
Advice And Teen Support

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no i havent it doesnt bother me shes cute

Oh ok what's the problem then? Although remember sexting is technically illegal x

Okay thank you! What would you like to have as a nice surprise, maybe present wise and maybe a text to cheer you up?x

A random text saying you love her or some flowers or chocolates. That would cheer me up if it were me x

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b0 me talking to this girl and then she started talking to me on ask.fm sending me porn links and she added me on skype and shes liike sexting me

Have you tried telling her to stop? Or maybe blocking her? x

I drank my own piss yesterday,tasted quite nice:')Any harm in that?

If this is serious then no there is no harm in it as drinking urine has been proven to be very healthy

(b) so hat girl from the other day is still talking to me but shes sexting me, and sending me pern links on my ask.fm haha idk what to say or do help please

Sorry what's this from again? I have a crappy memory x

hey sorry me again it's the 'hard to get' one :P

Oh right. Yeah it's pretty much the same for a boy xx

theres this boy i like in my class. we have had some bad past but we are past that now and friends :) i told him i loved him and got my friend to ask him what his reaction would be if i asked him out and he said he would probably say no... what should i do? i always fail to find the right guy... :'(

You can't help that if he'd say no because he does have a choice so you'll have to just accept that he doesn't like you that way. And dw Hun because some day you will find the right guy who loves you as much as you love him xx

(Carry on from the the answered about my gf having sadness)- I want to be there for her, but she never opens up to me an feels like she's annoying me and I tell her she's not but he still thinks that and I don't know how to show/ tell her?

Just tell her you love her and no matter what you'll be there for her and that she can tell you everything. But don't make her open up. It's her choice if she wants to tell you x

Cyber Bullying does not exist,because if someone is bothering you online,all you have to do is block them,problem solved.but if someone at your school is doing it,then it is different,if someone you do not know is bothering you,you block them right

You can block them but not on everything. And it still exists because they are bullying somebody over the Internet

ah thank you :D what kind of flirting might she do? I'm kinda new to all this :)

Different people flirt in different ways. Usually they will compliment you a lot and they will joke around with you and when you're complimenting them they'll probably be like "aw stop it". That kind of thing x

um i have quite big boobs and every bra i buy is to big

Have you thought of getting your breasts measured so you know what size you need to buy?

How do you know if a girl you like is playing hard to get, or genuinely interested in you, without asking her directly? :)

It can be quite hard to tell the difference between playing hard to get and just generally not interested but normally of she's playing hard to get then its likely she'll flirt with you x
Bry x

what if u love your boyfriend, but at the same time you think it's best if you both break up but you want to remain friends?

If you think it's for the best then do so but make sure you tell him you still love him and explain why you are breaking up with him x
Bryony x

im insecure about my chest,i have no boobs :(

Most girls have this insecurity but everybody grows at their own rate so just be patient x
Bry xx

i want to get help so i can stop cutting, but i don't want my family to find out, what can i do?

Well you could see your school counsellor or go to see your GP. Both are obliged to keep it confidential unless you are putting yourself or someone else at risk. I went to see my GP without my parents and after talking to her and just letting out how I felt it made me feel so much better. And your friends can help you too. My friends were there for me every step of the way until they finally got me to stop xxx
Bry x


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