
Advice And Teen Support

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I know inside that i'm bi but that's my biggest secret. Only 3 of my friends know, and they live far away from me and don't know my main friend group. I'm too scared to be myself tbh because everyone is so damn judgemental! I wish i didn't have this cloud constantly hanging over me.

I know this can be hard but you don't even have to tell anyone if you don't want to. It took me about a year to tell someone. If some people already know then that's actually helpful. For me when I told someone it felt like a big weight lifted off my back. But you don't have to tell everyone until you're ready. Or at all if you don't want to. It's not like its their business. And stuff what the haters think. It's your life and your sexuality makes absolutely no impact on their life nor does it make you a bad person. It doesn't change your personality. Also judging from my own experience, I don't know whether you're a boy or girl but I get next to no hate. Girls tend to get less hate for it. Boys get a bit more but they don't even get that much. My friend is gay and he gets some rude and homophobic comments but its not much. It might be hard but you've just got to ignore it
Bry xx

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Things seem to get slightly brighter, then all of a sudden everything is shit again u_u It's bullcrap >_>

Never will be!

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Said ive done something wrong and wont tell me what! :(((( Tears just keep falling

Keep smiling sunshine, rainy days with be over soon :)

because my friend had put me through so much pain tonight, i cant even think straight!!!!!! Urggggggg! :(

What has she done?

(P) any time ill just message and wait till you reply :)

I'll be on at 11 if that helps? Sweet dreams hunny <3

i cant calm down though, she wont tell me all i can only think of is bad things....thats ever happened in my life, it feels like its over :(

Its not over hun, its only just beginning!

(P) yeah haha i know but thay rae like pissing me off saying go and stuff idek going bed im tired :( will u be on tomorrow??

Yeah, gimme a time to be on?

(P) nope i dont think i need to go but at least 4 or 5 people ssid i should go and shit

And shit? And its your choice, they technically can't make you x

Because. I dont know why i cant stay strong. I just dont have any will power to do it. :(

Think happy, all the good things in your life. Motivation!

I Cant noing ive done something .....i regret live

Think of all the good things in your life x

(P) they have they did ages ago i dont find out from her i fine out from school

Do you feel you need to go?

(P) my mums boyfriend but they wouldnt address it to him >:/ but urm i dont know she just wont upen up to me unless shes had a drink

That's not good then.. She's gonna need to tell you if the teachers do get in touch with CAHMS

My friend said i done something wrong and won't tell me she knows im having a hard time all ready...i just feel like breaking into tears...

She won't tell you what you did wrong? <3

(P) eah but they wont address it to any one else :L and its not possible she neer talks to me unless its a freindly convo other than that she doesnt want to know i dont think she wont talk to me propperly

No-one else over 18 in the family? And why won't she?

EVERYTHING GONE WRONG TONIGHT!!! Doesn't look like ill b able to sleep omg ! :(

What's happened?<3

(P) but i cant ake her tell me can i? its impossible to talk to her unless shes drunk so :L

How is it "impossible"? And of course not, is there someone else they can address it to?


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