
Advice And Teen Support

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have you got a question about my friend arguing with me?

Yes we did, Pippa will answer it though, she knows a lot more about that stuff than me. Sorry for your wait (Owen)

part 2/3) in my class who really knows her i go with her alot and now i have been exluded from my friend sand over heard them bitching about me and on of them told me what they have all beeen saying and well i just feel so bad like its all my fault casue i cant leave my friend and my frendship group


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part 1/3) at school i had this really close friend group of 6 we did evything together then my old best friend moved into my class because there was a boy who made her feel ill as he made himself throw up and she has an eating disorder and i promised i would stay by her and because im the only one


i was at my boyfriends house last night. he went out for abit and i stayed in with his older brother who is 20. me and his brother got drunk:/ and he fingered me and i gave him a bj :/ i really dont no how to tell my boyfriend this happened

Well i think you should be honest with your boyfriend and tell him what happened, it'll be better that way than if he found out from anybody else. Yeah you might lose him because effectively you did cheat on him but he may also forgive this. I personally wouldn't forgive anyone for this but every man is different. And if this happened due to the influence of alcohol, i advise that you stop drinking alcohol until you can control what you do when you're drunk (Owen)

don't even try, I know I'm fat and I just want to be able to go swimming and wear a swimsuit like everyone else. I've tried everything, including starving myself. but I couldn't do it. I'm such a fuck up :(

You're not a fuck-up. You are amazing and you should be proud of your body! Starving yourself with put on more weight cos your body will use water&muscle etc.

my friend get hate at school everyday, (stupid, ugly) usually from boys. i tried to tell her to ignore but she said it's useless if you get hate everyday. she tweets like she's so depressed and all and i don't know how to comfort her, can you help me?

Has she told someone about it? If not, she needs to

hey pippa thnx a lot for being there thmxxx a lotttt u'r the best i feel much better after talking with u u'r the most smart and beautiful girl in soul :) <3

Aww,its my pleasure:')

No there's nothing they've done. He's so sweet, lovely and beautiful and it's so hard xx

Think to yourself you can get someone better than him then xxx

pippa can you please answer my question the one about my friend getting hate?

We haven't got a question about that hun

He can down yesterday to stay the night it was really good because we were celebrating his birthday and we had such a laugh :'(

What's this all about?


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