
Advice And Teen Support

Ask @Teensupport365

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I'm 16 and I think I'm bi but I'm scared to admit it:'/

ok think about this:
Who do you see yourself in a relationship with?
Would you go out with boys?
Would you go out with girls?
If/when you are old enough would you have sex with girls?
Would you have sex with boys?
Do you picture yourself marrying a boy?
Do you picture yourself marrying a girl?
Have you ever fancied girls?
Have you ever fancied boys?
Do you fancy any girls at the moment?
Do you fancy any boys at the moment?
Which gender do you find yourself crushing on most?
When was the last time you fancied/went out with a girl?
When was the last time you fancied/went out with a boy?
Are you sure it's attraction and not admiration you feel for girls?
Are you sure it's attraction not admiration you feel for boys?
Which gender do you prefer?
Hopefully your answers will help you figure out to some extent what sexuality you are
Also there is no shame in admitting who you are so there is no need to be scared. But don't come out until you know yourself and are ready for other people to know xx
Bryony xxx

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He's not always drunk but normally by the time I get home from school he is and in the morning he's either passed out or not there...

As said, I suggest you go live with someone else, or get someone to look after you when he's not there/is drunk x

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they are good friends its just they think I should go with an adult. but still

They probably just don't understand what you're going through

I'm 14 but I would but I have very low self esteem and really self conscious. I've asked my friends but they won't come with me x

They're not very good friends then are they? And you can book an appointment, I know its scary in doctors, and I'm the same; but it will boost you up! :) x

My family have oretty much given up on him at this point but I still want to help him :/ I don't know what to do!

I know its gonna be hard sweetie, but if no-one else is willing to help there isn't much you can do. Doctors and groups help with alcoholics, but your dad would dis-like that very much. So my advice would be to live with someone else to stop the verbal abuse.. Is he always drunk?xx

thanks but they won't take me to the doctors as they don't think I have an ed. I just feel so much pressure

You can book yourself an appointment, how old are you?

My dad's an alcoholic. I've been trying to get him to stop for years but when I try to get through to him he pushes me calls me names, says he wishes I'd never been born and once he hit me. I still love him but I don't know what to do anymore :( I'm a 14 year old girl btw...

That's the alcohol talking sweetie, do not believe him! He needs support, is there anyone like an. Aunt or uncle who can help?

I think I have an ed. I didn't used to eat lunch everyday and I would make myself sick. I got help from teachers and started eating properly but I still feel sick. my parents know but they won't take me to the doctors. my friend thinks I'm fine but I'm worried. by the way I'm a 14 girl and lost over

Your parents would be best to take you to a doctor. But if you're still recovering from a ED, you're bound to feel ill/sick when you eat. My advice would be try to slowly build yourself up on food and whether you feel sick or not, do not make yourself throw up. Its gonna be hard, but I'm here for you sweetie xx

i get really jealous of my friends and i always think that they talk about me but i know that they dont. I just get really annoyed because one day one of my friends will act like we're best friends but they next day totally hate me. please help

Have you asked her why she's doing this? And why are you jealous? Sadly, girls are VERY bitchy and will talk about everyone and anyone behind their back. So, there is a 50/50% you're right. But talk to them, ask them if they've ever said anything behind your back, see what they say x

Guys I won't be on much today because a) I'm going out with one of my friends for a bit and b) I'm feeling emotional because I'm watching klaine stuff and the break up still makes me cry for hours on end so I will be in no fit state to give advice *feels*

Advice And Teen Support
*dying* </3 :'(
Bryony x

What you're doing is incredible. Thank you for caring about us. Have a wonderful day. xxoo

Thank you xx

I used your advice and came out! I feel so much better thank you so much! (Everyone)

You're welcome and well done xxx how did it go?
Bryony xxxxx

hi erm.this has took me alot of thinking to ask you this but here it goes. i was walking my dog through my local park last week and it wasnt that dark it was only about 6:10 but i walked past this man who looked about 20 and i smiled but once he passed me he grabbed me from behind and raped me(CONT)

Answered x

i was so scared, he let my dog go too so when my dog arrived home alone my mam and dad called the police because they thought i was missing. but i arrived home an hour and 45 mins later when 6 police cars were in the street. i told everyone i fell and injured myself because i didnt want to tell(CONT


so it has been a week and i havent told anyone about my rape story, any advice please?? :(

Hun, I know that it will be hard for you but you need to tell somebody as soon as possible. This is very serious and you need to tell your parents or the police. It will be hard but you've just got to be brave and tell them what happened xxxxxxx
Bryony x

i cant, its not up to me to do that its the school and every one doesnt want the girls to play theirs like a few that do but not enough so they wont let me start on e

Never know.. Do you do a school council thing at your school?

what does idle mean ?

(In Owen's words)
"Online but not necessarily at my computer, basically I'm constantly on and offline on here"


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