
Advice And Teen Support

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Would you say it was wrong to have sex at the age of 13?:S

Personally,I think if they're ready and they truly love the person they're having sex with then its okay, oh and as long as their wearing protection!

I swear if you masturbated when you was in your period it would be really messy tho?

Your finger(s) would be soaked with blood yes, but its up to them x

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My parents refuse to accept my boyfriend. This is out second time going out, we're both in year 11 but we are pretty serious. He's not allowed to come over my house now because of them and I don't know what to do:/

Let time tell what happens, just go out places with him if he can't come to yours. Can you go to his house?

Please tell me, but not glass because my mums here and cant break it and it would look a bit suspicous taking a knife to my bedroom?

Hun, we're here to help you stop self-harming not tell you tips or different ways to do it

what if i am pregnant? i can't tell my parents and are abortions free? how would i get one? so many questions fdgbrynsgjns i'm so scared :(

Abortions are free on NHS&as far as I know, book an appointment. If I were you, I would tell your parents. It was your choice to have sex in the first place so you deal with the consequences x

Pippa, I did the maths test that I told u about yesterday and the teacher marked it an I had 95%! Yay! Thanks for the help xx

I'm happy for you sweetie! I really am:') and its my pleasure xxx

well...I don't mind being friends with her but I think she does cause she tells my mum stupid crap about my current friend circle,and I don't think I can trust her anymore...

What was this in response to?
Liked by: Georgia

My girl friend asked me will i have sex with her but cant cum help

How old are you both?&have you seen a doctor about it?

so...my best friend and I stopped talking completely all of a sudden last year...and I want to be friends with her but she has replaced me with someone else...what should I do? and she seems happier with the new girl :|

Whether you be "best-friends" or not, you can still be her friend?

It dosent matter about that? Just anything elece i could use?

I know a lot of things you could use, but I'm not going to tell you. And it does matter!

Pippa, you have helped me through so much. i just wanted to say thank you :)) x

I'm glad I could help sweetie:') always here x

Personally i think if she was serious about prostitution she'd be off anon so people could see who she is


Other things to use apart from a razor becase broke all mine? (Cutting)

Why do you cut in the first place?

Im on the sex offenders list? And its sex at the end off the day , risk it for a biscut

This made me laugh xD


Language: English