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What about if u copy the most important bits? X

"I don't suppose you've ever been permitted to learn the truth about all the people that masturbate... but it might interest you to know that infants masturbate (often to orgasm if they do it at all and - rarely - even during the last week or two before they're born)... that by the age of 12, almost 1/3 of all girls have been masturbating to orgasm at least occasionally for half their lives or more... that at age 15 it's 2/3 of them who are doing it regularly (many of those are doing it more than once a day)... or that by the age of 20, more than 80% of women are doing the same - regardless of whether they've ever had intercourse. Even very old people do it.
An orgasm is all the things you feel and all the things that happen with your body at the peak of sexual arousal and pleasure. It's a reflex we're all born with (just like knee jerks and sneezes) that our bodies have in response to sexual stimulation. You will *definitely* know when you have one. There's nothing else anywhere in human experience that feels that way.
It can take a girl or woman anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of hours to reach orgasm. Both of these are pretty unusual but perfectly normal, and anything in between is just fine... and most can get there in much less than 10 minutes when they masturbate.
Just before orgasm, you might have a feeling a bit like you have to pee, but it's not quite the same, and when your orgasm first happens, there'll be a very strong (sometimes intense and *powerful*), warm and sometimes tingly feeling that spreads from your clitoris to your vagina and then through your whole lower body. Then very quickly your clitoris, your vagina, your crotch muscles and your butt-hole will squeeze and pulse a few times while that feeling spreads all over you.
During all this, your heart will beat *very* quickly, your toes will probably curl, you might feel like you need to hold your breath or like you have to breathe really fast, your body will want to tense up and might jerk or shake or shiver, and you might make some noises (grunts, gasps, groans or cries) that you can't really control. You might "squirt" or "ejaculate" a lot of fluid from your urethra (don't worry, it's not pee). The whole time, it's just about the best feeling there is.
(Everything you "might" feel or do above isn't always going to happen... some orgasms are much less overwhelming than just *very* pleasureable.)
Have fun with it and don't worry. Masturbating is normal and healthy, and learning what pleases you sexually is good for you... especially because you'll know what to tell (better yet, to show) your man about how to please you when you eventually decide you're ready to have sex." X

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5, Lastnight was the 6th, it hurt a little previous times but once it dint but I was really wet and so if I'm wet it won't hurt? Do u think it was cus I wasn't wet that night so it hurt?

Probably, so my advise it, try to get turned on a lot before someone fingers you, or else it'll hurt a lot x

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Will u copy and paste the link as an answer so that u don't actually have to click the link and so that the info is an answer! For the girls masturbation btw

I can't,everything inside the link is too long for the box

I've been fingered before but the other night I got fingered and it really hurt, now im Scared to loose my v cus of the pain and I'm worried I'd never be ready to lose it or will be a virgin for life cus I hate pain

How many times have you been fingered? And If you're not wet enough, it can hurt while losing your v, so there shouldn't be too much pain

Is it noce having som1 loving u 4 u?x

Definitely! You just get to be yourself around them&you know that they won't care cos they love you like that and wouldn't change you for the world :3 x

I'm really unpoular..15 and no gws..I'm fairly pretty not fat but I would get guys if I was thin.should I lose weight?

A guy will not love you unless you love yourself, you do not need to lose weight hun, you will find someone to love you for who you are

so its coming up to the anniversary of my brothers death, and its just gonna be a horrible day really but i dont want to stay inside and just look everywhere and have constant reminders what should i do?

Go out with friends and do stuff or just go to your town/city center and look around (Owen)

What would u say if I said I've had sex and I'm 11

Nothing, it was your choice, as long as you used contrception, x

Should I lose weight to please a guy?

No way! If a boy wants you to change, then he is not worthy of you. You are perfect just the way you are hunnie, do not change for anyone <3

How do i get rid.of my shyness and talk to popular people? Also there's this.popular guy I sit next to I don't have a.crush on him or anythingg...bit he always.tries.to make a.conversation ..and I only reply back in words like oh yeah cool great. Sorry.for mh bad grammer on mobile.

Its alright and just try to seem more innterested, talk about something you like instead x

Why are people who haven't snogged losers in my school?not fair !

Works the same in every school hun x

i think what you're doing is really good and really helpful to lots of people :) i hope this brightens your day c;

It did,thankyou so much(: x


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