
Advice And Teen Support

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But if you think about it you could tell someone on Kik then they could put it on here? And it's not like your small ;) (not that it would matter anyway) and jake you keep ignoring the other question!? :D how big are your feet?

Welll.... and my feet are size 10 - Jake

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Well if I Knew I wouldn't be asking ;) and don't forget foot size?

Well if you kik me, im not gonna say on here - Jake

Okay how big is your private area? :P And just to throw it in how big are your feet?

Urm, depends who is asking?... I mean there are some people that know (You know who you are;) ) - Jake

Jake Saying 'hi x' but he replied 'there's no need to pretend like you don't know... Everybody does I trusted one friend... Look where that fucking got me its fine you don't need to pretend just please leave me alone x' I don't know what to do :( my opinion hasn't changed and I just want to hug him

Tell him exactly how you feel, give him a MASSIVE paragraph about how amazing he is and how you feel about him. don't worry about what others say, you need to persuade him that you think he is amazing! Ask to meet up? Then you can cuddle him all day long! :) - Jake

I know this is a little bit odd but if you receive a blow job does that mean you've lost your virginity?

No it does not... Losing your virginity is actual viganal inter course...

I'm giving up.. Because I'm getting hate on my profile because I'm bisexual. Besides it's a sin. I can't help it..

If it was a sin, god wouldn't have made bisexuals... Keep your head up

Jackie people say you hate Jake is that true? What has he done :( Jakes lovely... Does he know you dislike him? x

I do not dislike jake! Jake has been there for me a lot and last night I was so sad and upset and he was the only one who could make me laugh.... He's done nothing wrong! I don't know who said I didn't like him because I do! That is a silly rumor and isn't true! Jake and pippa are both amazing people and I love them...

i'm fed up of how people treat me and i seriously want to give up, i just don't understand, people are there one minute then drop me and i can't cope anymore

Keep your head up! It will be okay... Find things that you love and surround yourself with those things... Think positively
-Jackie <3

I really want a boyfriend but I have really bad social anxiety. I'm transferring I a public co-ed highschool and I'm coming from an all girls school. How can I meet guys and try to get them interested in me? I really want a boyfriend :/

Just be yourself... There is a boy out there for you... Be patient
-Jackie <3

I go on a run every day for maybe 20-35min, take breaks when needed. I do squats to loose some thigh weight maybe twice a week? Ride a bike (and if i do thats all the excersise i will doI relax on weekends. And still eat what I want when I want Lol. So I just wanna make sure this is healthy excersis

That is perfect excersize!

Jackie- like I said I found out the senior I liked has a girlfriend .. Would it be weird if I followed him on Instagram? Do you think he would follow me back?

I don't think it's weird... You can still be friends...
-Jackie <3

Hi everyone! I'm here for you all, if you ever need advice, please don't hesitate to come to us! we will help you through your problems and offer our advice and help find a solution to your problems. STAY STRONG EVERYONE :)

- Jake

I really like this guy and he really likes me too, but my relationship ended really badly..I really don't want to be hurt again..do I just move in and trust this guy or stop talking to him? xx

You can't say that you don't wanna get hurt and never have a relationship again just cos of one relationship eh? If you two like each other, go for each other -Jake

Ive started going out with someone, he wants to meet up, but i dont know what to do when we meet up, help:/

You shouldn't worry about this, if you two wanna go out you will have to see each other.. just talk with him before want you two wanna do, then honestly? Be yourself. If you aren't, he may think you're someone you are not when you calm down a bit and change into your normal self - Jake

How can I get flat on my splits and a flat stomach?

Put a book under your first foot when doing splits and then keep adding books and stay that way for as long as you can each day... It will get you there.
Wrap tin foil around your stomach before you go to sleep to make your self have a flat stomach.
-Jackie <3

jake- I was wondering how you know if a guy likes you?

He may look over at you every now and then, (he may smile, or look away quickly) he may be confident enough to start talking abd flirting, but a lot of guys who start talking to girls don't show they lkke them, until they know that the girl likes them, or most of the time it just doesn't work:p - Jake

May I make a suggestion? No matter what size it won't make it up that far. Your body stops it at a certain point, so it will not reach your ovaries.

Exactly - Jake


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