
Advice And Teen Support

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im 14 im not interested in boys but im not interested in girls either is this normal

Any sexual orientation is normal and there are others out there that are the same as you in this situation (Owen)

Bry, im NOT trying to be nosey of anything i promise! But i was just wondering how/when did you know you are/were bi? XOX

I don't know really, I mean ever since about year 6 I was kinda attracted to girls although I didn't know what bisexual was at the time. I was always trying to convince myself I like guys and only guys (I have nothing against being bi or anything but I don't think my parents would be thrilled). But since then I've always found myself being attracted to girls and eventually around a year and a half, maybe two years I just accepted the fact that I'm bi
Bry x

Me too! I loved it<3 but I never have time to read the book :(

Should be the same as the book without the obvious fact there's more detail in the book shouldn't it? (Owen)

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So it wasn't a 'tongue I'm tongue' type of kiss? And have u had one of those yet? X

Indeed :) x

P) it doesnt bother me tbh haha sounds bad i know but it doesnt :L but im talking to her now and she seems upset :(

Ask her what's up?

How pathetic do you have to be to self-harm? Putting your own life at risk and potentially causing a burden to those around you as well as public services if it goes wrong, all for a bit of attention. It genuinely makes me depressed how pathetic some people are like that, so selfish.

Ok I am about to go full rant on you. And people don't like me when I go full rant.
Self harm is pathetic is it? NO!
To think that people feel so low about something or hate themselves so much that they feel the need to cause physical pain to themselves is horrible. How is it selfish? They are doing it because they feel it is the only way they can be happy or they feel they need to be punished or they are suicidal. That is not selfish!!! They are not pathetic. In fact they are so strong! Especially the people who have recovered from self harm. You however, are very pathetic and people like you genuinly make me sick and make me ask "what is wrong with the world?" People who self harm are not pathetic or selfish, they are stronger than you will ever be.
Oh and I used to self harm too. You came to the wrong place to say that. Idiot.

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p) we have beeen talking and im not uncomftable with what shes saying to me like, every thing i like she likes its wierd haha but yeah idk if she likes me and shes just saying that stuff to show off because im a year older than her !! confused

How old are you both?

I was getting loads of hate on my ill ask.fm account about being a disgusting cutter and at that time it started about a week ago I was cutting but now its gotten worse and I can't stop. no one except my best friends know that I'm doing it and someone told the teachers at my school. what do I do?

It can be a good thing teachers know, they can get help for you. So you are being bullied?

I have to read a whole novel by tomorrow and I haven't started, I don't want to read it thoo :'( can you do it for me? :D

Yeah okay (Owen)

im 14 i hate myself so much i can't stand the site of myself im so depressed i use to get bullied for the way i look and i self harm i dont know what to do

You self-harm because you used to get bullied? Ok, right. Those bullies are pathetic. You are perfect and whatever they say is untrue because you are unique. Bullies are all the same, pathetic low-lives and they should be punished for what they do. I'm always here! Stay strong <3

I havnt kissed a boy. I'm 12 and all my friends have. I feel really low

Don't sweetie, I didn't kiss someone until this time last year. I'm 13, going on 14. It'll come when it does, do not rush it x

cont) licked out and fingering my friend i dont know if its the truth or a lie but i do kinda really like her shes relly cute we have ony being talking for like 2 days what should i do?

I got told I'm a lowlife cos I never had a girlfriend so my question is that am I a lowlife cos i never had a girlfriend? I'm 15 btw

No, you're not a low life, whoever said that needs to grow up don't listen to them (Owen)
Liked by: Reece Gleed Ellis

Hey, I know you're probably not looking for another admin, but I'm a recovering self harmer so I could really help with what you're doing.. I'd love to help too, I don't want other people to go through the same thing that I did.. I think it's amazing what you're doing <3

I think we're still looking for a male admin (Owen)

vr-ive been talking to this girl on skype and here,im starting to like her but i dont know if she likes me..she was sending me porn links on here and she cales me babe and says im sexy basically i dont know id she likes me its wierd tbh when i asked her what she was doing she was like getting (cont)


B) im gay and i dont know how to come out to my mum, ive started to with my friends but my mum will flip please tell me how to tell her but break it to her gentally ?

(this is going to sound slightly hypocritical as I have not yet told my parents that I'm bi)
She is your mum so she should love you no matter what!
Make sure she is in a GOOD mood and that it is just the two of you there when you tell her.
Say this to her:
"Mum, I need to tell you something and before I do just remember I'm still the same person..."
"I'm gay but I'm still me and I just want you to accept who I am"
Bry xx

Hiya, I'm the 13 year old from below. I don't know what area to rub or finger. I don't even know how to do it? Please don't send a link, copy and paste if u need to please :-)

From what I've read, you put your finger inbetween and rub around? I'm not sure what it says x


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