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yes we can speak privatly, its me again Gracie :/ i do annoy you dont i sorry :/

Pop up to me?(What do I have you on?) And no you don't, don't be silly! :)

pippa-im going to this party and we are playing spin the bottle and i never even kissed any 1 let alone snog them, i really want to play but worried im gunna do somethnig wrong but i also dont know weather to wear something slutty or not arghhh :O i know i already asked owen but i just wanna be sure

Right, like Owen said there isn't really anything to worry about when kissing someone (or snogging). I bet you've practised on the back of your hand like all girls have. But sweetie, do you want this to class as "your first kiss"? Your first kiss is supposed to be special and sacred. And personally, I'd wear like jeans and a vest top, not something too clingy and "slutty" and not something that people won't like what I'm wearing. Good luck!xx

My friend is always flirting with the boy I like so I'm always having a go at her, I don't like her talking to him at all because she leads him on and I hate it I can't take it anymore! I've told her I don't want to be friends with her anymore but I still just don't know what to do!

Well if it's just "the guy you like" and not a boyfriend then you have no real reason to be over protective of him. But i don't think you should have fallen out with your friend because of this, your friends will last longer than any relationship will so preserve your friendships and your friendship groups because you could have your friends for the rest of your life. Or as some of my friends has said to me "Chicks before D*cks" (Owen)

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dw it dm its too complicated: regarding the thing you were confused about..

I can speak privately if you like?

Pippa. Yaaayyy I like making people smile !!! (Jade ♥) xx ill have 2 add u on skype l8r or tomorrowhun x


pippa, do you masturbate? I need tips and dont want it to be painful (14, F)

I personally don't, but I've heard of some things you can do, if you want to know?

How could I can't it if I haven't had any sexual contact with anyone

Sexual transmission - You can get crabs when you have skin-to-skin contact with another person. Even when there is no sexual penetration, you can get (or give) crabs.
Non-sexual transmission - You can get crabs from sleeping in an infested bed or using infested towels. (Owen)

Pippa thats okay some of your advice has helped me answer peoples questions!!! Xx jade

Another thing to make me smile:')xx

3) she won't accept my apology even though all i did was say no!! And she told me to just hang around with my new best friends!! She knows I am really touchy and even think really bad thoughts bus she still carries on! She is acting so strange I don't know what to fucking do?!!! x

Why did you lie to her in the first place? That's what set her off, she probably think you've told these "new friends" you cut too. Give her a while to calm down, she's just angry and upset at the fact you lied. I'd say don't talk to her for a few days, see if she pops up/talks to you first x

2) but today she said just go to your new friends <3 <3 <3xoxoxoxoxo to be fucking horrible and she even knows why i'm friends with thwem. she says I've abandoned all ym friends and never listens when I tell her the truth. She keeps saying oh i'll just cut and see how you feel even though she knows


How do you get crabs? I'm 13 and I've had no sexual contact with anyone but down below I'm itchy as hell!

Virtually the same as catching headlice..but in different areas (Owen)

1)I self harm and my closest friends know. On thursday my friend asked me if I still cut and I said no, then she saw all my cuts in pe. She didn't just get angry then say sorry, she has been arguing with me since friday even though I keep saying sorry and I hang around with some other people AS WELL


Pippa hi im a new admin at liz, s site and I just wanna say youve helped me so much and inspired me to help people , youve given me gr8 advice . I was the person who stuckbup 4 u and wad gonna give my skype to but my computer crashed u r amazing!!! Jade

Aw,this made me smile:-) thankyou Jade<3

I'm scared of popping up to boys incase I annoy them but I want to get closer to some that I know a bit- what shoyld I say and talk about

You won't annoy them, unless you pop up TOO much. Try to start a normal conversation then talk about interests and hobbies, ask him what he likes and stuff x

because they act like i dont exist and some have actually told me they dont care so

Well they're not true friends then, find some others sweetie. I'm sure they'll be some much better for you out there :)

can I send you something in three parts? My friend has been horrible and i really need help!!

Of course you can :) It just might not be me that answers it (Owen)

( owen ) im going to this party and we are playing splin the bottle and i never keven kissed any one let alone snog them and i really want to play but worried im gunna do somethnig wrong but i also dont know weather to wear something slutty or not arghhh :O

To be honest, there's not really a way to do anything wrong when snogging somebody, you just do whatever feels right to you. You'll know what to do when you're doing it, but if you're unsure, just do what (whoever you're doing it with) is doing, follow their lead and you should be fine. And you shouldn't have to dress slutty for this, dress however you're most comfortable with (Owen)

I'm in year 7 but I really like this boy in year 9 what should I do? I can't stop thinking about him!!

Just tell him how you feel, you have nothing to lose (Owen)


Language: English