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I have cuts all over my hands and I have school tomorrow I don't know how I can hide them I don't want anyone knowing what I've done

Put plasters on them, that'll cover them up&still look normal
Liked by: Ruslan Gin

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I just self harmed for the first time in almost 2 years and I don't know why I just felt I had to

Its normal, but is there any reason at all that could make you want to?

I don't want to call childline though. I just wanna keep overdosing :'( im sorry x

Talk to @http://ask.fm/AdviceOnLife4U - I can't talk anymore as I'm about to fall asleep. Please stay strong honey! You can get through this x
Liked by: Ashlei Allen

They show and tell me a lot different. I mean a lot! I dont need a ambulance or any medical attention x

Call Childline, please! There is only so much I can do..x

Im a she. My parents don't care about me literally hate me:'( I've just been sick so taken more

Please stop this, call an ambulance! You need medical attention, please honey! I know you can do this. And your parents do care! Whether they show/tell you different x

I dont :'( i can't if people find out they will try to make me feel worst. I already cut and starve myself and attempt suicide from everything! I can't let anyone no and defiantly not my parents! Just wanna be dead :'(x

Imagine your parents come into your room, what's the first thing they see? Your lifeless body. Then they look at the pills and wonder "why weren't we here to help?" "Why didn't she/he come to us?" They'll blame themselves for your death. Do you really want that?xx

There not wron there right! I don't belong here :'( i just want it to be over. I've taken more im sorry x

You do!! And call an ambulance x

That means that my family, friends, people at school and teachers are all wrong :'( im taking more now

They are all wrong then!&please,don't take anymore!

Is it ok for a girl to ask a boy out or just wait?

Of course it's okay for a girl to ask a guy out, it's about as normal as a guy doing it (Owen)

It is the only way out though! No one cares it would make everyone's lives better if i ended mine! People have told me that!

Those people are WRONG. Your life is so worthful&so precious honey!

I tried pulling them with my fingers but its really painful

I imagine it would be but if you're that uncomfortable with this, you should accept the pain or just shave it (Owen)

Why is my bum so hairy? I'm a girl and all the way down by the hole it is seriously hairy I mean big thick hairs

Well a hairy butt is perfectly normal for girls and boys but you can shave/wax it if you're uncomfortable with it (Owen)

It is the only way out. How can we talk privately. I dont need any help

Its not! Its never the only way out!

Its to late I've already taken loads! I hate life and it will make everyone's life around me better! I don't want to live anymore. This is the only way out!

Its never the only way out! Talk to me privately? And get an ambulance to your desination! You'll need medical help!

Lavender drops on your pillow really work!:) thanks, I'm feeling sleepy for once

Wasn't this from ages ago? Ahah, I'm glad one of us could help:)

Pippa, is it wrong to be happy that a boy you really like broke up with his girlfriend today? Cos the girl is devastated but inside I was smiling so hard! X

Not really no, I mean; if you're her friend then yes cos that would be two-faced, but if not and you're just "civil and aqquantences"(or however its spelt) then its okay I'd say :) x

Thanks for all your help but by the time you read this i would of overdosed or overdosing. Im hoping to.take so many that it will kill me. I give up on myself and there isn't another way out of this. Ive tried everything. So yeah thank you for everything!

Wait! Talk to me? Why do you feel the need to do this? I'm here for you, I'll help you as much as I can. Suicide makes everything worse sweetie, believe me!


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