
Advice And Teen Support

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(B) - How do i stop bein jealous?

You can't really sorry. You just have to accept whatever you're jealous of and move on xxxxx
Bryony x

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Some of my "friends" tell me every day that I'm just a fat ( 53 kg for 1 meter 61), ugly girl. And I believe them but I want that they stop to laugh at me and I don't know what I can do... :(

You would still class them as friends? And tell them to stop it, stand up for yourself x

okay I will tell you everything but it will over run this question :/

Do you not want to talk privately? x

advice to self harmers and people who put them self down all the time and who always think negative about everything

I am/was one of you.
But you are perfect, your insecurities make you perfect.
But all I can say is smile&believe! <3
Liked by: Satan's Slut

Ok so it turns out my friend told her to go wit me to make me happy since Iwas depressed and they didn't want me to start cutting myself again anyway so my skool tool us to disney world and she broke up wit me for some dumbass kid and we've been enemies ever since

Wow.. I can imagine you're annoyed,she seemed as if she used you? x

Im fourteen it started when I was five. It kindaa does help cuz it gives me release. A few of my friends know my issues and that I am how I am. One of them is great and he talks me out of it but i dont like calling him when i wanna self harm cuz i feel like i rely on him too much....

Do you wanna talk to me sweetie? xx

Too far she went too far when we went out she needs some help go talk to her her name is mizzsplash

Confused x

Beacause I need to cope and seeing my blood helps me do that, my life is awful. I get abused physically by my dad and I can't tell anyone. My mum has depression. I am suicidal but they dont know. Self harm helps but now I can't even do that right cuz im not bleeding!?!?!

It doesn't help sweetie, trust me! It makes you do it worse. And when did the abuse start? And how old are you? Also I know sweetie, my mother does too. And does anyone know? x

okay, i told my mum about it, and shes totally fine with it, she said that we're better off not telling dad for a little while and then just kinda invite danni over for dinner one night make sure he likes him then tell him. thanks for the advice pippa x

Kinda how it worked with mine, and pleasure sweetie xx

Don't tell me not to, but how do I make my cuts bleed more? for some reason atm when I self harm there is hardly any blood and I need to see the blood so I am cutting all over my body but I can't get the blood. Where can I cut for more blood or how do increase the amount of blood I bleed?

I'm here to help you stop self-harming, not give you tips to keep self-harming. Why do you cut yourself hun? x

She won't tell me sometimes Iwant to choke her

That's a bit far. Maybe its cos she still likes you?

No it fine :) im just gonna move on and forget about him, thank you :) x

If you need someone to talk to, I'm here hun :) x

Aw thanks pippa, i was really shocked cos i thought it was going really well

That's the thing with boys sweetie, they can change their minds at split seconds, do you need/want to talk somewhere? xx

My ex gf is an asshole she talks about me all the fucking time its so annoying how can Iget rid of her

Just go up to her and tell her to stop talking about you and explain that its annoying you xx


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