
Advice And Teen Support

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Thanks :) but no I would never cut. NEVER. I super scared of knifes and blades. I dunno I just feel like I don't fit in at all

No-one fits in,we're all unique :)<3

I use to do self harm. I mean I never cut cuz I'm terrified of sharp objects. I use to do the eraser game and I promised my friends that I would never do it again but I mean life is so hard and I feel so alone

I'm here sweetie, you're never alone. Why do you feel the need to cut?:(

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Pippa -Will u copy and paste off google what an organs is please. But don't send a link. I'm really interested to see Wat it is

"A climax of sexual excitement, characterized by pleasure centered in the genitals and (in men) accompanied by ejaculation" x

i red what you said could i talk to you privertky? bry?

Yeah but my replies may be slow because my friend is in a bad place right now and I need to help her too x

any chance of me becoming an admin?, i know what everyone feels like, ive been through it& used to have counselling so yeah, dont worry if i cant. Just a thought? xx

First you're on anon so we can't get back to you properly. Second; we already have loads of people asking to be xx

I find it really hard to open up to peple about ehats going on in my life what shall I do I wanna talk to a griend about whats goin on but its so hard

When I can't say stuff to someones face, I usuallly get notes on my phone while I'm with them and write what I wanna say, give it to them and see what they say x

fed up of being single:'( i need someone..im afraid i'll never find anyone as im shy,awkward,ugly,quiet,fat.. everything:( :'(. help?

You're not all those things! You'll find someone one day who will see you for who you are,and that is perfect.

I dont knoe how to speak up about self harming and what can any1 really do for me

They can talk to you and help you get to the bottom of why you're doing it and help you to stop. They can convince you to stop harming yourself or direct you to someone who can. All you need to do is tell someone xx

I never feel wanted because I slways think I m not good emough andbcompare myself to other people qalll thr time

Listen to me, you are always good enough! Stop comparing yourself to other people. You are just as good as them. Just believe in yourself x

How come you dont answer all the q's?x

I'm sorry I have the attention span of a five year old. I keep turning back to watch the tv and forgetting what I was doing xxx sorry guys x
Bryony x

These girls in my friendship group think I hate them hut I dont what shall I do

Why do they think that?
Bry x

why are you doing links as answers? its better as typed because it shows you care and take the effort and time..... and other reasons

We put links if we think that's the best way to explain it or if we do t know how to answer. Most of the time you'll find we don't put links x
Bry x

i have a computer addiction - always on facebook. what can i do instead? entertainment for a girl

Play an instrument
Watch tv
Go out with friends
There's lots of things you can do x
Bryony x


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