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Just some boy and i did consent to it but thats because he would not stop asking and just wanted him to leave ,but once i done it he was always wanting more

Hun:( you shouldn't have done it if you didn't want to. He could want you to do it more odten now you've done it

I really like this boy I'm like obsessed about him lol but I'm almost 15 and he's 17. I caught him looking at me then looking away then looking at me again pleanty of times also when we say hi he always smiles but his friend says I can't like him because he's 17 he also knows I like him. I don't kn

Age doesn't matter, think of Romeo and Juliet. Does he have a girlfriend?

I have liked this boy for a very long time and he keeps sending me mixed emotions. He's called me mean things and I don't know why I forgave him. He played me while dating another girl, but he's just so special to me that I don't want to let him go. I just really want advice on what to do thanks xox

My advice would be move on,as much as you lobe him he's hurting you and its not fair on you x
Liked by: Angela

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i had sex with my boyfriend on friday and we didn't use protection.. i'm not on the pill either, what if i'm pregnant? how would i get an abortion? do i have to pay? i'm so scared. HELP ME?! :(

Did he cum in you? You can only be pregnant if he either came in you or he masturbated and there's still cum on his penis.

You and poppa are too cute, awwww, how long have to guys been together for?:)

6 Months, and 3 weeks on Monday :)... oh wait, technically it's Monday today :) (Owen)

Because people make fun of her for no reason at all. Like she tries to fit in. I've done everything I could. I've even got adult help ! Her parents don't care and teachers make it worse..:/

They're bullies, it's a common thing, they see somebody that they're jealous of and make fun of them because of their jealousy I cannot stand those types of people (Owen)

The boy i love doesnt feel the same anymore and we're just mates, my old best mate knows i want to die and doesnt give a shit, my family all hate me ans accuse me of stealing off them and im fat, ugly and i hate myself, im just done

Okay, the first point happens a lot, this is what relationships do, they never last and one person is bound to get hurt in the meanwhile, I'm sure if this person was truly your best friend, they would definitely care if you wanted to die or not. I'm also pretty sure your family don't actually hate you, they're your family they can't hate you. And you are perfect the way you are, even if you are "fat and ugly" (which i doubt you are) but you should be proud of who you and embrace yourself not want to kill yourself because you're insecure, you're perfect and you are beautiful never let anybody tell you any different, i want you now to walk up to a mirror right now and say those words "I'm perfect and I'm beautiful" and keep saying it until you believe the truth. Not the lie that you believe right now (Owen)

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i want to kill myslef but im too scared, like i dont want to be here i have nothing but my friends to live for, and i hate being here, im depressed and i cut myself, i have the pills next to me

Stop one moment, suicide should never ever be the answer to any of life's problems, you have so much to live for in the world, so many experiences to live out. Suicide is never the answer someone once said to me "each day is a gift and not a given right" (nickelback-if today was your last day) but anyway, nothing in your life should ever be so drastic enough to make you want to kill yourself, why do you want to anyway? (Owen)

I have no confidence to speak to my new boyfriend what can I do?

I think the best way is just to pick a subject that you can both talk about because then the subject changes to others drastically say like one minute you'll be talking about cheese the other you'll be talking about future careers (I'm not saying to talk about cheese but you know what i mean) Another way is to have a debate, ask him what he thinks is the greatest invention made then say yours and argue who's was better and state how yours is better than his idea and the bad points of his idea, you'll be having a conversation in no time but never, ever say "so, what do you want to talk about" the answer will always be "i dunno" and then a big awkward silence. it kills the conversation dead (Owen)

Do you smile at strangers?

Yes, but I'm always pretty smiley. And i heard it somewhere that if you walk around with a smile, you could brighten up someone's day. :) (Owen)

He always tells me I'm the most beautiful girl though. But that's through a camera. Not in person :(

Because you probably are beautiful duck, you're right to be nervous anyway. Most normal people would but you gotta try and not over-think this, it's your over thinking that's making you feel this way and relax I'm sure you'll be fine (Owen)

Yeah, ik. I compliment he all the time. Like she literally hates it so much, and she doesn't deserve it at all.! People call her a rat and like an ugly s****... I feel bad!

Well it's good that your defending her but she's just doing what most women do they listen to insults more that compliments (Owen)

On Saturday I'm seeing this boy for the first time. I like him so much but I'm really scared he won't like me. Cause maybe I'm not pretty enough. Now I've sent him nudes and I know he wants a blowjob but what if that ruins everything. I'm so scared.

Okay, any sexual contact on the first day is a pretty bad idea, hold off from doing that for a while because you won't know whether he's using you for a sexual thrill or not, and love comes from within, nobody falls in love with just the way a person looks, it's what's inside that counts (Owen)

I've tried all of those methods for my selfharm? None of them work, been to counciling,been to different therapist, the only thing that stops me is doing it, or really bad overdoes where I actually pass out, that's the only thing that stops me. Not the one who asked-_-

Well their just examples of how to stop, but the best way is to do something you enjoy doing, sports or hobby's would do just anything to take your mind off self-harming. For instance i use running as my way. I use it as like a metaphor thing "run away from your problems" and that's set me clean 4 years (Owen)

can you give me ways to pass the time? my self-harm is getting to bad and i need somethings to do that wont cost anything and that will take my mind off of all the depressing things happening in my life.. please!

To stop self-harming -
1. Butterfly challenge
2. Twanging elastic bands on your wrist
3. Drawing on yourself in red marker
4. Scribbling on sheets of paper
5. Writing (poetry, stories, journal, etc.)
6. Cuddling with a stuffed toy
7. Being with other people
8. Watching a favorite TV show (preferably a comedy)
9. Posting on web boards, and answering others’ posts
10. Thinking about how I DON’T want scars for the summer (or the rest of your life)
11. Painting your nails
12. Going to see a movie
13. Eating something ridiculously sweet (or any favorite food)
14. Doing school work
15. Surf the net
16. Go into chat rooms to talk
17. Call a friend and ask for company
18. Playing a musical instrument
19. Singing
20. Looking up at the sky (night is especially beautiful) .
21. Redo this list.
22. Punching a punching bag (with gloves on)
23. Shoot rubberbands across the room.
24. Cover yourself with band-aids where you want to cut
25. Mix warm water and red food coloring, and put in on your skin (feels and looks like blood)
26. Letting yourself cry (can be very difficult for some)
27. Sleep
28. A hot shower, or relaxing bath (no razors in the tub, though)
29. Play with a pet
30. Detangling yarn or necklaces
31. Re-organizing your room
32. Cleaning
33. Having a pillowfight with the wall (yes, neighbors may think you are crazy, but that’s ok)
34. Knitting or sewing
35. Reading a good book
36. Dressing up very glamorous
37. Coloring your hair
38. Listening to music (try use calm music)
39. Watching a candle burn (no playing with the flames!)
40. Finding someone else you can help out
41. Meditate
42. Watching a scary movie.
43. Work on a website
44. Have a vivid fantasy love affair with a celebrity
45. Go somewhere very public
46. Bake
47. Alphabetize your CD’s
48. Chewing leather (especially if you self harm by biting)
49. Buy a home Henna tatoo kit (peels off the next day-similar to skin picking)
50. Painting or drawing
51. Ripping paper into itty-bitty pieces
52. Hugs-(this one is very nice…)
53. Writting letters or emails
54. Talk to yourself (or if that feels weird, buy a small tape recorder-It then feel like someone is listening)
55. Stroke nice fabrics
56. Hug a pillow
57. Hyperfocus on something like a rock, hand, etc.
58. fingerprint
59. Scream real loud
60. Dance
61. Make hot chocolate (mmmmm….)
62. pop bubble wrap

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Its ok , i dont want to reviel myself as ill get called an attention seeker

You can message me on kik/bbm? I won't answer the question x

Yeah i dont belive myself either

Hun? Do you wanna speak privately?(As I'm coming off here now)


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