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How can i grt free cndoms? Flavours and colours wiout my parents knowing

You can buy some from public toilets, there's a little machine thing for them (Owen)

what type of things should vegetarians eat to get all the nutrients they need?

Well the big problem with vegetarians is that they lose iron because they don't eat meat but you can get iron from leafed vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, spinach) (Owen)

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R any advice pages looking for admins coz Id love to be 1 I dont suppose u know

I have no idea sorry (Owen)

pippa what will a doctor do? I'm only 14 and they won't believe me, and they don't allow sleeping tablets or anything for people under 18 x

They can suggest different remedy's x

what is the idea of only eating a smal portion of breakfast a breakbar for lunch and some tea a full meal, no snacking and no unhealthy drinks, is that better then starving maself

That's still bad, very bad. But yes it is better than starving yourself

How to have gay sex!?!?

It's the same as regular sex, it's just you put it into a different hole, and use a lot more lubricants so that it'll just slide in there (Owen)

i litrally HATE my parents no joke i hate then i feel like killing them most time and then at 1% i love them. NO what is wrong they just frustrate me so much

Why sweetie?

How to have sex

First step is so stay calm,
girls like it when a guy is
confident so if you are
shy and awkward that's
just going to be an instant
turn off...
there is nothing wrong
with a bit of a chat
before you get started,
obviously dont chat about
something like the
weather or college etc,
have a little flirt just to
get the mood going, kiss
her gently and tell her
nice things like she is
pretty, beautiful, sexy etc
and girls like to be
complimented. Once you
have been kissing for a
few minutes start to get a
bit adventurous with
where your hands are
going, don't push your
luck straight away
though, just rub her thigh
or something rather than
going straight for her
boobs or something like
that, as time goes on
move to other areas, if
she starts to touch you
back or looks like she is
enjoying herself you can
move your hands to
somewhere a bit more
private. Sex doesn't have
to be rushed and us girls
often need more
stimulation if we are
going to orgasm so start
rubbing through the
clothes and then start to
take the clothes of slowly
until you are both naked,
move onto heavier
foreplay like with your
fingers or tongue, you
can look tips up on the
internet on how to finger
girls or give a girl head,
obviously you need to get
her wet, once she is and
you are both relaxed and
you are fully hard, ask
her if she is okay to go
all the way (im sure it
will be but just ask to be
a gentleman, and make
sure you have a condom),
it's easiest to start in
missionary position or if
you are unsure let her go
on top or go in doggy,
don't try anything to
difficult to start with. (Owen)

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How to pleasure yourself really good and well im a guy

The full fist grip is the
most basic and common
masturbating technique
that men use. All of the
fingers and your thumb
are wrapped around the
penis and using an up and
down motion you will
eventually reach orgasm.
Try to imagine gently
shaking ketchup out of a
bottle. Some vary this
technique by using just
the forefinger and thumb.
This is particularly helpful
if you have a sensitive
penis area. You may want
to look at pictures of
naked women, or
pornographic videos.
Using a little non-scented
lotion on you hand will
help reduce friction
between your hand and
penis, and may make
masturbating more

Can somene tell me and teach me how to jerk off

The full fist grip is the
most basic and common
masturbating technique
that men use. All of the
fingers and your thumb
are wrapped around the
penis and using an up and
down motion you will
eventually reach orgasm.
Try to imagine gently
shaking ketchup out of a
bottle. Some vary this
technique by using just
the forefinger and thumb.
This is particularly helpful
if you have a sensitive
penis area. You may want
to look at pictures of
naked women, or
pornographic videos.
Using a little non-scented
lotion on you hand will
help reduce friction
between your hand and
penis, and may make
masturbating more

I mean, why isn't it working? I feel drained but I seriously can't get to sleep I had 2 hours last night and hat to get up at six. If i'm not eating why can't I sleep? and I have actually tried so many things like reading having a bath turning all gadgets off etc...

You need to go to the doctors honey

I need to get over my fear of water. I have a cottage and my friends always want to go swimming and tubing and stuff but I am so scared D: I like kayaking and stuff (well I used to) and now I can't go swimming or ill have an anxiety attack! I don't know what to do :(

Hope this helps, good luck! - http://m.wikihow.com/Get-over-a-Fear-of-Deep-Water

What are your guys reactions to the sexual questions especially owen like people want you to teach them how to jerkop off and shit

Its fairly normal, some people ask weirder things than that

well so much shit has happened and there is this boy he says he loves me one day then the next dayhe says he hates me

What's this in response to hun?
Liked by: You're a W⚓

I haven't eaten breakfast or lunch in 4 days and I only eat a small dinner, like one lettuce and cheese wrap.It is pretty normal for most people but I usually eat.I'm not eating because when I don't it makes me tired so thats why because I have only had 14 hours sleep in 5 days. I really cant sleep

Sorry, but I'm a little confused on your question

i think i have bipolar and social anxiety, but i'm to scared to ask my mum if i can go and see a doctor, any advice?

Just come out with it, its better to see and be sure than to have it and not know x

When I poo its really hard. I think I'm constipated. What's the best thing to do?

Constipation means you can't poo but if you are suffering from it, you can buy tablets that'll help this (Owen)

Why did you even make this account?

I didn't, Bry did, and i guess it's because she wanted to help people (Owen)

i think i have social anxiety, can u deffine it for me too, and i had exams still do and i cant cant sit in a hall fullll of people looking at the front all the time i feel im being watched and loked at, i dance ballet on stange but i feel so happy and confident could it be becsause i cant see the a

Social anxiety is a
discomfort or a fear
when a person is in social
interactions that involve
a concern about being
judged or evaluated by
others. It is typically
characterized by an
intense fear of what
others are thinking about
them (specifically fear of
embarrassment, criticism,
or rejection), which
results in the individual
feeling insecure, and that
they are not good
enough for other people.
The results of this are
fear and anxiety within
social situations, and the
assumption that peers
will automatically reject
them in the social
situations. And just live with the exam stuff, we all have to go through with it at one point (Owen)
Liked by: You're a W⚓


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