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im in year 8 and im with a year 10

There's nothing wrong with that, I'm sure he probably gets more "hate" about it, but ignore it. If you're happy with him, that's all that matters x

Owen Is it normal for the clit to go quite firm during and after masturbation?

I imagine it would be, it might be because most people strain and tense their body up during masturbation and you're just tensing it (Owen)

Yeah I tell him everything but he never understands why I get moody when i'm on my period

Tell him that then, I sometimes tell my friends when they annoy me,haha

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Yeah 2 hours at the most

No you have a whole life above you, each day is a gift not a given right. You have the right to life it's one of our basic human rights okay, i urge you to try and get professional help, call up childline, they're professionals they'll help you a lot better than i can (Owen)

Bullied for the fact i have no friends, i'm ugly and fat and am never gonna get someone. I try to tell them my problems and i get told to suck it up. Been to a coucillor, couldn't help, may as well end the suffering.

Every person gets bullied I've been bullied too, you just need to build up the strength you have inside of you and say to yourself that this won't affect you anymore, I understand the school bit, most are useless but none of this is a excuse to kill yourself, there's always that one person for everyone you just need to find them first trust me, nothing is life is so major to make you want to kill yourself, you do have too much to live for (Owen)

going out with an older year

Hun, I'm going out with someone who's 3 years older, how old are you?

I'm bullied all the time, my parents are never there for me, school never do anything and i feel like emotionally i have just had the life drained out of me.

Every person gets bullied I've been bullied too, you just need to build up the strength you have inside of you and say to yourself that this won't affect you anymore, how do you know that your parents don't care? I understand the school bit, most schools are useless with stuff but you just gotta tell the right person about this (Owen)

Oh my good god Owen!! I can't thank you enough for that paragraph. What have I been missing these past years! I can't thank u enough xxxx

Don't worry about it love :) (Owen)

Because everyone judges me for being out with an older year and calls me a slut and stuff :(

Explain "being out"?

I keep falling out with like my best friend and friends and family :(

Male or female friends?/bestfriend? And tell your family you're on

Yes please u already have me on fb i have alot of probelms in life ma name charlene

Inbox me first?

my period makes me so moody and always falling out with people what do I do?

Sadly us girls always get that, but they need to understand that you're on. Who do you keep falling out with?

Okay, i'm still here but i will do it any second.

Just hold off it for a bit okay? Now, why do you feel the need to do this? (Owen)

I got In a lot of trouble with the police and it got publicised so I used a fake name and age

Okay that's something different then, tell him your real stuff if you honestly trust him (Owen)

My mum is a little drunk and she gets really slow and gets irritated fast. Should I do anything?

Just try and leave her alone for a while, but if you want to try sober her up bread & water helps a lot (Owen)

Coz right me and this lassie we used to be super close but now ive lost her and im sad tht i have becos i told her something but i cant tell u wht tht is

Do you want to talk privately hunnie?

. Because of stuff that was going on with the trouble I was in so I had to use a different name and age

Which stuff? what do you mean? (Owen)

When my contract is being paid by my parents, can they read all my texts via the computer?

As far as I know, they can't.x


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