
Advice And Teen Support

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how should I start a conversation with a guy I've been crushing on?

Start it exactly like any other conversation! If you show you're attracted too him too early on, he probably won't be interested! So start it off like a normal conversation, and don't give any details away (Until YOU feel it's ready) that you like him! - Jake

Thankyou Jake and if you need to ask qs back when answering just do so -

Will do! I have been left with 15 to answer, so gotta get through them all - Jake

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how can I get rid of acne? I mean I got lightly acne for more than 5 years.. (I'm a boy 18 years old) I tried a lot of products but they only do small difference for a specific time.. What can I do?

Honestly? Go to your GP, they can prescribe you some special cream (I use it) which literally does just get rid of them all! It's amazing - Jake

If masturbate, can make your body looks skinnier?

Not look skinnier, but it is a form of exercise... not recommended to do it to lose weight though - Jake

pls answer the ones with a - at the end of them.. I need to talk they are about a bout a boy. .

Okay, hang on! - Jake

well you can't see me so you can't say I'm perfect

You aren't being horrible? You've only been nice, so i can only judge on what I have seen so far :) - Jake

aw Thankyou Pippa I'm not perfect nor amazing though that's just you xx

You are perfect, whether you believe it or not.
I'm not, but I do try ;) haha xx

what a boy has to do to take care of his appearance?

There are a few things a boy can do to help his appearance, for example if you have really long hair you could cut it short or too a length that suits you, you could also start exercising more, it doesn't even need to be hard exercises, it could just be something simple like going for a run once or twice a week. You could also start trying to boost your confidence by doing little exercises by standing in front of a mirror and naming 3 things you like about yourself. With this, you lift yourself up.
Hope this helps :)

Heya hunni ok so im petrified of putting in tampons but im a swimmer! Is it okay if my friend puts it in for me, weve read all the leaflets and i know he'll wash his hands first and be gentle? Xxxx

Hey lovely.
I can honestly say, it's better doing it yourself because you can learn how to do it. You'll need to, specially if you're a swimmer. Good luck xxx

Pippa is an amazing person - Pippa must answer this.

Aww. Thank you. You're amazing and perfect. Never let anyone tell you different!

I'm so, so, so afraid of rats! I mean I can faint to the appearance of one.. even when someone talks about them I feel scared. How can I get over this?

If you start to think of them or even see one think of something else. Close your eyes and take 3 deep breathes and think of another animal.
-Jackie <3

I feel like I want sex but I'm only 14. There is a girl I've met and she wants to. What should I do?

If your questioning it... Don't do it. You should be 100% ready and it should be with someone you love. Not someone you want
-Jackie <3

any advice for anyone going into freshman year?

Relax and join every club/ team you can and make sure you do your homework and smile at people! It will be okay... :)
-Jackie <3

im still hung up on my ex... we went ourlt for like a year and then all of a sudden she just didn't want to be with me anymore. I did nothing wrong. I gave her my life. everything I had. she was my entire focus over anything. but I cant stop thinking about her and now she wont talk to me. pleas help

Literally same... I dated this boy for almost a year and one day he was done with me and now he wants nothing to do with me. And honestly, it hurts and I'm sorry your going through this but your not alone. If you want to kik me please do! But what I did was burned everything that had to do with me ex and deleted the number and tried to move on... Honestly. She's not worth it. And you can do better. I know it hurts but everything will be okay. Kik me if you need to talk about it. I would be more then happy to talk about this. (Kik:jjboof12)
-Jackie <3

Jackie what's ur story

I'll make this short
I grew up spoiled
I started cheerleading at 3 years old
I lied a lot as a child
I was "lightly" bullied in 3-5 grade
I was confused with my friends. I didn't fit in or have a "group"
I moved in 6th grade
I had an eating disorder and self harmed in 7th grade
I fell in love in 8th grade but was also diagnosed with depression
I was still a cheerleader. (Captain) I was happy when I cheered.
I'm now over 8 months clean of self harm. I've been healthy for over a year and my friends are my life. And I love my family... Some girls and my grade are bitches but I get over it. Lol
I'm hoping things get better because I'm not in a good "mood" lately. But it will be okay :) because everything is okay in the end, so if it's not okay now, it's not the end.


I've been at softball for like 6 days and also in my pool and at parties!!! I'm so sorry! I'm back now!!
-Jackie <3

(I'm the guy who's into that 24 year old girl) Uhm yeah but I think I have a social problem to keep my conversations long without starting saying silly things.. What I should talk about with her?

The main tip, don't think about it too much! If you start thinking and planning, it makes it awkward. If you wanna keep the conversation going, either say to her, tell me about yourself? Or you can always say the usual, doing much over summer? And then when just expand on what she says, like if she says, shes going to a party, say.. do you go to parties a lot? Just expand the chat, makes it less awkward :P But DON'T overdo this though! - Jake

There is a girl I know that is selling her body to grown men and she's only 15. Can you chat to her on Kik please. I'll tell you it on a different question but don't answer it

The kik you gave us is wrong, send it again and i'll have a chat - Jake

How to tell me 20 year old sister to get a job already and leave the house

Just say that your parent/carers aren't gonna be able to provide for you forever, and one day they will kick you out as you're not providing -Jake

My boyfriend does shisha but I want him to stop. It hurts me that's he doing it, I've told him how I've felt about it & he says he only sometimes does it... So he thinks I'm fine about it... What should I do?

Honestly? Just say to him you find it horrible and you hate how he is killing himself by doing it, and just say to him how it hurts you, and hopefully he'll stop for you? - Jake

Im home sick :( like not flue. I miss my home town, all of my family is there :( </3

Sounds like you've moved recently? I moved a few years back.. it can be hard, very hard.. just gotta remember that this is the next stage of your life.. in s few years time you will be in another stage.. and one day, you may move back to your hometown if thats what you want? -Jake


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