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(a) hey we talk a while back about a me being bisexual and coming out and YOUR RIGHT! it worked so much so I just came back to say talk you so much now everyone knows and life couldn't be easier and I'm probably hooking up with some girl :D thank you so much alex xxxxxxxxx

He's not on here anymore xxxx

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Why is it not the way P? things won't get better for me. im too negative.

Wanna talk privately hun?xx

I am though, been through so much shit in my life that i love speaking negatively about myself and yes, I love them. so I don't care if I get hurt

I know sweetie, but its not the way x

Is there difference between suicidal and suicidal thoughts then?<3

yeah suicidal thoughts is just the thought. a suicidal person could have lots of these thoughts and put them into practice (owen)

What does 'suicidal' and suicidal thoughts mean?

suicidal is someone who has regular suicidal thoughts and suicidal thoughts is thinking of killing yourself (owen)

I've already shared it once but I got told to share it around? You don't have to xx

its okay :) (owen)

Why? If I hurt my hands it might take away from the pain of the other thing

Or break your hand, trust me. Its not worth it x

Is there anyone non judgemental and can understand that i can talk to not over ask? X

I'm here sweetie :) I wot judge you and you can talk to me on kik or bbm?xx

This status make me sad, what should I do? take my anger out on a punchbag?

As long as you're wearing gloves, its a good idea x

(P) I wasn't old enough to remember this at the time as I was only 6 but I would have loved a little sister so much! If she was here today she would have been 15/16. R.I.P Sis! Loveyouuuu so much! hope the angels are taking good care of you! ♥ Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

That's so sweet:')xxxxxx

(P) Not a lot gets to me but this did. I was talking to someone and it made me think about my little sister who died when she was young, but I didn't realise how young she did die. I was talking to my mum about this and she told me Gabriella was still born....


people are giving me hate, and my way of letting it out is burning. im burning myself, lets more pain out... and it stings for days after.hopefully now i'll stop being such an idiot and bring the hate upon myself:(

No sweetie, please don't keep doing it :( x

Can I tell you my facebook status that's got twanged my heart so much so that im a bit upset atm!

Yeah x

Hey, I'm someone trying to get recognised online a bit more, would you mind following/subbing me on Facebook? I know you'll most likely say no, but thanks if you do :) https://www.facebook.com/blazwura x (sorry if I've already asked you this)

Personally I'm not going to, but I'll share this message for the followers (Owen)

i think he knows how i feel but i know he wouldnt go out with me we ae too close of friends

Point still stands, try it x


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