
Advice And Teen Support

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but he always says this stuff. is it bad that i want too .... like i actually like him but he would most likely like me only sexally. (guy bestfriend problems) <--- i'll write this so you know it's me.

^i don't understand x

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Pippa i'm the girl with the guy bestfriend problem and you asked how old we were i'm 14.

Ah, okay. As hormones are just kicking in, he will say stuff about having sex. But its illegal. xx

I didn't mean too . I just can't deal with this shit....goodbye

Hun,talk to me! Its ok, I'm here xx

How do you make the first move to kiss someone that you're so shy around you hardly speak face to face?

My advice is, try talking to them more face to face. If not, wait for the right kind of moment/atmosphere xx

They told people I talk about them....I do but like I thought they were my BFF's , now everybody turned on me

Why be two-fanced then?
And friends always do tha

Porn it is then :(

Sorry I couldn't be more of a help. If you were 18, I was gonna suggest going to a night-club, getting drunk then having sex. But yeah x

I'm 16 I already told you

Right, so you're legal. Hun, there's nothing else you can do besides masturbate and watch porn unless you find a willing girl to have sex with you x

But I'm already addicted to masturbation any and watching porn any new ideas ?!

How old are you may I ask?

I really like pippa and Owen but I feel like bry doesn't do that much

Okay,thankyou sweetie. :)
Bry doesn't do much because she has school&is going on a camping trip so won't be on this weekend.x

I am addicted to masturbation I want to have sex help me please

Unless you find someone willing to have sex with you, you can't. Masturbation&watching porn may help?
Liked by: Mimi Scarlett

Soo, Theres this new girl and she doesnt like me kinda, and she takes my friends away from me and when im with them she like talks about stuff I dont know about and laugh and giggle as if im not there i and hate it what do i do? especially when i talk they ignore me,

Have you told them about how you feel?

I have an unnatural like for vaginas thats getting to rough. Like last week, i almost tore off a girls shorts. PLEASE HELP ME ;(

Girl or boy?
Liked by: Ashlei Allen

Everybody hates me.....my friends betrayed me. I feel worthless

What did they do hun? And trust me, you will never be "worthless" <3

I am 16 , I feel horny all the time I really wish I can have sex and I don't know how to get a girl to do it with me I'm so desprate please help

Have you tried masturbation?

Right, I have a favour for you all.. I want to know what you like about the advice site and give your opinions on the admins. Please take time to do this as it would mean a lot to us all. We will delete your questions afterwards unless you put in brackets you don't mind it being posted :)

Thanks again, night. <3

I think i'm inlove with my guy bestfriend ...i would love to kiss him and i know we'd never go out but we flirt alot. He says stuff about how he loves my body and would have sex with me and he loves me and the next day we're like brother and sisters.It gets to me because i actually like him

How old are you? And tell him, he might actually feel the same x

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

With a shower?=an hour
Without and I've just woke up=40 minutes
Without and I've been awake ages but only just got ready=20 minutes

Who created the page? Like who's the original admin? I adore this page you guys are amazing xx

Bry is (Owen)

Sorry I haven't been on much lately I've just been really busy with homework and packing and shizz. I won't be on at all this weekend because I'm going to north Wales with the school and won't have any signal xxx

Advice And Teen Support
Bryony xxxxxxx


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