
Advice And Teen Support

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What are you busy with today?

Was in school from 8:30-3:45. Got home,finished my book.(I LOVE reading) and waiting to see Owen. Yaaaaaaaay :3

So i go to this club thing once a week, +out of 7 months me and my sister have only missed 4. apparently they did a really good performance when we missed it, we're doing a play +he said we couldn't have a part, if anyone else missed it he'd make sure they did im starting to think he doesn't like us

Its not that, he won't give you a part because he might be worried that you won't go and practise or actually go to the play x

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Anything though :,(

Well as you can tell, they're not "true friends" I would personally just like,not talk to your 3 "friends" as much. Be civil and when they say like "what's up with you?" And stuff like that,then come out with it.x

And now I don't know what to do .. My best friend who told me all this asked me not to say anything because the three friends will be horrible to her but I don't know what to do??? Help??? I'm really upset I classed them as three of my closest friends and then I find out they hate me I haven't done


I found out today that three of my what I thought where close friends have been talking behind my back saying I'm 2 faced and they hate my and I'm not a little princes I will admit that but I can honestly say I don't bitch about my friends behind there back never have and I always stick up for them>


Well I really really like this boy and I don't know if I mean the same to him and I feel like self harming coz if it and I have not a lot of friends so I can only talk to one person about it but they int interested and I need someone to understand I feel all lonely

Have you asked him? You need to. Please do not self-harm, its not worth it sweetie. And you will never be alone, believe me! I am here x

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/37985974502 my parents dont know that i do things. they cant do anything so whats the point

Parent's don't know most things wrong with people, for instance my mum didn't know I was cutting myself a few years ago, but chances are your parents may have already experienced what you're experiencing. You should just talk to them about what's going on (probably your mum) mums are more understanding. (Owen)

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/37985248230 but i dont want professional help. i dont need medical attention. i cant get it

Why can't you get it? And fair enough, if you don't want professional help, I won't force you to have it, I just recommend you do. And it's a good idea if you do get medical attention because of the overdosing you did last night (Owen)

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/37983686886 what if its already to late?

It can never be too late, because medical attention will put you straight with their medication they can help. But this subject of suicide in general is an extreme subject and you need professional help rather that unprofessional help (although i like to think I'm good at suicidal subjects) professionals will give you the help that I can't (Owen)

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/37982922470 i just hate life. i have no future ive messed it all up and everyone hates me. i never do anything right

If you've messed everything up, here's a good idea for you to do,
1) Buy and set off a Chinese lantern, their main purpose is pretty amazing, you can write a note on a piece of paper of things you regret or whatever has happened to you, put it in the lantern and light it and watch your troubles fly away knowing you'll never have to worry about them again.
2) Turn over a new leaf which can be known as just starting a new life (kinda like the lantern but without the fire and stuff) just start a new life, forget what's happened in the past, forget what you've done and start again.
3) Write on paper what you've done and burn it on a fire pit watch the ash's fly in the air resembling your past and problems being lifted from you.
Do these 3 things I've mentioned to you before you do anything you may regret, in the future you'll look back to last night and realise what kind of mistake could have happened, but if you need any help I'll always be here for you. This is my kind of promise to you, I never break my promises, you just have to promise to let me help you and just to stay alive for me because this is something you will regret doing. I'm trying to make you see this before it's too late (Owen)

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Liked by: Jakeeeey

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/37981212646 i dont want to do either of them. i want them to kill me :'(

Why would you even think of suicide? There are so many things that you can do with yourself (without involving killing yourself), honestly duck, you have so much to life for, so much to experience in your life. Suicide should never been in your mind, plan for your future, (kids, careers, marriage etc.) nothing should ever be so bad enough to make anybody want to kill themselves (Owen)

hey its the girl who overdosed a lot last night. i keep being sick and passing out. i can hardly breath most of the time and i feel like im dying. i havent eaten all day

Well, being sick and passing out could both be due to the fact that you have had an overdose (which i recommend you seeing a doctor about to check whether you haven't caused too much damage to yourself) or it could be due to the fact that you haven't eaten. I would seriously eat something if i were you, you need the energy from the foods (Owen)

why do my family always annoy me ? :(

Some families do that that, my family irritates me sometimes but family will always be there for you even if they are irritating (Owen)

just wanna say i follow you because you are all fab and amazing. okay dont let the haters get you down. all beautiful in your own way. question: name two of your favourite hobbies and why they are you favourite. much love me <3 follow back. ♥♥

Ashlei Allen
Aw, thankyou:'). My favourite hobbies would be singing(to myself) I have major stay fright. And probably writing songs :) I'll follow you back now<3
Liked by: Ashlei Allen


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