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I dont know if u got my qs one bout not eatin and I bout harming myself

What "harming yourself" was it?&i'm about to do the not eating one x

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Note, to all, our advice page is pretty stocked on admins at the moment, but that may change. Also, we're here to help. (we may be slightly more conservative regarding actual sexual activity, but we do not judge based on race, religion, ethnicity, creed or orientation) ~Adam


Would you rather marry someone who loves you, but you don't love them or someone who you love, but doesn't love you back?

That's difficult..

People are calling my anorexic and saying im a cunt and that im a bitch and much more and i dont know what to do? Suicide was an option 5 times and i cut and i need help i dont know what to do!

Suicide is never the answer, it makes things worse. Do you cut because people call you those names?

I self harm and lots of people know I do it. I have a counselor but she doesn't help because I lie to her about how much I cut, how much I eat, etc.. I'm running out of places to cut so that people don't notice:\ <3

Why do you cut in the first place honey? And have you thought about going to another councillor?<3

..don't know how to choose:L<3

Do you have any remote feelings for the guy you're "seeing"?<3

Hey, so this is probably really stupid... But three different boys have recently told me they like me, but I'm supposed to be 'seeing' a different boy. The boy I'm 'seeing' gets hurt easily and I'm worried about hurting him. But one of the guys who apparently likes me wants me to see him and I(1)


Nobody wants your fucking help

Firstly, thankyou for spelling things correctly.
Secondly, I don't give a shit whether you need our help or not. Others do and we'll be there for them.
If "nobody want our help" then why have we got over 5,000 questions? Yes that's right,because people obviously do. So good-bye, do not come back. :)
Liked by: Kate Schumann

I'm am extremely self conscious and I self harm at least once a day because I feel worthless and pathetic. I purge and I'm 15 and been pregnant 5 times and I just want to end my life.

Why are you so self-conscious hun? Why do you self-harm specifically?(What's made you feel that way?). Ending your life will never solve anything hunny, as easy as it sounds. It'll cause more problems for others x

hi i asked advice on what to do at my mates party the house party in the bassemeant i talked to pippa and im gonig to go there in a min and only half my problem was answered is she online? <3 x

Hey, I'm online now<3

Well my friends always like- do you cut? Do you still cut? Does (my other friend) cut too?! Does she fucking cut please tell me, even if I say I don't want to say!! She doesn't mean to be but she's so stressing and annoying but she's one of my best friends:(xx

Tell her that if she wants to find out something then ask the person it about, you can't go round tell other peoples problems. And tell her that you don't like her constantly asking you xx

people keep calling me anorexic and an emo but I'm not. People call me anorectic bcos they say 'i'm a twig'. It's because no matter how much i eat my weight doesn't show and i really don't know why people call me an emo.

My friend gets this sometimes. If I'm honest I call her a twig too at least once a day but she always knows I'm joking and agrees with it. But if it upsets you then you've just got to remember, there's nothing wrong with being skinny. There's nothing wrong with you no matter what you weigh or how you look. You know you're not anorexic so that's what's important. And emo is short for emotionally unstable but has become such an overused insult to describe people who have certain hairstyles/colour or dress differently etc. most people who use the word emo are too stupid to understand what emo actually is. Just ignore them. Again if you know you're not emo then that's what matters x
Liked by: just Hαnnαh✞

Owen announcement (read if you're an advice page)

Advice And Teen Support
Okay, we get a lot of people asking to join our said, with potential experience and quality in their advice, it's a shame to let these skills go to waste, so if you're an advice page and you're looking for more advice people, send us a question and our follows will see you're looking and you'll get more people asking to join :) simples (Owen)
Liked by: Never Feel Alone

I give everyone advice about how to get over a relationship but its been a year since me and my first love broke up i still kinda like him, i get ask on dates with other guys but they cancel on me whats wrong with me? I'm 17 most people having babies and getting married then theres me help Owen plz

You're my age! Sweet :) anyway don't worry too much about relationships and other stuff, just have fun at your age, you'll be 18 soon i imagine that's where your proper fun will start. Plus one day your actually true love will show up to you but that's in all good time just try not to worry about that much, just be who you are and be happy with yourself :) (Owen)

But i dont know why I'm getting cyberbullied, so how am I gonna know what to remove? They've been bullying me for no apparent reason, telling me to go slit my wrists, calling me a greedy whore and etc. I mean, come on, I don't even know who they are, and they don't even know who I am, I just don't u

I mean what website or whatever are they bullying you on? Where are you getting this abuse from? If it's from ask.fm remove your account, or turn off anonymous questions so you know who it is (Owen)

How much older though, i get called fat and ugly all the time. I try to do something about it and nothing happens ,the only thing i havent tried is making myself be sick

As far as I'm aware, it changes around about late teenage years or early 20's (Owen)

i am going to ask all the admins so yeah :) Bry what are your opinions on same sex marriage? Detail. i need it for research

Well considering I'm bi and my best friend is gay, yeah I'm for it. About a month ago we had a debate about this in English. Well my opinion is that love is love so gender shouldn't matter. If somebody wants to marry someone of the same gender, they should be allowed to do so. I have nothing against people who don't believe in same sex marriage as long as they have a fair reason. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. A lot of people think that people against it are homophobic. Some are, but some have nothing against gay people they just don't think they should get married. They think that marriage should be between a woman and a man like it traditionally is. In fact a lot of gay people themselves think this and are happy just being in a civil relationship. Then their are some people who are homophobic and just think gays are wrong. Or that they make them feel uncomfortable. But a lot of homophobic people believe that even though homosexuality is wrong or it makes them uncomfortable, they believe in same sex marriage because they don't think its fair to get in the way of people's love.
Hope that's enough xxx
Bryony xx

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Liked by: Sarcastic Twat


Language: English