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(Cont.) so bad and it still hurts cause I just want him as a friend and I told him how I felt and he never responded but I've been trying to get over him. Or at least trying to figure out how I feel about him but I can't. Sometimes I'm mad that he would just leave like that but sometimes I just

Answer on part 1 (Owen)

(Cont. again sorry) crave him and I mss him and I've been having dreams one where we kissed and it was the most amazing kiss and one where he started talking to me again and asked me out and like I'm just wondering how to get over someone when I'm not even sure how I feel about them.. Sorry tht was

Answer on part 1 (Owen)

Long OMG rlly sorry that's like 5 asks I'm sorryy

It was four and it's okay I'll answer them now anyway (Owen)

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Nothing the same without her though, she was my bus buddy at college and she brighten up my town, i go to her grave and speak to her but its not the same, i'm at college when it comes to her year and i dont want to go in. she would want me to be happy i do try but it hard really is <3

I can imagine its not sweetie, that's the thing; when you've been with someone for so long, its weird when they're gone. But keep trying, I know she's proud of you <3

That's the problem we're in a relationship as such like ahh I don't know it's hard to explain, we're not boyfriend girlfriend but we like each other and we do stuff but idk if he'd agree to that if we're not bf gf

Just ask if he ever would do it and if the conversation keeps going ask if he would do it to you (Owen)

I really miss my best friend she died 10 months ago on the 20th, No-one understands and i use to tell her everything help me please :'(

Well first, R.I.P to your friend. She's in Heaven now with the Angels and she'll always be there for you, looking down on you. Seeing how amazing you are, right now she's with you. You mourn her death and yet, she is so peaceful. But we are here to help you, to help you whenever you need it. All I can suggest is tfinding a new best-friend, its going to be difficult as you're still hurting, but what would your friend want? You depressed mourning her death? Or out, enjoying life they way she did until that day. I hope this helped, as said R.I.P<3

I want this guy I'm seeing to eat me out but I can't just be like 'hey eat me out k thanks' what do I do/say?

Just ask if he ever would do that and if he says he would then say that you've always wanted it, you have to have the ability to talk about this stuff if you are in a sexually active relationship (Owen)

Have any problems? Lets us prescribe music to help you! haha :P We are the music doctors after all...

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Brilliant (Owen)

Ok this is me being Serious... And im doing it off anon because im fucking Bosh like.. Anyways THIS QUESTION IS FOR THAT BEAST OWEN <3 How big is your penis ? that is all...

Big enough to demolish you Alex :) (Owen)

well i got double vision but means i can see two of you which is awesome, can i talk to you privatly please pippa? xx

Awesome? That'd be bad, I'm like,eugh ugly! And of course sweetie, I have bbm,kik&facebook :) xx

Don't mind,but do you have any thing like a social networking chat because I don't really want it all on here it's really serious

Me and Pippa both have kik and Facebook (Owen)

Who would be best i to talk about self harming too?

Any of us, we all have done it at some point, who would you like to talk to? (Owen)

Please don't say it's bad & stuff because I've heard it but I've run out of ideas, I have really severe social anxiety, depression, (mild) schizophrenia & to top it off I'm questioning my gender & sexuality. I need to get away from it somehow & the only way I can think of is drugs or suicide...

Okay I'll admit that is a lot to go through but suicide and drugs is never the answer, you can manage the other stuff that you have going on with help and support classes. But these problems you deal with and far to severe for un-professionals to try and help you with. My best advice would be to call up childline and see what they have to say, you need professional standard help (Owen)

pippa- can you tell me how to get a orgasm please? i really want to get one?

Okay, well some girls can't reach an orgasm until they're older, but here are some tips:
What good is it to try and reach an orgasm if you're too stressed out about it to even have one?
*Be happy in the moment.
Concentrating on what you're doing can slow things down. You don't want that to happen.
That's pretty much self explanitory.
*Lock the doors & turn down the lights
You wouldn't want anyone walking in on you, right? This pairs with relaxing.
*Get comfortable.
Most likely on a bed, but to reach climax, try to experiment.
*Do what you feel is right.
Don't try anything you feel you shouldn't do.
*Start off slowly and lightly.
This pairs with teasing:
*TEASE! It's all about TEASING! When you feel that you're about to come, STOP!, wait a minute, then start off slow and light.
Here are some tips on experimenting:
*Try lying on the floor, with your feet up high on a hard surface. If your sink or bathtub isn't too high, prop your feet up and try that.
*Use running water. Lay down in the tub, put your feet up, make sure (obviously) that your "south side" is under the faucet and turn the water on. Just note that if this gives you an orgasm, it'll decrease your pleasure when you actually DO have sex.
*Sit cross legged on the floor. Take your finger and trace around your clit in an "O" shape. If that gets boring, trace the alphabet!
*Lay on your stomach and try. This way, you have control, but with a different part of your body: your hips. Move them any which way you want to, girl!
*Lay down on your side. Lift the top leg up and place that foot on your bottom leg. Take some lube (or not) and then TAP your clit. This causes many short sensations. You might possibly get there from this, or you could move on to something listed above ^
EXPERIMENT! That's the key word. Try out new things, and you'll get there.
Good luck :)"

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Has Owen Given Pippa a BlowJob yet ??? (BTW, that last one wasn't me I just thought it would be funny say:L)

Funny, I know, haaa

Yah but what happens when you get an orgasm?

You get a big rush of a pleasurment feeling and you may experience ejaculation (Owen)


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