
Advice And Teen Support

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I feel like my life is perfect&i feel so guilty about it cuz I don't deserve it. My parents r both well educated &make lots of money, I live in the "rich person" neighborhood, I don't have depression or anxiety or anything, etc. my best friends life just sucks. She was born two 2 teens who (cntd)

Idk I mean, like I said I don't really communicate with her much but I know one of her closest friends talks a lot about self harm as suicide and stuff but I don't know if she actually does... I do it because I'm trans and I feel like I'm going completely insane, nothing in my head makes sense anymo

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/38683561958 - try these sweetie and get her to come here if you can, she needs help off someone. Someone who understands her, I will try and do what I can :~)x

my dad hates me he treats my brothers and my step brothers especially my step sister better than me he told me my that i was adopted once witch is a lie and he also said my mum had and affair to but was a lie as well he treats me like shit and he don't like me he takes the piss out of me as well

Right, some sons/daughters clash with one of their parents that they're like. It could be that? I doubt that he doesn't like you, you're his own flesh and blood. He has to love you somewhat. Maybe it's just harder for him to show his feelings. As they say, "you gotta be cruel to be kind" x

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That's a good idea. Im going 2 try&stick this out & hope these feelings subside. I can't thank you enough for being there as someone to turn to when everyone else has given up on me. Pippa, you actually make me feel worth something. Ill let you know how it's going in a few days, thank you xxxxxxxxxx

You do not know what it means to hear this :') I'm glad you're trying sweetie. You CAN do it! I believe in you. And okay, link this question so I know who you are? :) xxxxxxxxxxx

But, I stay away from her and she comes to me... - I I'm finished now you can answer ;]

So you don't like her and she basically tells on you 1 day and is your "best-friend" the next? Why not just come straight out and ask why she's like that. See what she says x

I will sign off with my initial, ok?.. So, there's this girl I don't like her at all, and she knows I don't but then she goes and tells teachers, counselors, and students about the things I tell her, then she gets me introuble, then the next day she tries to be my best friend and tries to be nice -I


it's hard because she constantly wants to hangout and she won't move on! ugh

Make up excuses as to why you cant x

i like black veil brides, asking alexandria, motionless in white, falling in reverse, my chemical romance, bring me the horizon, bullet for my valentine.

I like motionless in white, my chemical romance, bullet for my valentine, green day, sum 41, lost prophets, avenged sevenfold, hinder, nickelback etc..

she is so over sensitive. she can get so annoying and I just want to tell her that I don't want to be friends but I can't. what should I do?

You can't ignore her, just talk to her less. Make up excuses why you can't talk or go out places with her x

k so my ex-bestfriend told people that I cut, (true) and I flipped on her. then her relative said that if nothing changed and I didn't forgive her she would tell my parents the whole story and now I don't even like my friend and she's obsessed with me. she won't move on! and I can't talk to her beca


i have cuts all up my arms and legs and i have pe tomorrow and i don't know what to do we have to wear short sleeves and shorts and i dont know how i can get out of it i have not done pe for 4 months made up an escuse coa i suffer frombackproblems but she expects me to do pe tomrrow

Make up sometimes works, depends on the activity you're doing in P.E x

Something like 3 people asked if I self harmed today & I denied it with all of them, idk what to do I want to tell someone I trust, I have someone in mind but I'd rather they asked me than me just going up to them like "hey I self harm can you help me?" the person I'm thinking of I don't talk tomuch

You can bring it into a conversation like "what do you think of self-harmers?"
Why do you cut?

Like to have sex, should i just get drunk then i would just do it anyways?

I don't think that's a good idea..

a lot of people take the piss out of how i look i have short black hair and im in to heavy metal music and i where a lot of black and band tee shirts and i have had enough of being labelled as something im not

Everyone gets judged, but ignore them all. You are amazing! What bands do you like then? :)

My favourite member is zayn:)

He's got an amazing voice, I think Louis is just like asdjfdfds PERFECT.

I do it because I can't cope with anything anymore, i tried the rubber band method but I just ended up braking every one I used within a day. I find the only way to feel better is playing instruments or being around other people I like but it's difficult when stuff gets really bad even and they don'

I have self harmed a lot and i have tried the butterfly challenge, it kind of worked, anyway, i have been bullied a lot about my skinny weight and i have been called 'gay' because i like one direction and i'm a boy?

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/38683561958 - and AW. That is so cute:') Which boy do you like most?(I'm not implying you're gay, I mean voice wise). Ignore them, I;m sure they have a band they don't like people knowing they listen to. x

Mum don't give me any freedom, I need to get away from the house and from everyone. I've got exams in 2 weeks and I, stressed about that, I hate school and feel like I can't talk to anyone or teachers about how I feel. I NEED to get away from everything or the only way is to kill myself:(

No. It's not worth it sweetie, can't you just talk to your mum saying something like "mum, I just need to go out for a few hours, I feel so confined in here. I'll do well in my exams, honestly" Mum's like knowing you're going to try hard x


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