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Yh nd now i jst wanna say sorry but dnt no how too :(

Prove to her you're sorry, be cute&make cookies or a cake and put sorry. Or write her a card with a paragraph in telling her how much you're sorry&how much you need her x(Pippa<3)

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Well basically, my friends seeing the guy, she's only 13, and well he is totally obsessed with her. If he can't get hold of her via text he's texting me asking where she is all the time. It's like as if he likes control and its worrying me. I've tried telling I'm it's too much but he won't..CONT

It could either be he just cares&worries about her or he's controlling&clingy(I had an ex like that).
Just tell him to back off a bit, literally. Go up to him and say "listen to me, you're being too clingy with *insert persons name here*, just back off a bit yeah?" Wait for his reply, then walk off

Tht me amd this girl have fallen out and i duno how to say sorry the right way

So you told her something you wasn't supposed to?

Well i kinda told her something that i wasnt ment to tell her but sadly i cant tell u what that is but its something i regret

What question was this in response to?

The question about my best friend and a guy she's seeing? If u don't have it, I'll re write it!:-) xxxx

I don't have a question about it, sorry sweetie xxxx

Hey do you guys all have certain questions you answer? Like does poppa answer ones to do with self harm and Owen about relationships ECT. Or is it just random?

Poppa? Hahahahaha ;) and naah, we just answer whichever question we can, if we think someone else can answer it better then we'll leave it for them :)

She's not the opposite sex, I'm a girl too. I thought this might be why she's not particularly open about it, but she said to me she was. When I ask her why she's distant she says things like she doesn't want to hurt me and I mean the world to her. Its so confusing

Same thing really just prepare yourself for it (Owen)

I'm 13 and my parents won't let me have a boyfriend. Any tips on how to convince them otherwise?

You're 13 and they won't let you have a boyfriend? That's crazy you're at the appropriate age to start getting into relationships. And they shouldn't stop this (Owen)

I think my girlfriend is either cheating on me or she's doesn't want to be with me. She's being really distant and not replying to me, I want to talk to her about it but I don't want to risk us breaking up. I also found out she's telling people she's single

Honestly, you're right to have suspicions about this. It does seem like she's going to break up with you from that question, best advice i can give you is just to prepare yourself for this, it's always the opposite sex that can hurt a person the most so just ready yourself. (Owen)

Pippa-thanks for the tips on girls masturbation,it helped a lot :)

I'm glad it did sweetie, always here :) x

theres 3 years between my and boyfriend is it ok ?

Definitely! There's 3 years between me&my boyfriend too :)

I'm the person who said about being called, thanks for the advice but there's no one that I can trust, that understands, my friends treat me like hit-use/lie to me. My parents aren't understanding and my teachers are useless. I'm 14 and I've been bullied alot&called all through primary high school:(

I also used to have this problem, but show the bullies you don't care! They'll stop, they did with me. Know what I did? When people used to call me names I used to just say "thanks" or "thankyou" and not even a favourite teacher?

Owen-I'm only 16 and engaged...what's your opinion?

Honestly, i shouldn't have an opinion on this, it's your life who am i to judge what you do with it? But my opinion is that it doesn't bother me what you do if you're happy, I'm happy :) so enjoy your life don't let anyone get you down because of this (Owen)

im sure he's not he's actually the sweetest lad i know, and i dont really know my friend said he will mess you about and heartbreak you so i told him i was upset she said that and he just went sick? he swore down on his mums life he'd never use me..and he is really close to his mum?

I personally think that doesn't mean anything really, swearing on something is pointless. Promising something on the other hand, is better. Keep your friend close x

Me nd this girl have fallen out and ive known her all my life abd i want to say sorry to her but i dont know how too so wht should i do

What have you fallen out over?(This will count so I can see how big the problem is to how big the sorry needs to be)

the only guy i care about is the recent one,we've had a fallout recently though but even though im only 14 i actually love him loads. no i might not be in love with him but i do love him? but he's year 11 and im only year 9, is that okay if we went out or is it strange were two years apart?

Are you sure he's not using you sweetie? And not weird at all, me&my boyfriend are 3 years apart. Why have you had a fall-out?x

I get called for my looks,get called fat,a freak,hardly have any friends,I fall out with my family at home,and my friends make me feel like shit,sometimes I just want to kill myself,I've self harmed before..I don't know what to do! I cry alot,especially on school nights:'(

Have you told someone you trust about this?(A teacher etc) they can always help you. You should not feel the need to take your own life, I suffered with bullying for years&look at me now, I'm helping others with it.
Tell someone or it'll never get sorted out, and did you self-harm because of that?

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/32104455654 This was me, and now I'm really good friends with him, but he keeps flirting with me and I don't know what to do. And he told me I was pretty the other day, so I'm confused. What should I do?

well he's either playing hard to get or giving you mixed signals&its not fair on you, so personally I'd try to move on because he said he wouldn't go out with you, I know it might be hard because you're close friends, but try x


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