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Have you started your period pippa? Please post your story+when it happened. I'm so scared!!!!

I have indeed. And right; I was just a normal happy 8 year old,haha and I was in school doing my work when I felt the stomach pains come on. I told my teacher to go to the toilets and she said yes; I ended up starting. The blood was inside my trousers.. So awkward. So I had to go to the reception to ask the lady if I could have a pad, she gave me one&ever since,they've been a pain in the ass! Don't be scared hun x

ok so... I'm 12- 13 in July I have heavy discharge, pubic hair, breasts, mood swings but to much cramps when will I start my period? My mum started when she was 12/13

By the sound of it,very soon hun

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hi im the one from yesterday about the sexuality thing,it worked im now in a relationship with this girl,thanks very much x

Good:') I'm glad x

Im so annoyed with myself..im trying to loose weight, i had a huge dinner but all i wanna do is eat!! I just want to eat!:( xxx

If you lose weight by not eating, it'll still put weight on. Have a balanced diet instead, eat 5 fruits and veg a day. And exercise a load xxx

basically it means that a sentance couldve ended but it didnt because of a semi colon. hence why its on your wrist because people that self harm couldve ended their life but they didnt! :-)

That's such a good idea!:3
Liked by: ftin maisarah

What r some things I can draw on my arm to remind me not 2 cut or self harm

Butterflies, ladybirds, names, hearts, flowers etc

i swear u answer the questions in like lessons

Sometimes I do, but I haven't today as I'm off school

how to hide the butterfl challnge for school

Do the butterflies at the top of your arm near your shoulder?

I feel so ashamed of myself,I hate when people say nice things to me I just look down and stuff.I feel so lonely even when Im talking to my friends and I picture how I would kill myself literally all the time.I dont see the point of life because Ive been SH for years and I want to give up altogether

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/36627106022 - I feel the exact same sometimes. But be proud of who you are, you're unique sweetie!xx

its ok tell us about your prolems you vent too!! mayb someone will feel good nowing theyre going throuh the same stuff as some1 else get it off your chest lu.>>>xxoo

Its okay sweetie, I'll be fine xxx


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