
Advice And Teen Support

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how do i get a thigh gap my boyfriend dumped me because i don't have one

Are you being serious? That's frickin stupid! He's an arsehole hun, he doesn't deserve you if he dumped you because of something so small. You are perfect sweetie, he is not worthy of you. Do not change for anyone, seriously!

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I've talked to my mam abou the ultrasound in July and she says that I'll be fine but I dont think I will be and thanks :)

I'm sure you will be sweetie :)

what does pst mean what does ffs mean

i'm not sure what pst means, but ffs means "for f*cks sake"

Heey, so I'm nearly 13 and I still wet the bed:/ is that weird? I've been doctors but haven't been for like a year, I've got tablets that stop me but I don't like using them, do you have any advice on how to stop?

Its not normal, its basically a weak bladder. Some tips are;
•Depending on the time you go to bed, don't drinks for 4 hours before you sleep.
•Dont drink blackcurrant, tea, coffee etc after a certain time
•To stretch your bladder you need to do exercises with it, when you're desperate for the toilet, hold it longer to stretch your bladder
Hope it helps :)

How young should you be to have sex? $:

Well the legal age is 16. But 13 and over you aren't really allowed to, but its "kinda" okay as long as its with someone that's also under 13
Liked by: Эvelina*

there was this boy who liked me and i didn't know whether i liked him back but we were talking and he was more than a friend but then i firendzoned him and hes being weird but now i realize what i've lost...what shall i do?

So are you feeling the same(you're starting to like him)? Cos if its that then, tell him you've started to like him. Otherwise he'll move on
Liked by: Эvelina*

~•     ~•    ~•        ~•       ~•    ~•   ~•      ~•    ~•        ~•                                                 ~•     ~•      ~•    ~•        ~•     ~•      ~•    ~•        ~•      ~•      ~•    ~•        ~•     ~• I wonder which will survive.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. I swriously laughed so much at this! xD

I was very very sick in hospital last year cos I had a kidney failure luckily I didn't need any transplants or anythin like tha I made a full recovery had a few ultrasounds and they had bad results in the next 2 months I'm goin back there for another ultrasound I'm really worried tha ill get bad res

Pray&have hope. Sadly that's all you can do besides looking after your kidneys. Good luck!
Liked by: Эvelina*

Hi :) I was very very sick in Temple Street last year cos I had a kidney failure luckily I didn't lose my kidneys but I had to wear a tube inserted into my private part. I made a full recovery but I'm goin back there in July for an ultrasound and the worrying thing is that my ultrasounds always have

Pippa your definition of beautiful is 'everyone'? What about hitler?

While Hitler is a mass murderer, he is still beautiful. Maybe not on the inside. But he did what he did for his own reasons.

everytime i see food i feel sick is that normal ?

Not as far as I know, I suggest you see your GP about this x

I shaved my pubes now I'm really really itchy:(

Have you done it before? If not they're itchy because you've never done it before and your underwear is rubbing against you. Its alright hun
Liked by: Эvelina*

pippa asked this girl out ove a week ago she said she needs time to think i dunno what to do i know shes worth the wait....she is streesed atm tho

Over a week ago? She's had more than enough time to decide. Ask her whether she's decided. If she says no cos of stress don't worry about it, some people need to get over stress before they can think about a relationship
Liked by: Эvelina*

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/39813025766 because i hate my life :'( nothing is ever good. i hate it :'( i just want my life to end. i cant tell my parents they cant find out :'( xxx

Why do you hate it? And why on earth would you want to end your life? You're amazing and perfect and don't take away something as valuable as your life. You can have a future. A great future. Why get rid of something so special? And it may be hard but you need to tell your parents. They need to know so they can help you xx

i overdosed last night and i cant really breath and gunna pass out. i cant call for help because my parents dont know and i dont want them to either. they cant find out the things that ive done . i think im gunna die which is what i wanted but im scared xxx

Why did you overdose him? And you need to tell someone soon or you could be seriously damaged. You need to tell your parents or call an ambulance

what piercings do you have?

Ear lobe, helix and belly button. I did have my seconds done on my ear lobes but they closed up.
Bry x
Liked by: Эvelina*

How do you get a boy your facebook messaging to fall in love?

You can't force someone to fall in love. They do that on their own. Love is complicated and you can't force it. If he falls in love then he falls in love and if he doesn't, he doesn't. You just have to accept x
Bry x


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