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Owen-have you had any sexual experience yet? Ie being wanked or sucked off?

A bit personal don't you think? (Owen)

hey just wanted to tell you guys that this is a great thing for you to be doing <3 thank you so much. i mean there are ppl here telling others that they are worthless and should go kill themselves and then there is you <3 thank you so much! we need more ppl like you! ♥

Thank you x

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(18 year old) i have a feeling ill be forever alone. Don't think i can cope.

Don't say that, there's someone out there for every person (Owen)

coz this boy says he hates me then hew says he chants to be with me . but when I ask him out he says no I don't want a relationship

Well i understand your confusion there but how about next time you ask him say that it's either now or never, or you could ask exactly where you stand with him (Owen)

Im 18 and never kissed a guy or held his hand. Does this make me asexual since Ive never been in a relationship? I mean i want to... But guys generally don't like me for me. Nor have that much attractiveness.

not at all, the specific definition for it is 1. Having no evident sex
or sex organs; sexless.
2. Relating to, produced
by, or involving
reproduction that occurs
without the union of male
and female gametes, as in
binary fission or budding.
3. Lacking interest in or
desire for sex. (Owen)

I havent done it before, but lately i feel like it is the only way out<3

Its NEVER the only way out,
To stop self-harming -
1. Butterfly challenge
2. Twanging elastic bands on your wrist
3. Drawing on yourself in red marker
4. Scribbling on sheets of paper
5. Writing (poetry, stories, journal, etc.)
6. Cuddling with a stuffed toy
7. Being with other people
8. Watching a favorite TV show (preferably a comedy)
9. Posting on web boards, and answering others’ posts
10. Thinking about how I DON’T want scars for the summer (or the rest of your life)
11. Painting your nails
12. Going to see a movie
13. Eating something ridiculously sweet (or any favorite food)
14. Doing school work
15. Surf the net
16. Go into chat rooms to talk
17. Call a friend and ask for company
18. Playing a musical instrument
19. Singing
20. Looking up at the sky (night is especially beautiful) .
21. Redo this list.
22. Punching a punching bag (with gloves on)
23. Shoot rubberbands across the room.
24. Cover yourself with band-aids where you want to cut
25. Mix warm water and red food coloring, and put in on your skin (feels and looks like blood)
26. Letting yourself cry (can be very difficult for some)
27. Sleep
28. A hot shower, or relaxing bath (no razors in the tub, though)
29. Play with a pet
30. Detangling yarn or necklaces
31. Re-organizing your room
32. Cleaning
33. Having a pillowfight with the wall (yes, neighbors may think you are crazy, but that’s ok)
34. Knitting or sewing
35. Reading a good book
36. Dressing up very glamorous
37. Coloring your hair
38. Listening to music (try use calm music)
39. Watching a candle burn (no playing with the flames!)
40. Finding someone else you can help out
41. Meditate
42. Watching a scary movie.
43. Work on a website
44. Have a vivid fantasy love affair with a celebrity
45. Go somewhere very public
46. Bake
47. Alphabetize your CD’s
48. Chewing leather (especially if you self harm by biting)
49. Buy a home Henna tatoo kit (peels off the next day-similar to skin picking)
50. Painting or drawing
51. Ripping paper into itty-bitty pieces
52. Hugs-(this one is very nice…)
53. Writting letters or emails
54. Talk to yourself (or if that feels weird, buy a small tape recorder-It then feel like someone is listening)
55. Stroke nice fabrics
56. Hug a pillow
57. Hyperfocus on something like a rock, hand, etc.
58. fingerprint
59. Scream real loud
60. Dance
61. Make hot chocolate (mmmmm….)
62. pop bubble wrap<3

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I just hate myself so much, I want to feel something! They just act like I dont excist anymore, I cant do that because I will feel powerless, I'm sorry pippa<3

Please honey, I can't help you unless you help yourself. Are you willing to give up? Because you are the only one who can help yourself. Do this for you<3

well I am losing all my mates . coz they hate the prson I love what can I do

If your friends are falling out with you because of that then forget them, you don't need them, they should support you not in against you (Owen)

I feel like crap ALL the time :/ and I know im gunna end up cutting, I have a razor ready next to my bed and everything. I think i might actually be depressed, but no one will believe me, no one will care anyway...

I care! Why do you feel the need to cut? And why do you think no-one will care? I need you to do something, get the razor and put it in the bin! Do that for me? I know you can, its not worth it x

A guy died from masturbating 42 times in a go, so don't do that. Also a man had to call the fire brigade as he got his dick caught in a park bench, trying to have sex with it. So yeah, just a warning..

Glenniee’s Profile PhotoGlenniee
Okay (Owen)

I cut myself to deep an my gran had to take me to hospital, I have to tell my mum but I do t want to he's to over protective and would ask why and I don't want we to know, what should I do? X

Honey you're gonna need to tell her whether its good or not, if you cut yourself too too and your gran isn't there next time what are you gonna do? And maybe she can help you, get a doctor or a councillor to help you x

Thankyou pipa. &yes I agree & I try my bet to do that but when someone calls me something it just puts me down, I'm forever being judged by boys and they all think I'm an ugly freak:( and no, there's teachers tht are alright but they don't solve things well and they don't care bout me:(

Teachers care more than you think&f#ck the boys, you're you&you are perfect. How do your teachers not solve things well?

I hate taking tablets it scares me and I'm on tablets atm hellpppp owen or pippa:'(

Can you not just change it to a liquid? If not do it how I used to, put it in food&eat the food, if not that I used to crush the tablet & put it in a drink. Try one of them methods if you can't get a liquid x

Hi pippa- after you gave me that information about masturbation, ican't stop doing it. I've done it 5 times today, is that normal?

Don't worry sweetie, you do it as much as you please xx

how do i get people to ask me more questions on here?:)

Follow more people,send them questions saying "give likers questions?" Etc:)


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