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I'm 18 years old (boy) and I'm really into a girl who's 24 years old? How can I approach her? We both take cooking lessons every Monday and we talk sometimes.. We only know each other for 2 weeks

Well, you say we talk sometimes, why not make that sometimes, a bit more often? Get to know her through cooking lessons, and then ONCE you feel you two are close enough (And you realise she enjoys spending time with you) ask her just to hang out some time! - Jake

Hello there, this is a message to everyone I'm following!! <3 : As u all probably know, I'm an advice page & I'm here to help anyone & everyone. I would really appreciate it if people could share my account and ask q's. Thank you & stay strong! I'm always here to help you! ;o) >^.^< <3. ~❤️Hanna❤️~

Here For You :)
- Jake
Liked by: Here For You :)

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How to get rid of shiny/oily skin?

Use face wipes, I use clearasil wipes which helps a huge amount!! -Jake

Jake whats ur story

My Story? Well, honestly? I don't have much of a story at all really.. Got bullied a small amount in year 7/8, but nothing major really to be honest. 95% of the questions I answer, I have no previous experience on, I got recruited for my passion for helping others, and some of the questions are just either "What I'd do" or common sense, or now, from what I've learnt over the past year. I use these to give the best answer I can, If it isn't good enough I apologise. I only wish to help - Jake

My best friend is moving schools and I want to go and visit him (I'm a girl) but my mum won't let me meet up with him or go and visit him because he's not 'suitable' I've spoken to her about it, but she doesn't listen. He's been there with me through everything, I don't know what to do ):

Explain to your mum how much you'll miss him, how much he means of you, etc. and if she still Doesent let you try to meet up with him at a different place. Etc. mall, movie theater, zoo, etc. and hang out there. :) it will be okay
-Jackie <3
Liked by: EDEN

I'm 13. I failed 8th grade,I got an F in English. I haven't told my parents yet,and if I do,I will probably get grounded for like 6 months... What should I do?

It's best if you just come out and say it... Better now then later. It will be okay. I'm here if you want to talk. :)
-Jackie <3
Liked by: LizzieeMellor✔

My bf is bipolar, one minute hes happy and enjoys my company then he acts sad and serious, ik there's no cure for bipolar but how can I cheer him up and let him know i won't ever leave him? :c

My ex was kinda like this. I told him to close his eyes and take 3 deep breathes. Then if he's still upset or sad kiss him and pull away and tell him no matter what. You're here for him and love him, etc
-Jackie <3

Ah i'm almost straight East of Birmingham then:') Northampton?

I think thats not too far from Pippa, but still about an hour from me - Jake

Aww:') i'm sure you don't, just not good with people & you'll most likely not want to talk to me once you see me

I don't judge on looks - Jake
Liked by: #toomuchsweg

Oo close then:') idk if i'm north of south East Midlands aha

Look on a map :P Birmingham is about central midlands - Jake

Aw thank you:') even though you haven't seen me;)

I'm always on kik or bbm if you want a chat :) - Jake


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