.

Pippa everything you just sed about me getting bullied about cancer and stuff made me smile and you made me think i can do it so thankyou soo much<3

You can do it, never let anyone get you down beautiful!:)<3

he was taking me swimming he never did though he tryed to have sex with me i manged to excape and run back to the house and ask to live with my dad and sed i missed him and wanted to live with him but i have to see my mum and step dad once a week every year im scared he try to have sex again

You really need to someone about this! Whether it be childline to get all your emotions out, you need to tell your dad/mum though. They NEED to know what has happened as you were a victim of sexual abuse. To make sure this happens again YOU need to be the one to stop it! And I know you can do this, no matter how scared you are. I now have faith in you and I'm here if you need to talk about it or anything for that matter. Tell them and stay strong sweetie. You can do this!

I'm really scared. I'm panicking I don't know what to do. I can't breath properly. I want to cut. I will cut I have for the past 4 days two days were really deep I wished it was over but it wasn't. I'm so scared please help me. I can't breath :'( I don't know what to do

Take slow and deep breath's sweetie. Why do you feel the need to cut?

How would I wank a boy off? Long paragraph please

1. Use lotion that doesn't
have a lot of perfume in
2. Use lot's of it (make
sure it's at least room
temperature, cold lotion
on genitals ain't fun)
3. Stoke slow with one
hand, two hands, vary
your pressure (how tight
you're squeezing him,
light to tight squeezes
while you stroke, vary
the speed of your
stroking i.e. start slow
then increase the tempo),
use your free hand to
roam around his thighs,
chest (his balls are
sensitive so try not to
"yank" on them).
4. You might want to
give him a visual aid i.e.
remove your top, toss
your hair around a lot,
5. Talk (growl) to him
once you see that he's
relaxed and enjoying it
(he'll lay back and close
his eyes). What you'll say
to him all depends on
how open minded you
are. I recommend that
regardless of how big his
organ is or is not that you
make some compliment,
i.e. "OMG, it's so big... I
can't believe you're
gonna put this in me one
day... " Something along
those lines. It doesn't
have to be the truth,
6. Before he orgasms,
plan ahead what you'll do
and say when he actually
spurts. You don't want to
scream in shock, drop his
cock and run shrieking
out of the room. At the
point of orgasm very
important to have a firm
steady grip while using a
fairly speedy tempo. The
head of his penis is
hypersensitive at this
moment so go back and
forth across that very
quickly while you can.
Have tissues or a warm
cloth near by for the
clean-up. Ask him for
pointers to improve your
game as all of us are
different in some
respects i.e. go slower
next time, go faster, use
a tighter grip, etc. (Owen)

View more

Liked by: stacie

2 months ago my step dad sed my mum asked him to see if i need to wear a bra so he told me to take of my top and vest he just kept feeling round my chest area then he sed he need to check everything was okay in my low area of my body and then he sed to me about 1moth ago he was taking me swimming he

Is this being continued?

Ok now your ol this is the continuouation haha sorry, On May 12 I saw his post that he's now in a relationship with that girl who flirts with him, why is he avoiding me? pleas help :'(

Could be;
His girlfriend is the "jealous type" and talking to someone who he called special etc would bring on her jealousy.
He just feels really awkward around you now
He doesn't feel like being your friend.
Its horrible, but sweetie you have to try and get over it all

What would u do if your cousin fingered you and made you feel his willy?

Report it! You were a victim of a sexual assault, tell you parents about what he did to you now! Or it'll carry on and if it carry's on it'll affect you majorly! Stop it before it has a chance to start for good! (Owen)
Liked by: Stay Strong

I'm not overweight but I have really big legs and hips :/ is there some way I can lose cellulite within a month but around school (I have very little spare time as I leave for school at 6.30am and get home between 5pm and 7pm, plus have music lessons and stuff after school on some days)

A lot of walking will help, it will "tone" your legs. You can't really do anything else as you don't have much spare time x

A guy said he likes me. He is likemy close friend online, we're both 14 and we talk everyday. But suddenly starting April, I started to notice that he's kindaavoiding me. He's not like before that when he caught me online, he'll chat with me right away. But the most annoying thing is that, on May 12

Is there a second bit?

we broke up months ago, were about to go to uni but different ones, staying local ish, i'll be local, he'll be like 45 mins away. we still joke, flirt, he says im "special" etc & as long as hes close with me he wouldnt touch another girl, what dyou make of this? i was his first and still love him

What was this in response to?


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