
Advice And Teen Support

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Do you like emos Pippa?

Yeah, some of my friends are emo's.
A lot of people say, I'm a mixture of Scene, Emo and Goth.

Idk how teen girls have sex and get pregnant like its nothing D: like a babys a big responsibility but girls get pregnant left & right in my neighborhood, school etc. & it makes me wonder if anyone uses condoms anymore xD

Hahahha aww, well said!
Honestly, I don't know whether they do either. But I guess it's their choice ay

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Happy birthday Jake you've helped me so much and deserve to have an amazing day:') thankyou for being you! I've just added you on bbm<3

Aw thank you! Gimmie a message! - Jake

Would a 4'9 guy and a 5'1 girl look weird together if they were dating?

It always does look weird for the taller girl, but cant help the guy being so short eh? It will look weird whoever he dates! - Jake

Should I make up with my ex again? Well he is the reason why I'm dancing in the mirror and singing in the shower. Think of him when I'm going to bed when I wake up think of him again...

Thats upto you isnt it? Did he hurt you? Can you forgive him? Can you see you two being friends again? Answer them, then you should be able to answer your own question - Jake

So I have a friend that I haven't talked to in awhile and I want to become friends again with her. What should I text her?

Tell her you miss her and you don't know what happened between you two and make plans to hang out
-Jackie <3

Jackie, how do I let go of a guy.? I've liked this guy for awhile and he hasn't made a move and it's starting to make me depressed. :/ I really want to stop liking him but I can't. My best friend said that I should stop liking him. I just don't think it's that easy....

Try to like someone else and distract yourself. Hang with fiends and family and try to find hobbies and surround yourself in things that make you happy.
-Jackie <3

I like your page very much and you have good answers! Best wishes from Germany <33

Thank you so much!!!
-Jackie <3

how to ask out a girl you like that you just started talking recently?

Honestly... I would wait a few months until you ask her out. Get to know her more before anything too seriously
-Jackie <3

How do i go about getting on the pill?....I'm 16 so would it be confidental andd thaat?!.....x

Talk to your doctor. As you're 16, in the UK you're legal.
But if you're from elsewhere, yes it would still be confidential. But again, you need to talk to your doctor about it.
Just say you'd like to go on the pill and he'll ask you a bunch of questions. It'll be fine x

Thanks! I called sucide help lines! And they helped me! (Stool person)

We're all glad they helped sweetheart x

can u help me how to style short hair.. ,long to middle of neck, straight.. somer pics, ideas and good styling.. .it can be with some accesories but to diy....

Sock bun
Pony tail
Head band
Side braid
YouTube for more ideas
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Janene

How do i treat girls who think they are prettiest more than anyone else? i really hate those kind of girls like wtf they are doing they really need to be polite and show some respect. anyways how do i not give them my attention and dont let them affect me in a bad way (sorry bad english)

Just ignore them... Let them think what they want...
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Janene


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