
Advice And Teen Support

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Because I wanted more friends. And im stupid. I wasn't thinking. Well, I've done weed. And I've done shrooms, and salvia.

How did you get all them? How old are you?

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at my friends house 2 hours away from home, i walked a mile then rang my friend to pick me up :L x

Lucky you've got your friend to fall back on. And how long can you stay at your friends for?

This summer, I kinda got into the wrong crowd. I made friends with people who do drugs, smoke and drink. And I started doing that stuff. My parents had no idea I did any of this until I got suspended from school. I can't stop I'm addicted. I self harm and I hate myself. I'm a failure. I wanna die.

Why did you go into a different crowd? And you are none of the things you just said! The drinking is understandable as teenagers always do it, smoking some people do it but E-lites can help? What drugs do you do?

my friend bethan is trying to kill herself. help. please :'(!

Is there any way I can talk to her?

yeah i text her as soon as i got to my friends house, she fully understands and she has nothing against it. she only got emothional because she wouldnt have thought i was bi. she says my dad is still raging and never wants me home, she has thought of leaving him for me but i dont want that.

Hmm, where are you living now? And I can imagine he'd still be angry, but he will accept it in time x

i didnt stay with my ex because i knew i liked this guy more than i liked her and i didnt want to hide anything from her. me and molly are BEST FRIENDS even thought we only broke up last night but she understood very well as the same thing happened to her (she is bi too but finished her gf for me)

That's understandable. Have you told your mum that?

Pippa - what is your surname? :O x

I won't give out my surname unless you come off anon, I will post it on your own personal ask so you can see it but please do not post it x

my mams eyes filled up in shock and she looked really confused/scared. she was scared mainly because my dad flipped out and puched the tv in and grabbed me by the collar on my shirt and kicked me out the back door. he said he never wants me back and im an embarrasment of a son and to the family :(

I'm sure he didn't mean that hun, and can you talk to your mum? Surely she'd understand, if you told her why you didn't wanna stay with your ex?

Because it's the truth, I just want to put myself out of this pain now, I hate myself, I m useless. well, I'm not, at least I can be used as a bad example.

What pain? And why do you feel that way?

ive told them how i feel yeah. i said... right i know this will be hard for you's but i really like this boy in my classes. he is gay and single and he is the most amazing person in the world, i understand if you's are mad at me but molly wasnt the one for me...it was something along those lines :L

And there reaction was?

i love this page so much :) you have done a great job by keeping this up and the advice is amazing! i really appreciate what you's are doing:) thank you sosososo much for coming up with this idea<3 -jodie x

Thankyou sweetie <3

okay so im bisexual for definate and i was seeing this girl for 3 years and my mum and dad loved her, she was like a daughter to them. i finished her last night and my mam and dad were really upset, i told them i like boys and i like this guy in my class and they went ballistic :L they kicked me out

Well I can understand that they were upset as they obviously liked her a lot. But it isn't fair that they've kicked you out. Have you told them how you feel?

Thank you Owen. My dad just constantly abuses me with words. ;-; I promise I won't kill myself<3

Words can't hurt you love and good! Stay strong for me okay? :) And if you need me to help I'm always on here :) (Owen)

I self harm because my dad hates me. I don't fit in anymore. I'm loosing all my friends. I have words all over my arms, waist and legs. I've even tried to kill myself. :'(

I do know how you feel, i think my dad hates me too, i haven't seen him since 2011 and you know what? i thought forget him, i don't need him in my life so you're not alone with that but you shouldn't self harm because of this you're stronger than that. Also, if you're losing your friends don't worry about it either, you'll find new, better friends that before. But you need to believe me with this one, nothing can be so bad enough in your life to make you want to kill yourself you have too much to live for, everybody does (Owen)

I've found girls so attractive and Pictured going out and doing stuff with a girl? But also the same with boys I've fancied girls and boys that's why I'm confussed:/ I perfume both genders but I know I'll be judged for who I am and my parents hate gay/lesbian/bi people:/ xxxx

From that i could already state that you are in fact bisexual. But there's no need to be ashamed of it, embrace what you are. Because this is who you are, you can't change your sexual orientation it's what make's you you. It wasn't a choice. And if anyone judges you for this, ignore them because if you're happy nothing will get to you (Owen)

im 16 and my mum drinks a lot,shes not always drunk but when she is i cant bare it i hate it and her when shes drinking idek what to do any more

Have you spoken to your mum about this? If not talk to her about it. If you have already and she's carrying on, tell a alcoholic support group about this (Owen)

hi im 14 and i have been seeing this guy i love to bits for a month now, he wants me to meet his parents tomorrow and have a meal at frankie and bennies. im really nervous. i just want to know how should i act and what should i talk about?? :L

Best way to deal with this is to just be yourself and to not worry about it, if you worry too much you're going to feel awkward around them whereas, if you're just being yourself then you should be fine (Owen)

how old are all of you (the advice and support team) ??

It says in our bio, but I'm 17, Pippa and Bry are 13 (Owen)

im 12 and my boyfriends invited me over his house what do i say to my mum(she knows about him 2 scared 2 sy)

Just be honest with your mum, say you're going out and if she asks where, tell her, don't keep secrets from your mum (Owen)


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