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Should I shave down there? Like, don't just say 'whatever you want', what do you think?

I honestly cannot tell you what to do with this, do whatever you're most comfortable with you didn't want to hear it but it's genuinely your choice what you do, you shouldn't ask others what they think (Owen)

I've tried loads of things to reach orgasm but nothingis working?! I'm a girl btw

Have you tried playing with your g-spot? (Owen)

I'm on about fingering myself when I'm 13 and home alone

There's no law about masturbation, you can do it at any age (Owen)

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She seemed fine though

I'd advise you (after hearing what could happen) to double check with her (Owen)

I'm 15 he's 17 and she probably doesn't know we do it, but we do so she'll have to get used to it, hah

Not necessarily, your boyfriend is the right age to be doing this kind of stuff, you are not. Your mum (if she wanted to) for statutory rape. This means that your boyfriend could face being placed on a sexual offenders register which will screw his life up. I'd talk to your mum about this, just to check she won't report you both (Owen)

Is it bad my mum walked in when I was having sex with my boyfriend?

It depends on how old you both are and also depends on whether your mum knows you two do it or not (Owen)

aha Owen I think that anon is trying to prove u wrong by making u lose ur temper lololololol

Probably, didn't work though (Owen)

A fair bit ;)

Why not just tell him you like him? The worst that can happen is it'll be awkward. But it could be worth it, he might like you back x

I am 14, there's this guy I like, but I don't know how to tell him! I'm quite good friends with him, he's part of our friendship group, and i've spoken to him on facebook a few times!

How often do you speak to him?

Maybe it's because people walking around in a room with a load of balloons in and anyone could accidently step on one making it pop and maybe she gets a bit jumpy?

No she nearly cries when they get popped (Owen)

Omfg I'm the same with balloons :O

I still don't understand why, we were in a room full of balloons earlier and she ran away (Owen)

I mean I knew it wasn't going to last forever but when he said all that stuff it jut made me think he cared about me more than he really did. I feel so stupid for thinking anything he said was true it's just like guys don't talk to me very often let a lone like me.Idk sorry now I'm just complaining

Don't worry about it love, I'm here to listen to what you have to say and help you aren't i? :) You don't deserve someone who treats you like that okay? you will find someone better believe me (Owen)

I want to wank my bf off but dont you need Lube or something? I obviously don't have any, wont it be dry and painful for guys without lubricant

Lube isn't a necessity, most guys masturbate without any lube and it's not painful so you can go without (Owen)

My boyfriend broke up with me recently which really sucks cause he said it was cause I was like shy around him and it's true and I knew i was but like I couldn't help it and I tried so hard to not be so awkwar but then he started ignoring me and then he broke up with me. And like he said all this

Well, this is what happens in a relationship, nothing lasts forever you should know this is what happens in relationships, especially when you're not too sure about it in the first place. Relationships ruin friendships that's a given fact, but you have to try and move on away from this person. Try and clear your mind and forget about him, because if he was so important to you he wouldn't of gotten away. Also, you will find someone better who will accept your shyness and embrace it, he won't hurt you and this person will be the person you spend the rest of your life with you don't need this guy, you're better than that (Owen)

(Cont.) stuff about how he wanted to date for a long time and how much I meant to him and how we would stil be friends after we broke up because at first I didn't want to say yes cause I knew it wouldn't work out. And I was right, but he just completely threw me out of his life and like it hurt

Answer on part 1 (Owen)


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