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I asked you a question once and i would like to inform you i was peeing during this act and i am doing so again as i type. Good day sir.

Good, multi-tasking for the win! xD

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Um we'll basicly I really like this boy, and I have told him.abd he says I am.good looking and then he says he is gonna ask me out but never dose . But his mates whould hate him if he went out with me?

Does he care what his friends think?

can bry say hi to me in response to this please?? Xxxxx

Hi xx I can't really come online on school days anymore guys. I may be able to a bit but I have loads of work now I need to sort out my sleeping pattern and all that shizz x
Bry x

She hasn't even started her period. And no, probably not tbh. She doesn't even know I speak to u about it, she would go mad. She made me swear I wouldn't tell anyone but I thought this was an exception. What shall I do Pippa? Xx

Could be the hormones starting to "kick in"? And hmm, I'd adise she does talk to someone, Childline are good (as its anonymous). Other than that there isn't much you can do besides always be there for her to fall back on, when you go through self-harming - toy find out who your true friends are. You'll prove to her that you are xxx

She was talking to to me about it earlier and even telling me to cut my own wrists. I'm getting really worried because she's all moody xxx

Hormones probably, and stress. Do you think she would talk to me? xxx

yeah your personal links just i seen a lot of people asking and thought id mention it

Good idea, thankyouuu(:

I think I might be schizophrenic but I don't know what to do, last time I was at hospital I asked my mum if I should have mentioned any of the symptoms I've been getting but she said definitely not and that I didn't want to be diagnosed schizophrenic...

Get it checked out, go to the Doctors. Better safe than sorry xx

this is just a suggestion but personally i think you should put all your links like for ask.fm in the description.......but thats just my opinion

Links being our personal links?

Personally I think she won't stop. She's been so sad in school recently and I'm worried about her. Yeah the cuts are quite deep and she told me she bled xx

Does she wanna talkto someone about it?xx

Yeah I hadn't seen him at all since we last got off and I went for a meal with some of my girl friends and turns out a bunch of the lads were there and they all came over and were talking to us, and turns out I had to get the same bus and them all home

Block yourself off from him x

I like press it? I don't know if I do it write or not? where is it even?

when you insert you
fingers in, put them
knuckle side down. curl
your fingers up almost
like your saying come
here with them. You will
feel something that is
kind of rough, feels
almost like a sponge. Rub
across is lightly at first
then a little harder. Trust
me you will know when
you are hitting it by her
reaction. I told it to my
husband this way and he
had no trouble at all
finding it. Another thing
that might help is if she is
ok with it, it might be
easier for her to find it
herself first then guide
you to it. She could try
inserting her own fingers
in and finding it. I myself
had trouble doing that,
because of the positioning
but it might work for her. Taken from - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index%3Fqid%3D20090801014148AADM6FA (Owen)

About a week she has told me anyway xx

Do you reckon she can stop? Have you seen the cuts? Are they deep?xx

She's recently lost a relative. And thanks. I've told her to ring me whenever she feels the need to cut but she says she can't promis that she won't cut agin. What should I do? Please help pippa, I can't bear that my best friend would be in pain. I'm the only one she have told xx

How long has she been doing it for? And I know sweetie, its horrible to know you can't do anything. But the only things you can do is A: stay there for her. B: get her to call Childline xx

I quite like him but I don't like him as much as I liked the first guy, and Iiked the first guy so much considering how badly he was treating me, there were rumours going round that he liked me too but I doubt it he was just using me and ever since I saw him yesterday I can't stop thinking about him

Have you tried to stop seeing the first guy?

My best friend just told me she cuts. I told her I'm there for her and everything but what else can I do to make her not want to cut? X

Why does she cut? And I respect that you're there for her :) x

Me and my mum always fall out over nothing I live with my dad but I see my mum twice a week what should I do ?

Families always fall out, maybe cos you don't see your mum so much you haven't got used to her ways and her properly? You can't really do anything but try&stop the argument and say sorry x

Would ever happen between us and I think I should end it with the guy seeing but I feel so so bad because he was telling me he really likes me, sorry it's so long aha

Its alright :) and hun, if they first guy really liked you he wouldn't be messing you around. The second guy on the other hand, sounds sensitive. Do you not like the lad you're seeing? Cause he's gonna be better than someone that's messing you around - whether you love him or not. I'd say see how it goes with this guy, if you still don't feel the same in like, a week? End it all. But try to get over your ex, think of all the bad things he did x

The first time since we last got with each other and he was with a load of friend who came and said hi and hung out and stuff and this guy didnt say anything to me at all and he was so jealous but I just don't know what to do because I think I still have feeling for this guy but I know nothing cont


So I liked this guy for ages and we've got with each other so many times but he led me on so much, now I'm seeing this other guy but I think I'm only seeing this other guy to make the first guy jealous and I don't want to use him like that because its so wrong and I saw the guy who I liked for (cont


Well yeah, I rub and finger but when I touch my g-spot I find it quite uncomfortable

Well the g-spot is the main pleasurment area to achieve one (correct me if I'm wrong) you have to stroke that spot. I'm not sure why it would be uncomfortable, are you sure you're hitting the right bit? (Owen)

Define 'playing'? X

Okay, when your doing it, you're rubbing yourself and you're also fingering yourself right? Have you tried rubbing around you g-spot because what this does should trigger powerful orgasms and may trigger ejaculation too (Owen)


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