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What's an orgasm?

"A climax of sexual excitement, characterized by pleasure centered in the genitals and (in men) accompanied by ejaculation"
Liked by: Ashlei Allen

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IT BLEEDS THE FIRST TIME?? What about when you get your period?.. It bleeds when you get it though..

It usually bleeds the first time,and what about it? They'll just be twice as much blood x

Haha yeah, there are really stupid ones, it's like, do you're actually except people to believe that? Wow.

The Child Of Satan.
ikr. and then when people do believe the stupid ones it's like *facepalm* and sometimes if it's really stupid you're just there like *facedesk* but I fail at facedesking because I;m so tall that I can't reach the desk... anyway I'm off to sleep now before I pass out from exhaustion. Night xxx

Same! There stupid, pointless, make people believe lies, made up, people change there perception of you, pointless (I said that twice because it deserves to need said twice, rumors are extra pointless...) xx

The Child Of Satan.
agreed. although I enjoy hearing them just to hear how stupid they get

Ya I know I should ignore them but it's pretty hard when they keep on asking you

You could just block them? x

I mean like everyone is asking me if I'm depressed. I keep telling them I'm not but they still think I am

Just ignore them if you know you're not then that's what matters x

Yeah, I knew charlotte Jones, but she left and I'm not sure why :( she was so lovely though!! & THANK YOU!!<3 xx

The Child Of Satan.
she left because she has loads of friends here I think. I don't really have an opinion of her because I've never really spoken to her. I generally don't talk to any of the popular people x

its ok ill google it thanks who ever this is :`)

It's Bry but effort to put my name. And no problem, hope I helped xx

can they like give you any thing to calm you down and shizzles?

I think so but I think You have to be a certain age. Not sure how old sorry x

really? i scare my self at how aggressive i get sometimes feel like i could kill, why what do you have if u dm me asking?

I have the same problem as you. anger issues. But I refused to let them help me although they wanted to because I was in denial x

ive been their they do fuck all about it :L

It was the same for me but you have to keep going back until they realise how serious it is and actually help you x

Awrh :( that sucks :( it snowed when we were there and I enjoyed it :D

The Child Of Satan.
It snowed a bit while we were doing the high ropes and I was so cold that I ended up wearing 2 jumpers and my teachers coat. I think I know a few people from st joe's who went to my primary. Do you know Chloe Norton or Chris Mills?

im a really angry person propper aggressive and every thing im 16 and when i was 11 ish i used to batter my mum im not prod of it but i cant help being aggressive how can i stop?

honestly I think the best way to deal with it is to see a doctor about it and he may be able to work out why you do it and may be able to get you to stop xxx

Awrh :( I enjoyed it! I WENT in February, round about 20th or something, with st Joseph's, wbu? X

I was meant to go January But because of the snow it was postponed until march 8th with Bassaleg. The only reason I didn't like it was because it was freezing and only one of my friends actually spoke to me for most of the trip and we sat on our own every meal and she kept criticising me and having a go at me so yeah it was kinda depressing...

it is killing me i was nearly crying the other day!! what do you think it could be like idek but my mum thinks its stress could it be?

I'm not a doctor so I don't know what it is. It may be stress but like I said you should see a doctor asap x

no its not my boobs its my ribs but then when i breath it like goes inbatween my boobs....does that make sence its like a band round my ribs thats getting tighter and can i get one a emergance app? could it be something bad?

If it's as painful as you say then it will be worth getting an emergency apointment just in case xxx


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