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My little sister is 9, I'm 4 years older and she slwayd acts like she's my mum she thinks she's older than she is an really bossy.She's a brat and always naughty she does my heading and violent towards me and I always get in trouble when we fight. She cried at anything&goes ott in tantrums whatDoIDo

That's just the "fun" of having a little sister, sadly you can't do much about it. Try to think though, maybe you were like that?(If you have an older brother or sister).x

I don't know if I have anger management issues or what but sometimes my brother just annoys me so much I can't help but kicking him:( It's only at home and I'm not very violent, but still, I don't want to harm him with my short temper. Any ways to avoid this?xx

When I'm angry I usually just rip up paper, but different ways can be to draw, watch tv, listen to music etc. Just things you do every day really so you can forget why he annoyed you xx

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Owen-I would appreciate a guys view point: my boyfriend and I go to different school but he tells me that the girls try to flirt with him. And he says he keeps telling them he has a gorgeous girlfriend. Is it good that he just told me upfront that he has girls flirting with him?

I say yes, it show's that he's honest about what's going on with you but to me flirting is harmless fun and it's nothing to worry about (Owen)

Hey I just wanted to stop by and say that I've been following you for a while now and I think that the advice you give is pretty incredible. Keep up the good work. You are all such admirable people xD

Thankyou honey, it does mean a lot to us all :')

My boyfriend always asks me where I'm going, who I'm going with, am I with any boys, he doesn't like me even talking to boys, I have bbm and he doesn't like me having a display picture, he always asks me have I got boys on there, always what's to know exactully what I'm doing! What can I do?

My ex was like this, tell him to "back-off a bit" because you're allowed boy friends, and if he stops that, he's not a very good or trusting boyfriend is he? Tell him to stop being so clingy otherwise he'll control everything on your phone.(I know what that feels like&its horrible)
Liked by: Ashlei Allen

Counting the days? ;')

Its easy, we were together on the 1st of October, so its quite easy tbf ;)

Pippa/Owen, were you two together before this account was made? x

Yes, we've been together for 6 months and 5 days :) x

Of course it's a good thing! I've NEVER come across someone as young as you who can help people as well as you do!

Yay! Come off anon so I can thank you properly? And people underestimate "us" young people, we're capable of so much:')

what do you mean by third on the list?? x

There's 2 other girls that want my accent, sorry 3 x

because ive tried with them.....i would be willing but it would be difficult because id never see them idek i want a girlfriend that i can suddle up to and be intermite wiith :(

Join a local youth club? Sometimes you meet the person you'll fall in love with there :) ( I know I did:$)
If not, you'll just have to wait honey x

Pippa you do such an amazing job on here, I can't believe you're only 13, in all honesty talking to you is more helpful than any therapist I've ever had (Trust me that's a lot), I can't actually get over how old you are... But thank you so much for everything you do and helping everyone you help xxx

Why can't you believe my age? Is that a good or bad thing? Hehe:3 and thankyou ever so much, you do not know how happy this made me or the feeling of exitiment I just had rush through me knowing I help people :D thankyou<3

because they are either straight not interested or live the other side of the world

Straight? I guess it may not
Not interested? How do you know?
Other side of the world? Could work if you're willing

i keep falling for other girls i know i cant have, what should i do?

How do you "know you can't have" one?

Yeah, have done all my life thinking about it, I only realized being trans was an actual thing and not some gross thing as I'd been made to think by society when I was about 11 or 12 (I'm 15 now)

Well I have respect for you:') and society is horrrible, people get judged on everything when we are all unique x

when i said your accent is just wow its a good thing : ) your accent is amzing! i want it! i live in newcastle in the north east of england and i hate my accent x

You're third on the list then sweetie,haha&i bet its fine x

Thank you for doing that, my mums asked me like 4 times if I feel "Like a boy trapped in a girls body" and each time I just freak out and either deny it, change the subject or pretend I didn't hear... Then when I'm not with her I always want to tell someone then with I'm with them just can't :S

Its alright sweetie, and do you feel like that though? Also you're gonna need to tell her soon hun, otherwise as you said, you will be "a boy tapped inside a girls body"


Language: English