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Is it weird that when I masturbate I enjoy the first bit but I really don't like the orgasm itself

Do you try to make yourself orgasm? Try stopping before you know you're going to orgasm x

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Is it normal to be horny in French class? The teacher int even fit like. She's a woman and so am I? I don't think it's to do with the teacher but I just want to masturbate so much!

Wait until you get home, then do it (:

I was caught having oral with another girl the other day... Neither of us are "out" and I don't know what to do :/

"out" being?

I like this boy who lives about a hour away from me but he is bestfriends with my cousin and my cousin is a boy and Idk what to say to the boy I like

Have you asked him if he likes you back?

Can masturbating often affect your period? Mines late and I've been doing it quite a lot in the past week

Depending on how old you are and how long you'e had periods for tells whether you're still getting the hang of it and getting into a pattern of days. It can't cause harm x

idk :/, she siad she will do it :/

She is more than likely being forced into this, do not let her!

my friend has to prove she loves her boyfriend by giving him a blowjob or handjob would u do this??

No! Is he making her do this?!

Ok, thank you for saying I'm a good friend as well xxxx

Its my pleasure. Do you have facebook,bbm,skype or kik?xxxx

Well I don't if he cares wat his mates think . But how do I know if he is lieing about likeing me?;

I know you don't care, but does he care? And ask him in person?

Ofc I'm going to stay with her through tough times, we're like sisters. She will seriously be mad if I tell you though. After we've had a big conversation about it, like 10 minutes later she just says hey like nothing's happened. Should I act like nothing's happened as well or talk about it? Xx

Don't like, always talk about it. Just find 10-15 minutes a day to talk about it xx

Well she just would. She doesn't think there's anything wrong with it. I told her that it will soon become an addiction and it'll get much worse but I can't get any sence into her you know. It's so frustrating xx

You're both an amazing friend and should be an inspiration! You're amazing for staying with her :') try&get her to talk to me? I feel this great need to help her. Because I know you're there, but when you self-harm you feel so lonely. xxx


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