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my friend got beatun up today and her head is bleeding non stop what should she do?

Hold a bandage or cloth to her head to stem the blood and she should go to the hospital
Bry x

bry asked this girl out ove a week ago she said she needs time to think i dunno what to do i know shes worth the wait....she is streesed atm tho

You just have to be patient and wait for her answer. If she's stressed and you're trying to hurry her up she may get more stressed or feel pressured into answering and maybe end up saying something she regrets. Wait until she is ready to answer you x

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yeah everyone knows I have a girlfriend and how far her and I have gone but I still get called gay, I just ignore it but its quite annoying

I know its annoying, but there isn't anything you can do besides ignore it if people know you've got a girlfriend

Well my silly problem is that I like this guy. We talk all the time, and he's really cool. But he doesn't really date, or anything like that. How do I make a move without embarrassing myself? He drove home the other day. :) But I still don't know if he's into me. Help?

That's where it gets difficult.. But I would honestly say just ask him. Whether he "doesn't really date" or not, still a good idea to find out if he feels the same. :)
Liked by: Rachel

hi. I get called gay at school even though I have a girlfriend. everyone's nice to me and people like me (not trying to sound vain) but its just annoying. what do I do?

Do they know you have a girlfriend? And literally just ignore them. You know you're not gay so don't react. They want a reaxtion, don't give it them.

hi :) im getting extremely bullied lately people are calling me fat and ugly and its gettin me down , im not thinking of suicide cos I hate the thought of it I just dont know what to do please help me :(

You need to tell someone beautiful, and guess what? You are perfect no matter what they say. People bully because they are jealous you know. Trust me!

My best friend yesterday told me I've changed and she doesn't like it, she said I like bmth and stuff but when I asked her specifically she said I've just changed. It's because I self harmed but dressing different and listening to MY music makes me happier but she won't accept that fact

I had a few people say this to me too. Ignore her, if she doesn't accept the fact you've changed then she isn't a very good friend then is she?

This is awkward but I got my period today almost a week early and the bloods thick and bitty, is this normal? And is there any way of making it last less time?

How long ago did you start your period for the first time? Because when you haven't started too long ago it can be irregular. And sadly no you can't make it last less

Im 16 and ive been bullied since i was five, my mum and dad argue all the time and my brother hates me. Cutting just seemed like the only escape

Cutting is not the answer, it's never the answer. No matter how hard it gets, you can do it!
I'm sure that your brother doesn't hate you, why do your parents argue? And everyone gets bullied, even me. But you have to either tell someone or ignore it hun

Thanks to the pop up I had off Pippa today it's my second day so far without cutting Thanks baby girl <3

Its my pleasure gorgeous! <3

- I just don't know what to do with my life anymore it's useless i have no reason to live anymore its just I don't know anymore

You will ALWAYS have a reason, a friend, family member, singer(yes it soinds weird, but I know people that have stayed alive cos of bands/singers) you can do this!

i've cut everywhere on my body.( apart from my face) its getting out of control i just cant stop.

Do you want to be in hospital with a severed artery? That's what will happen if you keep cutting. I know its an addiction, but we can kick addictions! What made you cut in the first place sweetie?

I asked a question a little back and it hasn't been anwsered and I am getting worse I am having a lot of suicide thoughts lately and i am always sad its wrecking my friendship with people i don't know what to do I use to cut but i stop and yesturday i felt i had to cut and end my life but i didn't -


Thanks but id rather just end my life x

i thought that 3 years ago, "what's the point in this anymore? May aswell just end it" but did I? No. Because I had help, and kept strong enough to maintain it all. Look at me now, helping others, forgetting my past as much as it hurts and I KNOW you can do it. X

I guess. Ive been bullied since i was 9 so about 6 years. Loads of family problems. Boys doing things the shouldn't be. Friends bullying me. Just everything really

You can always talk to us sweetie, we're here if you need to let it all out(:

I don't know if you answered it but I'm feeling better,7 days clean and sometimes I last up to 2-3 months clean but I relapse a lot, how can I stop this (without talking to anyone) and I am much happier about my life now, I'm going to see bmth in concert on monday:D

I'm glad! :) and relapsing is pretty normal to be honest, just stay away from the blades. If they're in your room take them out and put them in the bin. Or buy a safe, but them in there with a locker combonation you won't remember. I'm happy you've gone this long sweetie! Keep it up!

I twang elastic bands on my wrist but sometimes its not enough...

It usually isn't enough, the technique to stop self harming is pretty simple, instead of doing those 62 ways to stop we keep posting, just do something you enjoy doing like a hobby or a sport because that way you're mind isn't focused on harming and it's cheering your mood up (Owen)


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