
Advice And Teen Support

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Is it normal to have a browny coloured period when I reach like the 4th day? And is it normal to whiff a bit?

Is it like, on the pad? Or in the toilet? And yeah, periods usually make your sweat glands expand x

yeah i do but they didnt do any thing last time just kept asking if i was making my self sick and if i was fuking pregnant....and because they kept asking i got mad :/ and last time took blood tests urin tests erm all the usual but they said it was just because i was low on iron

Ah, I have the exact same sweetie! Basically you don't have enough iron in your blood, your white blood cells fight off diseases and keep your amune system up. Iron is needed to help red blood cells oxyginated the blood. Besides the tablets and syrup, green vegtables and red meat has a lot of iron in it. Go for another blood test x

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no i refuse to go to the doctors, but the paininmy chest is really bad so i was thinking of going, i went ages ago ended up having like 6 bloodtests and being prodded and poked isnt nice ugh i hate it what would they do about chest pain though?

Do you want to feel better? And they would probably make you have another blood test to be sure. What did they do last time?

im sick of being sick :(,basically ive been ill now for about 2 months on and off but mostly ive being ill common things like cold n flue throwing up chest pains headaches mood swings shit like that what can i do to prevent ita little?

I had the same, have you seen your GP about this? Mine turned out to me anaemia, so I'd check if I were you x

i'm in my room 24/7 litch everyone go out and meet friends then theres me, I hardly see my best friends because she live ages away.... being here pointless i'm unhappy and have no friends, I would talk to you privately but you be shocked on who it is <3

Come on hunny, whether I'm shocked or not doesn't matter, its helping you that I wanna do. <3

okay but she cant stop thinkin about her u no they used to be really close they acted like sisters if u no wht i mean

I do know what you mean, and I understand. But you can't do much to help her, just be there for her to cry on

Because i screw everyone lifes up just for being here its pointless

I'm here if you need to talk privately hun :) and you were put on Earth for a reason, why is being here "pointless" as you say?

Yes I do know why but I don't think I should put it on here .. (K)

Fair enough but yeah just leep reminding her you're here for her and encourage her to stop (Owen)

my friend lost someone she loves amd shes so depressed about it she hasnt been the same since her amd tht girl stopped talking and she puts on a fake smile and laugh anf she cries everyday missing her wht can i do to help my friend out???

Sadly all you can do is let her know that you're always there for her x

Everyone hates me i have no friends & my dad hates me. I give up

Why do you feel everyone&your dad hates you sweetie?

Pippa y so pretty? Owens lucky to have you

May I ask, how am I pretty? And I dis-agree, I am lucky to have him :)

My freind has a really tough time,she slits and I don't know if she's suicidal,please help:( it's making me depressed,and she's getting worse (K)

Do you know why she does it? And i understand it's making you depressed selfharm is a very sensitive issue. But, i admire you for standing with your friend in her time of need, you're a good friend to her but you have to stay strong here, and keep telling her to as well and try and just stay with her reminding her that she can fall back on you (Owen)

If it is like connected through I tunes can they?

No only if they can access your hard drive they can (Owen)

What's a harddrve exactly? Sorry I'm not really computerish

A big memory block. Your computer memory basically (Owen)

Can my partners access my computer or iPod history from another computer?

Only if it's a shared computer or harddrive then yeah :) (Owen)

Google chrome

I dunno how chrome works but it should be in your hard drive somewhere in the chrome folder (Owen)


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