
Advice And Teen Support

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I'm as fat as 5 pigs. How much exercise should I do? It should be in the hours right? like all night?

I doubt that! And 30 minutes to 1 hour a day. If you're trying to lose weight, eat 5 fruits&veg a day x

Pippa-was it an inappropriate answer or something?

Basically, he sent 2 hate messages off anon on our page, it gives us a bad self-image. And he wasn't on for a few days etc x

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Me and my girl friend have been getting along so well. Some people just want up to slit apart and we are still going strong . Any advice ? :)

Just don't listen to those people. If you're happy together then why should it matter what others say? It's your relationship not theirs.
Bry xxx

Every so often, I get tempted to cut. I cant control myself. I am 14 and I dont know what to do, or who to turn to. My cuts aren't that deep, but each time I go down into my skin more and more. My parents dont know about this. Only my closest friends. Please help.

That's what we're here for! :) why do you feel the need to cut hun?xx

Owen---> if something came up would you at least give her a quick goodbye text?

Yeah I'd say brb (Owen)


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