
Advice And Teen Support

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people said that i should kill myself bc im a belieber? they hate on me bc i support a boy who made his dream come true and make 38 million people believe and make them happy. they judge me always bc im a belieber.. its make me really sad sometimes..

Ignore them, I get hate for being a Directioner! No worries

For nearly 2 years now, I've suffered from bad nausea problems. I could have a sky high appetite one day, then feel nauseated when Iook at food the next 3 days:/ it doesn't help that I'm terrified of throwing up, it's called emetophobia but I'm scared to tell my parents because they'll laugh at me:/

Go to a doctor then, you don't have to go with your parents and I'm sure they wouldn't laugh at you x

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what is the best way to lose weight? I'm 12 years old, almost 13 and 46 kg and 1.66 m. you know a good way to fall off? healthy I sport already pretty much ..

You're 12? You shouldn't be thinking of losing weight! But you can just eat healthy x

Pippa, you are perfect! You helped me so much! Dont listen to the hate, thankyou soooo much pippa xxxx

I'm not perfect, but thanks. And I'm glad I've helped sweetie xxxx

No I understand why she told the nurse and I'm fine with that, just my mom and dad were so stressed and worried it was damaging them and I hide my cuts in places people won't see and I'm not eating because it makes me feel better i don't know why but I just think of ending it all the time

Starving yourself is a type of self-harm! Has any of it helped you? And ending it isn't worth it, you're worth so much sweetie!

I have no confidence, i can never pop up to people for a chat unless we're close .. I cant talk to new people.. Never had a boyfriend because im too awkward. .. No self esteem, i hate the way i look so i dont want to see new people cos i know i'll get judged For my appeArance/size.. Is this normal?

Honestly, I believe so. People are always self-conscious about poping up to others incase they irritate them. I'm too awkward too, but I still have a boyfriend. Try to be more, outgoing! :) And everyone is also worried about being judged, which is stupid because we are all different/unique and that's a good thing!
Liked by: Jack

Yeah sorry, excuse me, that burp was quite loud. You're a liar because you say you're offline when you're online. :P


(the giirl with the copying issue) but i feel like shes copying me, not literally. everyone says we r like twins and i know we kinda do because she copied me. i asked my friends and they said i worry too much. and thye would joke about it. if i asked her, she would think im mentally reatrded.

I doubt that sweetie, do you feel like you should ask her?
Liked by: SlurpeeTime™

Pippa is a liar and untrustworthy guys! Don't talk to her!!!

I'm sorry, how am I a "liar" and "untrustworthy"

yes this was our first time having sex why? (pippa)

That's why then. Because its your first time her vagina is still tight. Stick to fingering and once you can fit 3 fingers in there, try again x

my dad still shouts for no reason :/, i just asked him for the remote he says WAIT really loud for no reason i know it not a big thing to ask about but im starting to not like that he shouts at me :~( i want to ask him why shout for but im to scard ?:/

Maybe he's going through a hard time and just needs a way to let it out, but his way is shouting and you're an easy target? Ignore him sweetie, he doesn't mean to upset you x

When I told my best friend I was considering suicide the night before she told the schoolnurse and she basically made me tell my parents about my self harm(she didn't know the rest) and I did, the just got stressed and worried which made me worse so I can't tell them anything

I take it you dis-like the fact your best-friend told the school nurse and parents? She did what is best for you sweetie. And by "them" you mean?

i just want to die i cut myself to the point where i have to sew myself up its disgusting but i like i. i feel like im being punished for he things i did :(

Chloe Marjatte (✔)
Why do you cut sweetie? And what did you do?


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