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wheres my G-spot?

when you insert you
fingers in, put them
knuckle side down. curl
your fingers up almost
like your saying come
here with them. You will
feel something that is
kind of rough, feels
almost like a sponge. Rub
across is lightly at first
then a little harder. Trust
me you will know when
you are hitting it by your
reaction. (Owen)

pippa whats your story?

A few things I don't want to share on here, but loads of bullying, self-harming, suicidal thoughts and actions, a verbally abusive relationship etc.. Some still effect me :/

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I really need your advice so I'm turning 13 at the end of this month and I've been getting alot of hate sometimes for no reason or sometimes I'll just spit out rude things by accdent and i keep thinking sucicidal thoughts like to cut my self n stuff it doesn't help with thee stuff going on at home i

Ignore the hate sweetie, or block the person from sending you the message. Suicide is never the answer no matter how appealing it sounds, its the hard way out of life and just makes things worse. Try a few of these ways to stop yourself thinking of self-harming;
To stop self-harming -
1. Butterfly challenge
2. Twanging elastic bands on your wrist
3. Drawing on yourself in red marker
4. Scribbling on sheets of paper
5. Writing (poetry, stories, journal, etc.)
6. Cuddling with a stuffed toy
7. Being with other people
8. Watching a favorite TV show (preferably a comedy)
9. Posting on web boards, and answering others’ posts
10. Thinking about how I DON’T want scars for the summer (or the rest of your life)
11. Painting your nails
12. Going to see a movie
13. Eating something ridiculously sweet (or any favorite food)
14. Doing school work
15. Surf the net
16. Go into chat rooms to talk
17. Call a friend and ask for company
18. Playing a musical instrument
19. Singing
20. Looking up at the sky (night is especially beautiful) .
21. Redo this list.
22. Punching a punching bag (with gloves on)
23. Shoot rubberbands across the room.
24. Cover yourself with band-aids where you want to cut
25. Mix warm water and red food coloring, and put in on your skin (feels and looks like blood)
26. Letting yourself cry (can be very difficult for some)
27. Sleep
28. A hot shower, or relaxing bath (no razors in the tub, though)
29. Play with a pet
30. Detangling yarn or necklaces
31. Re-organizing your room
32. Cleaning
33. Having a pillowfight with the wall (yes, neighbors may think you are crazy, but that’s ok)
34. Knitting or sewing
35. Reading a good book
36. Dressing up very glamorous
37. Coloring your hair
38. Listening to music (try use calm music)
39. Watching a candle burn (no playing with the flames!)
40. Finding someone else you can help out
41. Meditate
42. Watching a scary movie.
43. Work on a website
44. Have a vivid fantasy love affair with a celebrity
45. Go somewhere very public
46. Bake
47. Alphabetize your CD’s
48. Chewing leather (especially if you self harm by biting)
49. Buy a home Henna tatoo kit (peels off the next day-similar to skin picking)
50. Painting or drawing
51. Ripping paper into itty-bitty pieces
52. Hugs-(this one is very nice…)
53. Writting letters or emails
54. Talk to yourself (or if that feels weird, buy a small tape recorder-It then feel like someone is listening)
55. Stroke nice fabrics
56. Hug a pillow
57. Hyperfocus on something like a rock, hand, etc.
58. fingerprint
59. Scream real loud
60. Dance
61. Make hot chocolate (mmmmm….)
62. pop bubble wrap

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How do I flirt with a guy on facebook and in person?

Make him laugh(in both)
Compliment him(in both)
Facebook- put loads of hearts or kisses
Person- be clingy and ask for hugs etc

this is hard to explain but im a 13 year old girl, ive been through a lot already, my home life is awful and i used to get a LOT of hate for no reason , but it all got worse and i started self-harming a while back, my cuts are very deep now and i cant stop suicidal thoughts even after all the suppor

You need to speak to a professional about both your past&your self-harming. There's always a reason to a problem and I'm sure that someone can help you get over your addiction to self-harm

A guy I met online asked me to send a pic of my boobs and I said no cos I didn't know him that well, but I really like him but I think he's gone off me. What should I do?

You never know who he is! Or who he says he is. Or the worst thing, what he could have done with the picture! Whether you like him or not, a "decent" person wouldn't ask someone for a photo if they were interested in them as a person and not just for sexual reasons. Be glad you didn't send it him. Ignore him&move on hun x
Liked by: Ashlei Allen

Is it stupid to go out with someone after 3 break ups? I love them so much and I know I'm being stupid but tbh the other break ups weren't big ones and we never fell out over them. But I don't know what to do :(

So after you've broke up 3 times, you still want to get back together? Its not stupid. It just shows you really love the person

Part 2 - sort of but not as much. So he has lots of other people to sit with but he chose us. He is always resting his head on my shoulder and I dont know what to do!! Help??!?!?!?! I dont want to tell him I like him in case I ruin the friendship! !

Like Owen said ages ago to someone, if you don't tell him you like him you'll always be thinking "what if?" So tell him! I'm sure it wouldn't ruin your friendship

Part1 - So I really really like this guy and we hang out at school with my other girl friend. We were supposed to do something in the holidays but we didnt get around to it. He is always saying how its weird that we never do anything outside of school. He is really popular and im sort


I had so much respect for you until you said hitler was beautiful He did what he did for his own reasons? Well fuck me,

I'd prefer not to "fuck you" and well I'm not sorry cos as said everyone is beautiful. Whether they have a good personality or not

I make my girl orgasm loudly when we have sex.... is that good? I have a 7 incher :/

If you want it to be good,then yes it is

I try to get help but no one listens in school or anywhere, it's as if everything I touch turns to crap, I can't stand it any longer! And he sort of liked me but went to quickly it's complicated :/

I'm here,explain it to me :)

I have a lump on my vagina,should i be worried?

It could be a few things; I suggest you go to your GP to check it out just incase its serious

My family are punishing me people are punishng me for what i done. I shouldent complain i made her life hell so now its my turn i get it.

No, nobody is punishing you. Yes, it was wrong of you to bully her but you realised that and you stopped.

I dont belive in god but thats my opinion , i respect yours. Why do my family hate me......

Sorry. I respect your beliefs. Either way you're not being punished! Besides if you don't believe there is a god, who do you believe would be punishing you anyway? And your family don't hate you Hun. What could possibly make you think that?

A guy who I really like and he's just been dumped by his girlfriend 2 weeks ago latches into me for a week, and I don't kno what to do anymore, my parents prefer my brother to me he gets A*s and I don't, I'm failing in school, it seems no matter how hard I try no one is appriaciating me anymore..

What d'you mean "latches into" you? I doubt your parents prefer him. Just because he may get better grades than you doesn't mean they love you any less than they love him. If you're failing in school maybe you could get some extra help?

I'm seriously considering killing myself now, this year so far has been so shit, I come home from New Zealand, my first love dumped me the day I came back home, I've lost a friend she said the whole friendship was a lie and she faked it:( I'm not exactly the brightest person in the world, and now a

They guy who dumped you isn't worth it. He doesn't deserve you because you are perfect and he needs to realise that. Same with this "friend". She doesn't realise how amazing you are and doesn't deserve to have someone as great as you as a friend. Please don't kill yourself. Don't take away something as precious and valuable as your life xxx

I dont cruel things in my old school, i used to call this girl an emo because she self harmed now i no what its like to go through such a thing i used to call this girl names before getting to no her properley now i feel like ik being punished

You're not being punished! Yes what you did to that girl was mean but God forgives. You're not being punished though so don't ever think that! xxx


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