
Advice And Teen Support

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I want to loose my virginaty but at the same tim3 want to keep my self respect? Im14 :/

Well in all fairness, before you even think about losing your virginity you need to make sure that you're 100% ready to do so. Losing it is important to anybody and the first time will always remain special to anybody. If you want to but you're having doubts about it then maybe it isn't your time, you need to be completely ready and need to completely trust the person that you lose it to, you'll never forget your first time. But if you do decide to go through with this, make sure you use some form of contraception because a baby at your age could really mess your life up. I'd recommend using a condom because they protect against STD's and they carry a very low risk of you getting pregnant (Owen)

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I know but my ex just texted meafter yesterxay saying im a fridgid cutrer and a depressed cunt but now he texted me saying he didnt mean it and he wants meback

Get him to talk to you face to face, see what he really means, he might have mixed feelings for you. He needs to find out what he wants before he does anything

So I was dancing and sruff with this boy I met and we went jnto one of the bedrooms,.he told me I was beautiful and he had to have me now so we made out on one of the beds and my friend walked in and said it was her boyfriend I dunno ehat 2 do

It was partly your friends fault for not telling you who her boyfriend is, and you shouldn't have done anything with someone you don't reallly know. He could have done anything with you!

U m I went to a party yesterday and Im 13 I just dumped my 15 yr old boyfriend as he threatened hed fump me iff I didnt give him oral or have sex so I went to this party til really early and my friend has this mystery boyfriend we dont know about and he was gonna be there too (1)


what does aroused mean?

Sexual arousal is the process and state of an animal being ready for sexual activity and feeling an urge for sexual contact.
Unlike most animals, human beings of both sexes are potentially capable of sexual arousal throughout the year, therefore, there is no human mating season. Things that precipitate human sexual arousal are colloquially known as turn-ons. Turn-ons may be physical or mental in nature. Given the right stimulation, sexual arousal in humans will typically end in an orgasm, but may be pursued for its own sake, even in the absence of an orgasm.
[edit] Signs of possible human sexual arousal
Sexual arousal causes different physical changes. These imply possible human sexual arousal.
Sexual arousal in females:
Increase in breast size
Erection of nipples[1]
Vaginal lubrication
Vasocongestion of the vaginal walls
Tumescence and erection of the clitoris and labia
Elevation of the cervix and uterus, and expansion of the back of the vagina
Change in shape, color and size of the labia majora and labia minora
Sexual arousal in males:
Penile tumescence and erection (usually the most prominent and reliable sign of sexual arousal in males; however, adolescent males experience frequent 'non-sexual' erections stemming from their high level of testosterone.)
Retraction and tightening of the foreskin, often exposing the glans penis if not normally exposed (only if the particular male is not circumsized)
Emission of pre-ejaculatory fluid
Swelling of the testes
Ascension of the testes
Tensing and thickening of the scrotum

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pippa) you answer the thing about a boy touching me at skool. well he done it again today i told the teacher but they didnt listern. i told my parents but they didnt care idk what to do he just wont stop. he followed me home this time... im so scared :(

Was this just random teacher? If not tell your favourite teacher, they should listen. Try walking home a different way x

Why is girl masturbation wrong?

I knew it was gonna get asked this.. I just personally think that they shouldn't do it, boys are here to stimulate girls bodies,and I just don't think its right for girls to do it themselves. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with it, its my personal opinion.

I can't help but see him seeing as he's in my taekwondo

Okay, just look away. Try not to be near and talk to him as much as possible x

what is your opinion on Masturbation?

My personal? Well for me, its okay for boys to do it, but I personally think its wrong for girls to do it. But its up to them xx

I like this boy and he's older. He is literally perfect and I can never get him off my mind even when I'm in lessons at school and its really affecting my learning. This other boy told him I liked him and he said ew but I still think about him. What should I do?

If he says "ew" her obviously doesn't like you back. Try to not talk/see him as much as you can. I know its gonna be difficult, but trying to do things to keep your mind off him like; reading, writing, drawing etc.
Liked by: Phoebe Evans

how can i deal with my jealousy in my friendship group? cos there is another girl who has been pretty bitchy to me that my 2 best friends are close to and i just get all these horrible feelings of resentment when i see her with them :( how can i lessen my jealousy? xxxxx

Think they they like you aswell as her, you can't really lessen/get rid of jealousy. But just keep remembering you're just as important to them as you are xxxx

My boyfriend got a boner over me when I sat on his lap/kissing, is this normal??

Yeah, it's normal it just means that some part of your body was in contact with his crotch area and he got slightly aroused that's all (Owen)

Tried everything to get orgasms but I've fingered myself so many times its not happening. What shall I do? (Age 13)

Have you tried to trigger your G-spot? If it get's triggered it can release powerful orgasms and female ejaculation (Owen)

Owen announcement!

Advice And Teen Support
As Pippa may have already told you, i will not be online for a couple of days, I'm pretty busy so i don't have time for ask, kik or even Facebook (yeah I'm THAT busy) sorry guys I'll talk to you soon, stay strong. i love you guys :) (Owen)

i cant the words wont come out my mouth she doesnt even know im gay :( but couldnt i get it any way because im 16 ? like i dont need her permission or any thing?

You definitely need to tell her then! And as far as I can see, you need permission at 16.

today in science this boy that sits next to me was touching my leg and puting his arm around me.he also tryed to touch my boobs but i pushed him away and i got sent out of the class.after skool he followed me home. i was alone in a allyway and he pushed me against the wall and started kissing me :/

Tell one of your teachers what's going on, this is very wrong of this boy! Also tell your parents.

Whats wrong with owen?

Nothing's wrong, its just he's extremely busy&his internet is playing up x

im 16 and want to get the implant not because i want to have sex just because of periods and things, but im scared of what my mum will say i dont need it to not get me pregnant because im gay any way help please?

Come out with it, have a serious conversation and basically say "mum, I want to get the implant, I know I can't get pregnant anyway. But I feel its the right thing for me to do, how do you feel about it?"

Owen won't be online for the next few days&it seems I'm on my own answering questions. So please give me a break if I don't reply fast, I'm sorry guys. Stay strong x (Pippa<3)


my daddy keeps telling me to shut up for no reason and he keeps rasing his voice :~( i askd him why do u keep rasing ur voice he just said SHHH :/ how can i tell him to stop shouting ? :/

You can't really tell your dad to "stop shouting" just try to stay out his way for a little bit, so he calms down x
Liked by: Эvelina*


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