
Advice And Teen Support

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yeah they are like really noticable, what am i going to do? some of the teachers know i self harm but, to get out of the lesson i need a note of my pe teacher and they wont give me one :`( basically im screwed xx:(

Have you told anyone you self-harm? xxx

ive tried foundation and it doesnt cover them peopperly :`( and i have pe tomorrow bio oil wont work that quick :( what should i do ?? xx

Are they noticeable even with the foundation on it? xxx

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Is it all okay in the end? I'm 13 and i cut and i have so many scars and i wanna know if it's okay will anyone ever love me with all these scars?

There will always be people out there that will hate self-harmers. But you'll find the perfect person&they'll realise that you are perfect and the scars are a sign that you've been hurting xx

(P) urgent answer please ?? well i am covered in scars and i missed pe every week because i was on a corse and now they have changed it so i have pe on a tuesday and not monday :O what am i going to do i cant do pe because im covered in scars and cuts HELP

Use foundation on the cuts, but bio-oil is good for scars xx

I'm 13 and have depression over my mother she's blames my father though I conostaly look for a boyfriend so someone will tell me they love me please reply back<3 I need advice I've always thought about killing myself I have no way out by the way she treating me

Why does she blame your father? And I love you! I love everyone! :) and killing yourself isn't the way out hun, believe me. I'm here for you!<3

Hey I've had depression for a while now and I don't know what to do and I can't talk to anyone about it. And lately my thoughts have turned suicidal and I feel like there's no way out.

There's always a light at the end of an alley. You just need to push to get to the light, while you're in the alley, bad things come to you and challenge you. But you don't need to be there. Push forward to the light, there's always a way out. And try and go to a doctor?xx

i really love this boy who can i found out if he really loves me

Just ask him how he feels about you (Owen)

basicly theres this boy i really likr him and i think he likejs me coz he is alawys looking at me he says he hates me but he talkes to me all the time plz help

Reverse physiology.. He seems as if he likes you, but can't seem to tell you. xx

I can't give any sport up because I play for school and they need a catcher puls I play travel meaning I have to play rec then I get texts everyday wante to hang out but I have homework so I do homework after I hang out with them so I'm done homework around 2 every morning

You can't keep doing that, wait for a Saturday or Sunday to hang out with your friends?

does every couple go through a stage in their relationship where they are super awkward around each other and they don't really know what to say? And if so how do they get over it?

Some do, some don't & try talking more, being confident in what you say x

How do you handle the stress of three different sports teams, school,homework and friends wanting to hang out???

Could you try giving up one? Your homework&school are extremley important, everything else comes after x

I be perfect when im not fat

You are perfect, no matter what you look like. "Its a persons personality someone falls in love with, not their image." <3


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